#tbt to the first official meeting of the #b4misfits. baby sis, you were an official member long before you even knew it! Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 1,271

i believe it is the job of the big brother to test out all of baby's new toys. #dutycalls @4moms_hq #mamaroo Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 4,946

i may be 10, but i will always be human's beloved puppy. happy #nationalpuppyday! ️ Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 5,473

hi, friends! i promised you a couple weeks ago that i'd share the reason why i haven't been posting as much lately so i'd like to officially introduce you to baby human! the #b3misfits have officially become the #b4misfits! she is our newest and greatest love and source of joy, and human (the big one) is very happy to finally have another girl in the house. latest and greatest game we play: baby wiggles while i try to lick all her toes while human tells me to stop licking her toes. thank you so much for being the greatest friends and so patient while we make this transition to a new chapter in our lives! <3 Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 1,611

happy 10 years to me! double digits ... maybe i'll stop getting carded at bars now :P. (: @thegracechon ) Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 6,366

enjoying this small break from the rain! whoever this el niño guy is, he's putting a serious damper on my hair game these days. (: @thegracechon ) Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 6,400

when human won't share her baked goodies with me, i just stare and smile until it creeps her out. @mrholmesbakehouse Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 2,883

hello! i know we've been mia lately, but we had an exciting new event brewing that we will share with you soon! love to all! #b3misfits #blondemafia Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 476

fine, i'm awake. now what? Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 2,827

big hair, don't care. Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 7,036

we're trying to take a group nap here. no pictures, please. #b3misfits #blondemafia Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 3,852

glorious weather for #puppybowlxii!!! oh and #superbowl50, too, i suppose ... i may have to ask human to move the tv outside so i can soak up some vitamin d. (:: @thegracechon) Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 6,343

little big spoon; big little spoon. Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 6,697

telling the weekend who's boss. #friday Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 6,458

Sleepy menaces. #b3misfits #blondemafia Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 866

squish 1 & squish 2. (please excuse my i-just-woke-up-from-a-glorious-nap face.). #friday Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 5,318

tongues out ... pre-mocking anyone who gets in our way. Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 1,810

i can nap in your favorite rug, please? Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 1,801

naps are better in pairs. Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 2,324

trying to get me out of bed on a monday after the holidays? good luck with that. Instagram @buddyboowaggytails 6,141