F'N GENIUS! 🏾🏾 #TheDayTheCuffPoseOfficiallyDied #MyWristMusclesKeepBreakingTheCuffs Instagram ดารา @therock 2,858

One of the classiest messages and show of respect for his opponent I've seen from a champion. Congrats @thenotoriousmma. You're on your way to becoming an icon. #Respect ・・・ Thank you for all the kind messages! I am extremely grateful and proud to be in the position I am in. To the naked eye it was 13 seconds, but to my team and my family it has been a lifetime of work to get to that 13 seconds. Congratulations to the staff at the UFC on a historic week in the sports history and an amazing 2015 for the company. It is an honor to be playing a part in this great companies continued growth and success and an honor to top off a phenomenal week in the sports history. Thank you to all the fans who travelled and made this week what it was!! The traveling Irish are untouchable when it comes to creating the atmosphere needed to make a week like this what it was!! I am forever blown away by the support of my country. We have changed the game forever!!! Respect to a great champion in Jose Aldo. The true greats will always overcome adversity. I wish him and his loyal team well on their journey back. Much respect. Thank you all!!! Instagram ดารา @therock 109,984

#TBT To a very memorable Halloween... #PissedOffPopeye #MiserableHobbs Instagram ดารา @therock 169,879

#TBT to the fun and wild days of the most electrifying (and highest grossing) feud the #WWE has ever had. #RockVsAustin #TheKayFabingBeerDrinkers #ThankYouBrothaSteve #ThankYouWWEUniverse 🏾 Instagram ดารา @therock 136,555

Dayuum.. thank you to the ladies of #ChicPhysiqueStudios for making strong look sexy with my #ManOfTheCentury mag! #ImpressiveWomen #FantasyOfManyMen #StopBeingInappropriateDJ 🏾🏾 Instagram ดารา @therock 32,996

Character of #SpencerStrasmore = complicated and funny. . A blast finding the crazy balance w/ this Englishman #JulianFarino. #AmericanActor #BritishDirector #DangerousCombo #OnSet #BALLERS #Season2 #HBO BALL OUT.... Instagram ดารา @therock 142,742

With my partnership with FORD, I told 'em show me the treads baby! Great commercials coming your way for 2016. #ICanDoThisAllNightLong #SomeoneBringMeBreakfastInTheMorning #FORD SpokesmanOfService 🏾🛠 Instagram ดารา @therock 158,023

Completely blow away at the positive global response to this #ManOfTheCentury story. THANK YOU. Link is in my bio. Instagram ดารา @therock 95,733

Here's the vid! By far the best part of fame... #GreatestFansInTheWorld 🏾 Instagram ดารา @therock 29,588

#1 thing people ask me about is this story about these girls. All ages and races - lucky dude to have the greatest fans in the world. #Repost ・・・ Maybe it's random or maybe it's holiday fate... either way it makes my heart sing... I decide to take a Sunday drive in my pick up to run errands and go train at my buddy's gym. As I'm driving down the road I see three young girls holding signs that just say "Beep", "Happy Holidays" etc. So I drive by and do what anyone would do.. I beep and wave. As I look in my rearview I can see that they're pointing at my truck (my all black pick up is pretty recognizable in our little country town). I go train and run my errands and over 3 HOURS later I'm driving back down our little backroad and the same three angels are standing by the side of the road - only this time they're jumping up and down, waving and screaming as I drove by. I thought, "Did those signs say my name?"..."Should I turn around just in case?" I decide to hit the brakes and look in my rearview and in that very moment I see them going BONKERS! I flipped a U-turn and drove back to them. They were elated. So was I. These little angels waited outside for over 3 hours for me to hopefully drive back down their road.. their mom and dad came running out and we all exchanged hugs and took pics. I made sure I got a pic with my phone, wished them all Happy Holidays, got back in my truck and went on my way. The coolest part of this whole random (or maybe fateful) act is that by turning around I literally got to meet some of the sweetest and kindest little ladies and family I'd ever met. May sound silly or corny, but moments like this are by far the greatest part of fame. Happy Holiday's guys and thank you universe for this really cool moment. #CheckoutSantaWithThePhotoBomb 🏾 #GreatestFansInTheWorld 🏾 Instagram ดารา @therock 108,135

Turn the up loud.. Good morning from the #IronParadise. #430amCardio #RidinBigMama #AkaTheStairStepperFromHell 🏾 Instagram ดารา @therock 110,122

Amazing interview today. Our #SevenBucksProds partnered with acclaimed filmmakers #ShowOfForce to bring you a POWERFUL look into our history thru the lens of music. The power is not in what we see... but what we hear. Can't wait for you guys to experience this dope series and the insane artists line up we have. Very special. #Music #Soul #History Instagram ดารา @therock 53,698

The exclusive #Pagani is nicknamed "God of the Winds" in Quechua, the official language of the Inca Empire.. #OnSet #BALLERS #Season2 #ButDaddyStillDontFit Instagram ดารา @therock 56,488

Ballin' so hard with no filter. #OnSet #BALLERS #Season2 #HBO #Miami Instagram ดารา @therock 203,065

Walked up on our set PA & born spittah @johnnymoniz and said "bad muthaf*ckah" and boom. #DopeFreeStyle #AnySubject #OnSet #BALLERS Instagram ดารา @therock 30,378

Dope fan love from the stylish and cool entrepreneur herself @mannadabholkar - thank you dahlin'! #HobbsFaceIsPriceless #MyNeckSizeIsAccurate ・・・ He may be the most electrifying man in sports entertainment for me he is ️the most inspiring man in this world ️ @therock and #hobbs illustration by @mannadabholkar 🏼 #happyholidays #dwaynejohnson #dwaynetherockjohnson #instalove #inspirational #journey #stayhumble #stayconsistent #greatnesswillcome #wakeupfocused #gotobedsatisfied #focus #effort #success #fashion #fashionblog #fashiongram #fashiondiaries #mycreativebiz #creatives #illustration #workout #fitnessmotivation #fitnessmotivation #hardworkpaysoff Instagram ดารา @therock 119,833

Grateful to have the GREATEST (and craziest) fans in the world. #TheyFollowedMyPickUpTruckForMiles #GetOutOfTheirCarInHeavyTraffic #ILoveIt Instagram ดารา @therock 104,409

A powerful blend of greatness, heartbreak and the @NFL DRAFT. Excited to make this for you guys. Link in my bio. Instagram ดารา @therock 116,314

Great scene tonight w/ my dude @troyog. #OnSet #BALLERS #MidSeasonFlow #HBO #MiamiNights Instagram ดารา @therock 61,361

Aaaand he's holding his toe.. Had no idea at the time, this character I played would reach cult status. #DopeTattoo #PaulDoyle #Insane #YouKnowWhyHabitRhymesWithRabbit? #PainAndGain Instagram ดารา @therock 28,477