Cool #WWE news: Our 26min #RAW segment pulled in big ratings. THANK YOU to all my talented dancin' partners - Miz, Big Show, Lana & Rusev, Usos and New Day for coming to play in the sandbox to entertain the world. I grew up in and lived the crazy life you guys have of living and performing on the road - and I appreciate and respect all the hard work you put in nightly. And shout out to the entire backstage RAW production and camera crew - you guys are the backbone of RAW and I appreciate ya being such pros. Most importantly, THANK YOU #WWEUniverse/fans for being the best. Period. Let's have some fun and break some records at WRESTLEMANIA and afterwards we'll make Vince treat the entire company to Waffle House. #PeoplesChamp4L Instagram ดารา @therock 137,096

A real pleasure having the legendary @dickiev_espn visit our #BALLERS set. He shared with me the greatest piece of advice he ever received.. "Always be good to people and people will always be good to you." Amen. #OnSet #BALLERS #HBO #Miami #AwesomeWithACapitalA 🏾 Instagram ดารา @therock 118,012

Only 3hrs sleep, buuuut we gotta keep on truckin'... #NeedMyCupOfUnleaded #AMCardio #LetsRoll #GoodMorningFromIronParadise 🖕🏾 Instagram ดารา @therock 162,064

An electric and unforgettable night. #ThankYouWWEUniverse #1Luv #PeoplesChamp4L #Miami Instagram ดารา @therock 136,498

14hr work day and still ballin'.. (thank God for good lighting;). #OnSet #BALLERS #Miami #HBO Ball out... Instagram ดารา @therock 26,226

IT'S OFFICIAL: Proud to announce our global partnership with @underarmour. A landmark deal where we'll create the "DJ SIGNATURE SERIES" of footwear, apparel & lifestyle wear for men, women and kids to chase your greatness daily. As well as support UA's Connected Fitness initiatives. Another cool component to this deal is we'll create product capsules in footwear, apparel and accessories inspired by the films I'm working on and the characters I'll play. FOR EX: We're creating innovative swimwear and cool signature rash guards I'll be saving lives in, while trying not to trip when running in slo-motion down the beach in our big action comedy of BAYWATCH to the technologically advanced SIGNATURE HOBBS gear, that he'll kick that ass in, when we film FAST & FURIOUS 8. And here's the best part of it all.. yes, we'll create cool and innovative apparel, footwear and accessories for you guys to rock and hopefully be inspired by - but we'll also help continue to build UA's philanthropic initiative: UA FREEDOM, created to inspire, honor and support members of the US Military, First Responders and Public Safety Officials. This deal's been years in the making and as you can now see it's a game changer and never been done in Hollywood. And to me, the most motivating factor of this whole thing is it will always come down to me and all of you 'round the world, waking up every morning, punching that clock and putting in the hard work with our own two hands. Let's roll and have some fun along the way.. #UA #DJ #IWill #BloodSweatAndRespect 🏾 * Link is in my bio. Instagram ดารา @therock 25,655

Kickin' this insanely busy week off strong. #CuringOneMyManyAddictions #TrainingLegsBeingOneOfThem #IronParadise #GetAfterIt 🏾 Instagram ดารา @therock 102,229

What a gift!. THANK YOU to my amazing @underarmour partners for this dope #BALLERS #PeopleChoice "Favorite Actor" title. I was a lucky dude to be nominated 5x's this year and even luckier to walk away with the most significant award of them all. Always say it, 'cause it's the truth - I've got the greatest fans in the world. THANK YOU. Season 2 of "ballers" comes to you this SUMMER. 🏾 #PeoplesChamp4L To my UNDER ARMOUR partners. We're just gettin' started.. Instagram ดารา @therock 129,675

Only the coolest of the cool visit our #Ballers set, like cutie pie and hip hop dancer Azzy (my homeboy Fat Joe's daughter). Thankfully, she got her mama's pretty looks. #OnSet #BallersFam #Miami 🏾 Instagram ดารา @therock 137,681

Thank you @GQ for evolving my nickname of #FranchiseViagra to now #TheDamnHandsomeFranchise! (I may or may not have added a word to that;) Instagram ดารา @therock 76,348

