Like a proud papa silverback, just look at this talented cool/hot #Baywatch cast.. @ilfenator, @alexannadaddario, @zacefron, @priyankachopra, @kellyrohrbach, @thejonbass and some tatted up, bald brown man with a large head. This squad has been working extremely hard for months for these roles - the time has come - we start shooting TOMORROW. Let's roll and bring the world some beach fun. #BAYWATCH #LifeguardsOnDuty #AndZacHasNiceTits 🏾 Instagram ดารา @therock 99,178

Walked into my office and these cool gifts waitin'.. "Only Rock I need" tee, dope Stance socks from my homegirl Rihanna, custom DJ bottle of Southern Comfort 'cause Im a brown neck and that's what we do down here in the south. Esquire magazine cover. And finally, a box of these very cool DJ custom Bart's Bees lip balm called "Dwayne's Bees" 'cause word on the streets is I'm an amazing kisser. Hey I don't make up the news, I just report it. Wait what?. Thank you guys for these awesome gifts. 🏾🏾 Instagram ดารา @therock 125,848

Saturday night and puttin' in work. 12months straight of shooting (Baywatch, Fast & Furious 8 and the big one, Rampage). Appreciate coach @hanyrambod flying in to the #IronParadise to train. #OperationJunkyardDog #MeanAndNasty #INeedAPizza Instagram ดารา @therock 171,181

Long, but great work day with my boy. Gonna CRUSH MTV MOVIE AWARDS this year as hosts. APRIL 10th. 🏾 Instagram ดารา @therock 44,024

Millions of you made today's @MTV LIVE STREAM historic. Holy sh*t me and @kevinhart4real had a blast and can't wait to host this years #MovieAwards APRIL 10th. What the f*ck are we even doing in this pic?#MovieAwardsWillNeverBeTheSameAgain 🏾 Instagram ดารา @therock 114,837

Today's first ever @MTV fan interactive LIVE STREAM w/ me & my twin @kevinhart4real will be . Always say I have the GREATEST FANS IN THE WORLD, but after reading thousands of your comments for today's first ever fan interactive session - I can truly say I always have the most motivated and f*cking craziest fans in the world as well. 🏾🏾. See you crazy bastards at 2pm LIVE! Instagram ดารา @therock 90,382

Training hard to shoot 3 big movies in a row for 12months straight. HOBBS' is low key enthused. #OperationJunkyardDog #Focus #Performance #Consistency #AndBeingCalledASweatySumbitch Instagram ดารา @therock 120,216

That's a wrap on #ballers. Incredible experience and I'm a lucky SOB to have such a hard working brilliant crew. #ballers #Season2 #ArtImitatesLife #Miami #HBO COMING THIS JULY. Thank you crew, be safe and see you down the road ~ DJ Instagram ดารา @therock 82,316

Big day of voice overs for our global @underarmour commercial. You guys'll dig this campaign - its very strong that holds us all accountable for our efforts. As always, the action is up to us. #RuleYourself #BloodSweatAndRespect #HealthBox #UA Instagram ดารา @therock 89,960

Multi-task King. Shavin' (I'm a Braun man), discussing the day's work with director Julian Farino, and inappropriately thinking about my next night of good lovin' and brownies. With my lady, not Julian. . #OnSet #VeryLastDayOfProduction #ballers #Season2 #ShavinBrowniesAndLovin #NotAlwaysInThatOrder Instagram ดารา @therock 134,502

Holy sh*t EXCLUSIVE: Me and @KevinHart4Real are hosting this year's @MTV Movie Awards. THEN we had the genius idea that for the FIRST TIME EVER we're letting YOU write the promos. Leave your best, funniest, most f*cked up ideas in the comments below - every one of your comments will be read - then watch us chop it up LIVE STREAM style this Saturday at 2PM. #MTVMovieAwards #KevinSendYourSoulToHeaven #CauseYourAssInMine #IHaveNoIdeaWhatThatEvenMeans #ButIveBeenSayinThatShitSincePuberty 🏾 Instagram ดารา @therock 61,643

Police escorts, best cameramen in the biz and some southern charm with the ladies aka being silly AF.;). #Mark #Gary #Alexis #OnSet #BallersFamily #ImLuckyDudeToWorkWithThisCrew 🏾 Instagram ดารา @therock 63,025

Ball so hard. #ballers #NewSeason THIS JULY on @HBO. Instagram ดารา @therock 116,280

This new season of #ballers has been a real master class in acting, by going head to head with this man - Andy Garcia. Appreciate the work and certainly letting me sponge up all the Pacino, DeNiro & Coppola perspective and stories. See you down the road brother.. ball out. #ballers #Season2 #HBO THIS JULY. Instagram ดารา @therock 141,512

EXCLUSIVE: #SanAndreas was Warner Bros' biggest hit of 2015 and our sequel is underway. Going global. Focusing on the infamous and real #RingOfFire. The ring circles the Pacific Ocean with fault lines and volcanoes - and according to scientists - is home to 90 PERCENT of the worlds' earthquakes. With the research we've already done its mind boggling how massive the #RingOfFire truly is. We're assembling an awesome team of filmmakers to raise the bar, raise the stakes and deliver something to you that'll be unforgettable. As always, I'll keep you posted... #SevenBucksProds #FlynnPictures #NewLine #WarnerBros #RingOfFire Instagram ดารา @therock 58,738

And every day that ends with "Y". #LegDay #BloodSweatAndRespect #Repost @underarmour ・・・ Wednesdays are leg days. #IWILL Instagram ดารา @therock 95,361

Love this man. Director Julian Farino patiently waiting for his actor to wade thru his personality disorders before our very big scene. "I've always been crazy, but it's kept me from going insane." ️#OnSet #ballers #Season2 #HBO This JULY. Instagram ดารา @therock 79,095

Happy Birthday to my good friend, business partner and King of bodybuilding/health & fitness - IFBB President and NPC Chairman Jim Manion. Happy Birthday "Papa Prez". The "Big 21", now we can finally drink together. 🏾 Instagram ดารา @therock 35,038

She's one of the biggest stars in the world. Insanely talented, relentlessly smokin' and extremely dangerous - perfect for #BAYWATCH. Welcome @PriyankaChopra to our bad ass and incredibly dysfunctional family. Cue RATED R slo-mo running on the beach. We start shooting next week. World.. #WelcomeToBaywatch 🇮🇳🏾 Instagram ดารา @therock 140,705

Training hard for the next 12months straight of shooting: BAYWATCH, FAST & FURIOUS 8 and the big one, RAMPAGE. #OperationJunkyardDog #BringIt #StrictDietingSucks #INeedCake Instagram ดารา @therock 152,004