nothing like a good chin scratch to get your week started. Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 3,654

there's no place like home. Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 4,219

we are putting together our pet survival kits! do you have one for your pet in case of an emergency? if not, today is #NationalPrepareAthonDay and a great time to start! find out more on what you should include at go.wh.gov/ReadyPets #GetReady Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 230

not sure where the humans will sleep tonight, but you know where you can find us. #b3misfits #blondemafia Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 4,791

we od'ed a little on our happy pills today (aka cookies). 😀 Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 2,164

it took some work finding this position. you can take it as a sign that i'll be here for awhile. #lazysundays Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 9,636

car ride! i call shotgun. Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 5,048

took a few of my friends to the sydney opera house yesterday! it was a bit windy, but the outfits helped keep the gang warm. Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 1,320

is it outside time yet? Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 6,292

getting ready for bath time after doing an amazing job (if i may say so myself) of rolling around in dirt for the past couple weeks. no one does playtime like we do. #b3misfits #blondemafia Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 4,464

heatwave hiding. Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 6,120

happy #laborday from the #b3misfits! #blondemafia Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 5,913

wishing everyone a long weekend full of what makes YOU happy! xoxo 1, 2, and 3 ️ #b3misfits #blondemafia Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 8,527

#stankeye #bluebearypie Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 5,228

#zomboo Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 7,386

#boorrito Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 9,400

3 pups + 3 different moods = #emohouse Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 4,182

#nationaldogday? no dogs here ... all we've got for you is a lion and a bear. Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 3,846

weekend domination! silly humans never had a chance. Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 2,737

crumby floors = the best floors. #foodfordays Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 8,120