We where tagged by @cookie_cute to post what Cricket is doing right now..... He's sitting in HIS orange chair waiting patiently for breakfast! Now I ask @kimmie_wimmie to join in "Only if you want to!" Instagram @fozzcook 954

Our 3 boys just hanging out in the corn fields after Halloween, you know just chasing crows and looking cute! Instagram @fozzcook 808

Anyone up for a 3 olive "Golden" Martini??? #shaken or #stirred!! Happy Halloween Instagram @fozzcook 965

Yeah Baby!!!! #Austinpowers Instagram @fozzcook 653

#tongueouttuesday at the Pumpkin patch why not.... It is almost Halloween after all!!!!! Instagram @fozzcook 475

Happy Monday everyone! Instagram @fozzcook 482

Every dog should have a boy.... And every boy should have a best friend! ️ This is my entry to #pets_friendship for @petscorner along with @amazing_picturez @lifeofmill @ruckustheeskie Instagram @fozzcook 705

This butterball of fluff is Cricket at 8 weeks old! I was asked by @goldenceramics to post #oldbabypictures of Cricket and if @cookie_cute wants to join in and post a baby pic too please post! ️ #throwbackthursday Instagram @fozzcook 886

This butterball of fluff is Cricket at 8 weeks old! I was asked by @goldenceramics to post #oldbabypictures of Cricket and if @cookie_cute wants to join in and post a baby pic too please post! ️ #throwbackthursday Instagram @fozzcook 886

Staring contest ...... GO! Instagram @fozzcook 1,241

This is my entry for special #pets_friendship by @petscorner (I know it's a repost) but this friendship is quite unusual and yet it's beautiful and it just works! Watermelon races anyone..... @amazing_picturez @ruckustheeskie @lifeofmill Instagram @fozzcook 481

This is my entry for special #pets_friendship by @petscorner (I know it's a repost) but this friendship is quite unusual and yet it's beautiful and it just works! Watermelon races anyone..... @amazing_picturez @ruckustheeskie @lifeofmill Instagram @fozzcook 481

The boys on top of the tractor waiting for their harvest hay ride Instagram @fozzcook 661

I absolutely,100 percent, under no circumstances did any digging in the garden! ️ another #throwbackthursday ️ Instagram @fozzcook 799

#throwbackthursday to Crickets first night in his new home ~ sleeping with his bestie and getting quite a tight hug!! From day one he's been sharing his bed! ️ Instagram @fozzcook 663

The ball, the ball, it's all about the ball! Instagram @fozzcook 815

Where's Cricket??? Haha! There was so much shaking going on you can barely see him!! Instagram @fozzcook 684

Swim into the weekend! Instagram @fozzcook 652

Noodle the poodle thinks it's his turn for a photo day! ️ Instagram @fozzcook 379

Cricket practicing his Jedi mind powers to bring the ball to him! Instagram @fozzcook 938