Pick me, pick me! ️ #throwbackthursday Cricket and some of his brothers and sisters at 5 weeks old Instagram @fozzcook 860

Move along.... Nothing to see here...... Just our pet tortoise stretching! he's so cute! Instagram @fozzcook 472

Just a little #tongueouttuesday today, I'm way to busy bobbing for tennis balls in the pool! Instagram @fozzcook 587

It's Monday morning and I hope yaaaarrrrr having a good one!! (See what I did there with the AAARRRRRR pirates get it! ) just more dress up fun on the weekend from our swashbuckerling gang! Instagram @fozzcook 790

watch video - Every morning we have a dog walker walk the three dogs so I can get the kids off to school etc. on time. And because Larry thinks he's a dog he heads off with them and because he's much slower Cricket always waits for him! ️️ Instagram @fozzcook 634

Some people say I'm a dreamer.... But I'm not the only one love these 2! Instagram @fozzcook 486

#watermelonwednesdays - Cricket and Larry where having watermelon races to see who could finish first....... It was Larry! Instagram @fozzcook 938

Instead of #tongueouttuesday ....... I give you #tortoisetuesday !!!! if you haven't met our pet tortoise yet, this is Larry! We love Larry and Larry loves watermelon! Instagram @fozzcook 281

Monday morning blues.... Not for this guy! It's a holiday over here so more swimming with tennis ball in mouth of course! Instagram @fozzcook 731

Woke up this beautiful mumma and baby ️️ oh how beautiful ️️ Instagram @fozzcook 443

This was Crickets first ride home with us and has always prefered riding shot gun no matter how much we put him in the back of the car! #throwbackthursday Instagram @fozzcook 820

Anyone up for a ride? Come aboard these plenty of room!! Instagram @fozzcook 434

A big wet bear! ️ Instagram @fozzcook 705

Cricket was nominated by @jeeaudley for the #ASL ice bucket challenge and my kids have him support! - Note after he ran off he came back to do it again! No dogs where harmed in the making! now I nominate @goldengracekelly and @goldenjays if they want to Participate!! Instagram @fozzcook 429

Bwaaaaahhhhaha! that's the funniest joke I've heard! Hahaha! both Paddy and Cricket love a good laugh! Instagram @fozzcook 738

Don't even think about stealing my ball! Oh summer how we love you! Instagram @fozzcook 484

Throw your head back and laugh ....... because it's #tongueouttuesday Instagram @fozzcook 86

Early morning swims are the best! #paddingtonbear Instagram @fozzcook 484

Thinking of taking my ball....... "What you talkin about Willis?!" #differentstrokes that face!! Instagram @fozzcook 669

Baby Cricket sleeping in my arms the day we picked him up! #throwbackthursday Instagram @fozzcook 510