"Hey Larry, you going to share that buddy?" #larryandcricket ( see tomorrow's photo to see what happens! ) Instagram @fozzcook 907

Why fit in when you were born to stand out?” – Dr. Suess Instagram @fozzcook 1,004

The besties are back!!! #larryandcricket Cricket has missed his #bestfriend as Larry has been in semi hibernation ... Not any more! Woo-hoo! Cricket has his buddy back!!! Let the party begin! #unsualfriendship #butitworks #theoddcouple ️ Instagram @fozzcook 592

I smell spring!!! This is my entry for #SpringSniffN hosted by @operation_sumo @bellalovesbeau @otisthebluefrenchie @michcant @toby_littledude (US) Instagram @fozzcook 910

Welcome to #wetnosewednesday and to Crickets droopy jowls! Instagram @fozzcook 886

Throw your head back and laugh it's #tongueouttuesday Instagram @fozzcook 290

Ugh! Monday again........ Oh wait! I don't have to work! Phew! That was close..... Instagram @fozzcook 635

We heard it was #nationalsiblingday and its almost impossible to get our 18 animals together for a photo so we went with Crickets human siblings!!! Happy Siblings day!!! Instagram @fozzcook 786

Shhhhhh..... Someone is sleeping! Instagram @fozzcook 779

Paddy:- Hey Cricket got your tongue out....I can't see! Cricket :- Sure have its Tuesday after all! Happy #tongueouttuesday Instagram @fozzcook 741

Must collect all the tennis balls I can in my little otter paws .... I spy another one.... Instagram @fozzcook 748

Happy spring, happy Easter everyone! Instagram @fozzcook 952

"Yeah baby!" Crickets doppelgänger is Austin Powers (women love him, men want to be like him..... Cricket is a stud!!! ) for @redbox #Petbox #RedBoxPetBox look alike competition! Instagram @fozzcook 170

Carrying one tennis ball was Sooo last summer! .......It's just what I do!!!! Instagram @fozzcook 696

Feels like an early morning beach day Instagram @fozzcook 487

Feels like an early morning beach day Instagram @fozzcook 487

I believe every golden loves to carry around stuffed teddy bears but for Cricket bigger the better!!! #oldiebutagoodie Instagram @fozzcook 1,112

There is nothing more heartwarming than watching these 2 together ️️ #bestfriends (when you cuddle Cricket he always leans his head in towards yours. Almost to tell you he loves you just that little bit more️) Instagram @fozzcook 875

A smile for your Thursday! Instagram @fozzcook 588

Now this is squish face tongue out Tuesaday ..... Doesn't get much better than that!!! Instagram @fozzcook 1,079