Cool gift that'll go in my office. THANK YOU GUYS for making TEAM ROCK the world's #1 most successful box office entity for the 2nd time in three years. (2013 & 2015). It's good to be the KING 'cause I can live in the south, drive my pick up truck and cuss whenever I want. . #GratefulMan #Motivated #LetsGetToWork 🏾 Instagram ดารา @therock 92,907

Cause y' know daddy feeds everyone on Valentine's Day. #BrownLegsAndMilk 🏾 Instagram ดารา @therock 173,340

Just a taste of a much bigger surprise I have coming for you guys later this month on HBO. #Furious7 #TONIGHT #8pm #HBO #IAmTheCalvary #HobbsTheBeast Instagram ดารา @therock 2,813

My two hands. When I was 14yrs old we were evicted from our tiny one bedroom apartment in Hawaii 'cause we couldn't afford the $180 per week rent. Came home with my mom that day to find a pad lock on our door with the eviction notice. My mom stood there in front of the door crying because we had no place to go, but out. It was a real all time shitty low, BUT the silver lining blessing was at 14yrs that moment changed my life. I made a promise to myself that from that day forward I was going to do all I could to make sure we never got evicted again. And I was going to do that with my own two hands. In my 14yr old punk mind, hitting the gym hard and building your body equaled success. And success equaled never getting evicted again. So that's exactly what I did.. and have never stopped since. These days, I know me and my family are a long way away from those hard times, but I'll always work daily as if that eviction notice is waitin' for me around the corner. If you're going thru your own hard times - I read your comments so I know many of you out there are - there's a lot of frustrating shit we can't control - so we gotta focus on the one thing we can always control - putting in the work with our own two hands. Stay strong, because change and success is always possible. Always. #MyTwoHands #YourTwoHands #AndGodBlessOurFunEvictionNotices 🏾 Instagram ดารา @therock 205,642

I sing Elvis to our #ballers head writer/producer Evan Reilly so he continues to write me "the good sh*t." #MyJoy #HisNightmare #OnSet #Season2 #HeAlmostCrackedUp Instagram ดารา @therock 102,568

Cool candid shot of me and my dude - lead WME agent @bslater9 choppin' up our business while having some downtime on our #ballers set today. Hollywood is about deals and dollars, but with us it's also about growth and enterprise. @sevenbucksprod is a young company but growing very fast and I appreciate the tenacity, deal making acumen and vision this man brings to the table. Plus he has great patience to listen to all my bullshit jokes. ;). #TeamRock #SevenBucks #AudienceEatsFirst Photo ninja @britt_johnson with the candid. Instagram ดารา @therock 40,250

Low key gangsta thumbs up before the always awkward sex scene. @daniela.gozlan & @misssolow handlin' the make up and sweat. #OnSet #ballers #Season2 #HammerTime 🏾 Instagram ดารา @therock 94,664

Motivating caption below.. Bad ass gym #RockWall down in TEXAS. #GrindLife #BreakASweatFitnessCenter #Repost @gera.acevedojr ・・・ Just Immortalized this Icon on the walls of my gym!!! If this doesn't get you motivated to get off your ass and lift, then the grind life is definitely not for you!!! Instagram ดารา @therock 117,694

Emotions go from 0 to 100 very quickly even in our rehearsals. Pleasure acting opposite my brotha @eddiegeorge2727 - star of Broadway's CHICAGO aaaaaand can't forget he also won the Heisman Trophy. #OnSet #ballers #Season2 #HBO #ItsOn THIS JULY. Instagram ดารา @therock 34,483

Truly an iconic day on set. Thank you to the baddest dudes around. #RookieDay #ballers #Season2 #HBO THIS JULY. 🏾 Instagram ดารา @therock 58,484

Dope #RockWall at a gym in INDIA - I appreciate the love and motivation. This needs to be my driver's license pic. 🏾 Instagram ดารา @therock 22,310

"When you're good at something, you tell everyone. When you're great - they'll tell you." #WP34 #MakeEmTellYa #HardestWorkersInTheRoom Instagram ดารา @therock 114,160

BIG DAY for an awesome girl! Sending so much love & positive energy to @iisuperwomanii - one of the coolest chicks I know with her new movie release: A TRIP TO UNICORN ISLAND! She's a very special young woman with amazing and loyal fans to match. Keep chasing greatness and inspiring all those around to be the most powerful thing they can be... themselves. #AT2UI 🏾 Instagram ดารา @therock 14,367

Me and my strength coach always have a laugh at the fact that I remember the last piece of candy I had was a pack of Twizzlers in 1989. #IveAlwaysBeenCrazy #ButItKeepsMeFromGoingInsane #Repost @hanyrambod ・・・ This man has no "offseason". #24/7/365 #nocandysince1989 #thePeoplesPump #fst7 #Repost @therock ・・・ Real deal. Our 2016 shooting schedule is a grueling 12months straight of filming (Ballers, Baywatch, Fast & Furious 8 and the big one, Rampage) it requires me putting together a team of professionals from all areas of business who bring their own expertise to the table. In the case of training for these roles - I appreciate my strength and conditioning coach @hanyrambod's sharp attention to detail and structuring the balance of hard core training with smart diet and conditioning. My daily 4am wake ups are a hard core bitch, but any success worth you and I working extremely hard for will always be worth having in the end. Especially if you want to be the #1 top dog in your business. #StayFocused #BeRelentless #GoodLordWhatASchedule #INeedMyCupOfUnleaded #IronParadise4L 🏾 Instagram ดารา @therock 113,773

We have an old southern saying, "the gravy is always free, but you gotta pay for the pork chop." Wait what?? #NudityWaiver #OnSet #ballers #Season2 #HBO #DaddysGottaGoToWork Instagram ดารา @therock 71,824

When my stylist @robertmatadesigns says my pants are too tight. #IJustTrainedLegsAndGlutes #EffOff #OnSet #ballers #StopWatchingMeWalkUpTheStairsMata Instagram ดารา @therock 30,593

445am and #OperationJunkyardDog is in full effect. Gotta be mean and nasty as a junkyard dog with this wild, long and hard 12months straight of shooting now of BALLERS, BAYWATCH, FAST & FURIOUS 8 and the big one, RAMPAGE. Every production has its own unique heartbeat and energy - since these projects span our Hollywood studios landscape - Time Warner/HBO, Paramount, Universal and New Line/Warner Bros our productions days are going to ebb and flow with ups and downs, but like with any success we all work extremely hard for - consistency will always be the key. We can't control everything (though I try 'cause I'm a maniac;), but we can always control how on top of our game and prepared we're going to be when it's time to rock and roll. #LetsShoot #OperationJunkyardDog #12MonthsStraight #AndCurlsForTheGirls 🏾 Instagram ดารา @therock 126,241

Started this week off with a different kinda day at the office. #WalkOfPain #Season2 #ballers #HBO This JULY. Instagram ดารา @therock 84,861

Thank you @bapdibujos for this dope fan art! #GreatestFansInTheWorld #Time2FeedCujo * * @therock he inspires so many people every day. A little tribute, I made this with pencil and markers #bapdibujos #therock #GreatestFansInTheWorld #DwayneJohnson Instagram ดารา @therock 49,960

Kickin' this week off hardcore with our new gym mascot. #FirstNameAllUpIn #LastNameYourAss #IronParadise #ChaseYourGreatness (and big mahalo to our @onit family for this bad ass custom baby monkey;) Instagram ดารา @therock 56,836