*smush* Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 4,679

how awesome are these balance @publicbikes that we got for our human niece's 2nd birthday? almost small enough for me to ride! #coolrider Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 8,897

buddy, boo, and blue; a love truer than true. ️ thank you so much @kaitlinparishodesigns for the booteeful custom calligraphy print that you made for us! we can't wait to hang it up in our home. xoxo and happy friday, friends! Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 6,707

we'll consider getting out of bed, but what can you do for us? #alwaysnegotiate Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 10,339

playtime with blue! you can read attitude all over his face. #b3misfits Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 374

you make me happy when skies are grey :) ... only one day in and we are already almost halfway to my birthday donation goal for Lucile Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford! you can donate all month via the link in my profile. thank you so much to everyone who already gave so generously! Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 3,811

for my 9th birthday this month, i am raising money for my friends at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford! 100% of your donations will go toward their Children's Fund. my goal is to raise $9000 by the end of the month. buddy, blue, and i will match every donation to my birthday fund dollar for dollar up to $9000 and will also be dropping off 200 gift bags for the patients there. link to my birthday fund is in my profile above. thank you!! Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 8,863

bath time with blue! #bluebearypie Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 5,741

heading to wherever the weekend takes us (and our tummies). human, strap us in ... safety first! Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 9,181

do i smell treats? or was that just a dream? Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 10,186

it's possible that I may have gotten myself stuck ... but i'm going to play it cool and make it look intentional. Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 4,907

our crimes have escalated to purse snatching. first we steal them; then we hang out inside of them. Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 7,592

#bluebearypie Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 4,891

the blonde mafia: bringing terror to ankles everywhere. #b3misfits Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 12,789

i sense a bag of treats sitting behind me. you should hand those over. Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 5,720

first step to getting new furniture is to rub your doggy scent all over it so it knows who's boss. Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 1,845

thank you, @dogswell , for the incredibly thoughtful get well surprise you left at our door. meatballs are the way to a pup's heart ️ Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 2,645

bluebeary pie hasn't quite learned the art of napping yet. but we've always wanted a bodyguard so it all works out. #b3misfits Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 2,075

it's a boy! we are so pleased to introduce our new "little" brother from another mother, sir bluebeary pie! a very special valentine's day, indeed! our hearts are full. xoxo buddy, boo, & blue #b3misfits Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 9,875

happy snuggly friday! check back tomorrow for a very special introduction we'll be making! xoxo b&b Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 8,220