Happy Monday friends! Instagram @fozzcook 614

@petbox ..... It's not just for dogs! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you go to www.getpetbox.com and type in Fozzcook you will get 10% off and I will donate that 10% to an animal shelter. This months box was filled with chew toys, treats and eye and nose cleaner all sorts of great stuff - get yours now ...tortoise not included! Instagram @fozzcook 302

The fluffiest little teddy bear was Cricket #throwbackthursday at 8 weeks ️️ Instagram @fozzcook 634

Move over kid! I'll show you how #tongueouttuesay is done......Boom! Like that! Instagram @fozzcook 684

Monday blues....... Not when you wake up with this cuddly guy lying next to you!!!! Happy Monday! ️ Instagram @fozzcook 602

If you like big squishable jowls..... Then this photo is for you!!! Instagram @fozzcook 769

Best friends always share their lunch! #larryandcricket enjoying some lettuce together... Because that's what best friends do! Instagram @fozzcook 619

It's all good! ️ crickets chill #tongueouttuesay ! Instagram @fozzcook 217

Mum made me get out of the pool and now I'm a little sad ( he was swimming for about 2 hours) but at least I've kept my tennis balls! #Happymonday! Instagram @fozzcook 805

The best morning walk with my 3 buddies! Instagram @fozzcook 523

Shhhhhh....... Be very very quite, someone is sleeping! 😴 Instagram @fozzcook 592

Best friends going for their daily walk! . Here we have #tongueouttuesay and #tortoisetuesday Instagram @fozzcook 450

Practicing his Jedi mind powers...... Instagram @fozzcook 940

Watch video I would just like to point out the door to Crickets left is WIDE open! he could walk into the house at any time! #cheekymonkey ️ Instagram @fozzcook 459

Good morning! We all went for an early morning walk just as the sun was coming up! Happy hump day!!! 🌞 Instagram @fozzcook 194

Oh yeah it's #tongueouttuesday! Got my tongue , got my tennis balls...... Doesn't get much better than this! -------------Unless of course the tennis balls where wrapped in bacon....💭 a dog can dream! Instagram @fozzcook 729

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!!! My very first @petbox! I can't wait! I hear there are toys and all sorts of treats in there for me!!! Oh hurry, I have to get that blue box!!!! ------------------------------------------------- Cricket is now the "Good looking" spoke pup for #petbox and if you are interested in a box or 10 type in Fozzcook for 10% off and Cricket will donated that 10% to an animal shelter ️ Instagram @fozzcook 608

Where's Cricket!!!!! Can you spot the retriever in amongst all the golden colors Instagram @fozzcook 624

Bring out your inner crazy because it's Friday!! cricket has! Instagram @fozzcook 574

This is Crickets "Can we play" face! Larry was munching on some grass but Cricket had other plans! #stuffthathappensinmybackyard Instagram @fozzcook 438