Nothing like a little gossip with a morning up of joe! Snap a pic of your pups with the tag #justsayjoe and @brimcoffee is donating $1 to @americanhumane for every photo! It's a great cause! Instagram @fozzcook 591

My very own #ninjaturtles~meet Larry the tortoise the newest member to our family which makes up the 4th ninja turtle. My very own crime fighting pack! p.s - They all like Pizza too! Larry prefers grass. Instagram @fozzcook 333

Tennis balls make perfectly good nose rests when tired! Instagram @fozzcook 816

A bear, however hard he tries, grows tubby without exercise. ~Pooh Bear ~ Instagram @fozzcook 391

Cricket ALWAYS loved to swim right from the get go! But as a pup he's tire himself out to the point of total exhaustion - and what better way to relax #throwbackthursday Instagram @fozzcook 465

Good morning sunshine!!! Instagram @fozzcook 513

#tongueouttuesday you say....... I can do this with my eyes shut!!! Instagram @fozzcook 602

After a long day of imagining they where famous pilots it was time to take a well earned rest #bestfriends Instagram @fozzcook 618

Found a new trail this morning...... It's a good one! Instagram @fozzcook 596

This is of Cricket and his litter! This my favorite #throwbackthursday ( I posted this a year ago but I love it too much!) #puppies Instagram @fozzcook 636

Yup! This is how we roll!! Instagram @fozzcook 226

"And now cried max let the wild rumpus start" ~ where the wild things are....... My very own island of wild things right here! With an added #tongueouttuesday Instagram @fozzcook 718

There should be a place where only the things you want to happen, happen ~from Where the wild things are...... This pair are MY wild things! Instagram @fozzcook 767

Most of you know Cricket as he is a camera hog but Noodle here is one of our gorgeous dogs too - We rescued him from a terrible terrible situation where he had been locked in a cage in a hot shed for the first 7 months of his life and had no water. When we found him we had to teach him to walk as he had never used his legs and couldn't believe his eyes when he came home with us with bowls of free flowing water in every room. He is the most gentle and kindest dog I have ever met and so happy he's part of our family Instagram @fozzcook 350

Caught Cricket and our oldest son checking out the sunset last night! Instagram @fozzcook 519

Now that Cricket has defeated the the opposing dogs he's won the game of "Bones!" Not the game of thrones but bones!!! thank-you very much! Instagram @fozzcook 552

For this boy, everyday is an adventure! Instagram @fozzcook 213

Just one big happy boy! Instagram @fozzcook 558

Cricket and Paddy practicing their Soccer skills for the next World Cup!! Instagram @fozzcook 380

Have a happy day from our house to yours! Instagram @fozzcook 698