Every morning at 4am before I go to work you'll find me doing one of two things: Sweatin' in the cardio section of my #IronParadise or cleaning up Hobbs' puppy poo - which generally always happens to be in the cardio section of the #IronParadise. Either way, it's always a good morning. 🏾 #AmCardio #Lil3Curlers #HardestWorkersInTheRoom Instagram ดารา @therock 143,369

Always good havin' the ballers come thru.. #OnSet #BALLERS #Season2 #HBO #MagicCity No substitute for hard work. @Navorro_bowman @torreysmithwr @spiceadams @dukejohnson29 Instagram ดารา @therock 100,010

Beautiful tattoo quote by @_sziszcsu_ . #BloodSweatAndRespect #GiveAndEarn #GreatestFansInTheWorld Instagram ดารา @therock 75,884

So grateful to you guys - THANK YOU. #1 International Box Office Star In The World. $1.48billion in 2015. Nothin' changes though.. still brown, bald, tattooed, drive my pick up truck and think when things fart it's extremely funny. #GreatestFansInTheWorld #WereKillinTheGame #LetsGetToWork 🏾🏾 Instagram ดารา @therock 25,561

Good day on set w/ these #Ballers. EPSN's @markschlereth69, my ace OG @troyog and new character we introduce this season "Travis" played by @adamaalderks. On every football team in college and the @NFL you'll always have that one bat shit crazy white boy who wreaks havoc on and off the field without a care in the world - that's Travis. Havin' a blast.. #OnSet #BALLERS #Season2 #HBO Instagram ดารา @therock 28,185

Lesser known gem from this dope trio. When Quick comes in with his distinct flow.. game over. #Pac #Syke #Quick #Loyal2TheGame Instagram ดารา @therock 33,280

So cool & ALWAYS my honor to have #RockWalls in gyms all over the world. Stay strong NORWAY. Artist @dinotomic #BloodSweatAndRespect ・・・ The Rock Wall Painting Here is the finished painting of @therock that i have done for the training studio Nordic Gym in Notodden/ Norway. Here is a quote from the man himself : “Success isn’t always about greatness, it’s about consistency. Consistent, hard work gains success. Greatness will come.” That does not only apply for training but for what ever you do - even art! Had a blast doing the painting , thank you all who came over and chatted while i was working. Hope the painting motivates people in the gym I used regular wall water based paint: black/white - and mixed together all the gray tones in between. It took me about a week to finish the painting. Dino Tomic Instagram ดารา @therock 76,825

Come to daddy.. catchin' the elusive woo woo fish. #OnSet #BALLERS #Season2 #HBO #Miami Instagram ดารา @therock 76,613

EXCLUSIVE: Casting my #BAYWATCH love interest wasn't easy (extremely tough job but hey I'm one of the producers;) but we finally found her. For our coveted role of "STEF", she had to be a lot of things: Strong, intelligent, formidable, beautiful and funny. Want to welcome the talented @ilfenator Ilfenesh Hadera to our #BAYWATCH family. She's a 5'11 walkin' smokestack with legs for days. Smart and tougher than new rope.. just the way we like 'em. And seeing as she's playing my love interest - my calloused hands are the ONLY HANDS allowed to rub suntan oil on her soft supple skin. You hear that Efron? Step out of line Zac and she'll knock your candy ass into next week. Mine too. Our dope cast is coming together nicely with a few more big announcements and cool surprises along the way. Let's have some fun world.. We are the keepers of "The Bay". We are... #BAYWATCH. 🕶 Instagram ดารา @therock 45,264

Happy Birthday to one of my greatest mentors in the #WWE, one of the greatest "heels" of all time, one of the greatest creative minds the wrestling business has ever seen - Mr Pat Patterson. Minutes before my very first match in the #WWE I pulled Pat aside and asked him for any advice, he said "Yeah just go out there kid and don't fuck up." The rest was history.. We love ya Pat, Happy Birthday and cheers to one of the greatest lessons one can learn in show business.. "Just go out there kid and don't fuck up." #PatPatterson #HeDidItHisWay Instagram ดารา @therock 191,190