Shake it! Shake all that water off, share all that dirty water with everyone standing close to you..... Cricket calls water sharing love ️ Instagram @fozzcook 758

Doesn't matter what country we are in our kids will always find a buddy!! ️ This is Elvis and we are babysitting him while we are in Australia! And he's gorgeous! Instagram @fozzcook 726

I was invited by the lovely @goldengracekelly to post one of my favorite photos. I just love this one.... Cricket literally stole the floater tube in the pool and with ball in mouth took to just lazily floating in the pool so very relaxed! ....... He just needed a drink with a little umbrella in it and he'd be all set! now if @kimmie_wimmie and @annieohs Wants to join in feel free! ️ Instagram @fozzcook 720

Swimming in the river = Check tongue out = Check Happiest dog alive = Check! Instagram @fozzcook 734

A Video of #tongueouttuesday! Cricket with his cute little tongue and expressive eyes makes me smile every day!!! Hope you all have a great tongue out day too! Instagram @fozzcook 575

The sunlight streaming through the trees was magic in our little faerie forrest! Instagram @fozzcook 638

A New Year, A New Light! ️Friends, I wanted to send heart felt thanks to everyone who visits my page and taps that little heart and writes lovely comments that make my heart grow bigger. I know I often don't answer your comments back but please know every single one of them get read and makes me so very happy ..... Thank-you. My wish for all of you is that 2015 is YOUR best year yet!!! ️️️ Instagram @fozzcook 589

Yum, yum, yum! I have to order some more Petbox and quick those blue boxes are jammed packed with treats and goodies I can't wait till next month!!! (There are so many fabulous deals going at the moment over at getpetbox.com and type in Fozzcook and get an extra 10% off! Woo-hoo! Crickets already ahead of you!! #petbox @petbox Instagram @fozzcook 566

Best️friends️forever️. We are off to Australia in a few hours to visit our families. I will check in on IG when I can. We have a friend live at our house so all the animals are taken care of. We will miss them terribly️️ Instagram @fozzcook 69

Day after Christmas smoosh face! Someone ate and played a little too much!!! ️ Instagram @fozzcook 454

Are they still behind me.........All this using the force, moving things with my mind can be exhausting for a golden retriever .... One more sleep till Santa comes!!!! Woo-hoo!!!! are they still there.... Seriously .... Still there behind me....... Instagram @fozzcook 90

This waiting for Santa is tiring work!!! Instagram @fozzcook 482

Waiting for Santa took all the "force" I could muster - so I called for back up! . - (I will be sending these through in a series till Christmas - keep an eye out for them!!! ) Instagram @fozzcook 518

Here you have the 3 wise men.... Um well.......let's say the 3 happiest men!!! Merry Christmas in 3 more sleeps! Instagram @fozzcook 491

Oh Santa my kids say it's 5 more sleeps to Christmas but for me that's ........ Like 95 sleeps (including all my naps!) I can't wait!! Instagram @fozzcook 735

#throwbackthursday to Cookie Monster (my forever dog) and our youngest son taken by my sweet friend @thegracechon about 5 years ago!! ️️️ Instagram @fozzcook 546

Just a little sweet #tongueouttuesday today and Cricket is in Party mode today .... It's his dad's birthday today and it's only 8 days to Christmas where he can finally get his presents Santa will leave him! ️ Instagram @fozzcook 456

Well this is what Monday morning looks like at our house! Instagram @fozzcook 662

Santas little helpers!! Meet Walter and Gilbert our guinea pigs (our little elves!) what a lot of you may not know as I always post pics of our dogs but we have 18 animals in total!! For years we have been rescuing all types of animals including guinea pigs. From the day we got these particular guinea pigs our boys have been handling them so they are so quite and sweet. They are helping Santa this season!! Instagram @fozzcook 243

Wet nose Wednesday!!! Instagram @fozzcook 436