Watch this An oldie but a goodie! A little #tongueouttuesday for you all from a couple of years ago! ️ Instagram @fozzcook 316

Another weekend over the way it started swimming and collecting tennis balls! happy Monday! ️ Instagram @fozzcook 1,139

This is the 3rd photo in the #5dayselfiechallenge ~ this one is Selfie with my bestie! Instagram @fozzcook 629

Wanna snuggle? The 2nd photo in the #5dayselfiechallenge Crickets Sleepy selfie!! now I tag @goldenceramics along with @goldengracekelly to participate..... Only if you want too! Instagram @fozzcook 873

Just a little #tongueouttuesday for you!!! And I was asked by @runchick to participate in the #5dayselfiechallenge so here is my first "Selfie" not bad for Crickets first Selfie!! now if @goldengracekelly and @waffleslego wants to participate... Knock yourselves out! ️ Instagram @fozzcook 780

I think someone is watching me!!! #bestfriends ️ Instagram @fozzcook 547

Happiness is a warm puppy..... Or in this case 2 warm puppies!!! #throwbackthursday to Cricket on the left and his sister in the right! #repost #becauseitstoogoodnottoo ! ️️ Instagram @fozzcook 1,091

Anyone needing some extra skin, fur, fluffiness or even some extra jowls ..... I have plenty to spare!!! Instagram @fozzcook 860

If you are going to do a #tongueouttuesday - I say let's go all in!!!! Dirt, slobber, tongue! Oh yeah!!! Instagram @fozzcook 684

So Monday we meet again! ️ Instagram @fozzcook 254

In this heat wave we have been having there is only one thing a dog can do.... Swim! and yes there is 3 balls in there! P.s - Nothing makes Cricket happier than having 2 or 3 tennis balls in his mouth. But please know we always keep a watchful eye on him with that many tennis balls! Instagram @fozzcook 583

In this heat wave we have been having there is only one thing a dog can do.... Swim! and yes there is 3 balls in there! P.s - Nothing makes Cricket happier than having 2 or 3 tennis balls in his mouth. But please know we always keep a watchful eye on him with that many tennis balls! Instagram @fozzcook 583

#throwbackthursday to Mini Cricket! The kids use to dress him up and he never minded even back then. Maybe he knew it would grow into a team effort and lots of fun! ️ Instagram @fozzcook 847

Friendships come in the form of fluffy or shelled!!! More and more Larry thinks his a dog! #abitoflarryforyourwednesday Instagram @fozzcook 469

Friendships come in the form of fluffy or shelled!!! More and more Larry thinks his a dog! #abitoflarryforyourwednesday Instagram @fozzcook 469

I was tagged by @faye1068 @goldengracekelly and @goldenceramics to see what my last photo on my phone #lastphotoinyourphone and surprise, surprise it was Cricket!! With a little #tongueouttuesday ! ️ now I nominate cute little Bodhi @mydogbodhi and the beautiful @kimmie_wimmie only if you want to Kim! Instagram @fozzcook 605

This is my second entry for @pitterpatterfurryfeet and the close up contest! #BestCloseUpsContest ️ I know some of you have already seen this photo I posted a year ago but it's the closest I have of his cute little nose! Instagram @fozzcook 818

This is my entry for @pitterpatterfurryfeet and the best close up close up contest #BestCloseUpsContest ️ Instagram @fozzcook 362

Why hello down there.... Wanna come up and rub my belly! ️ Instagram @fozzcook 598

Just a little silliness for you all on this Friday!!! trying out the Hyperlapse. ️ Instagram @fozzcook 225