On #DraftDay it all comes down to family and finances.. and for my @NFL clients - I'll always take care of both. #BALLERS #HBO JUNE 21st Instagram ดารา @therock 84,649

Let's roll fam... #WeCould100PercentPassAsTwins #CentralIntelligence #Repost @kevinhart4real ・・・ The world should be very afraid of this combination......Me & @therock have started production on our new movie "Central Intelligence"....The movies just keep getting bigger & better people!!!! #CentralIntelligence #iStoodOnTheTruckToMakeMyselfLookJustAsTuffAsTheRock #ActionComedyWithAllOfTheBellsAndWhistles #WeBothShowedUpReady #TwoOfTheHardestWorkersInHollywood Instagram ดารา @therock 60,870

Establishing dominance w/ the beast.. #Troubadour #BoogesPup #TheyAllCallMeBigDaddy Instagram ดารา @therock 55,530

Be the hardest and smartest worker in the room. #AndHaveBigBalls #TrioForSuccess #AbsurdWorkoutFaceIsOptional Instagram ดารา @therock 46,038

Me and brotha @kevinhart4real have been puttin' in work 24/7 to create an action comedy duo unlike anything you've ever seen before in movies. We're fired up to make this movie for y'all and bring ya something very entertaining, dope and global. Ladies and gentlemen I give to you the often imitated, but never duplicated. The one.. the only.. "The Golden Jet". And me.. I'm just Bob. #AndIDontLikeBullies #CentralIntelligence #GetReadyWorld #NowGetDownDammitBeforeYouFallOnMe SUMMER 2016. Instagram ดารา @therock 5,807

Two cool (and hot) chicks and some random dude... My lovely #SanAndreas co-star @carlagugino and our extremely unattractive Vegas partner in crime, and #MadMax star Charlize Theron. Love 'em both. Great examples of strong, smart women on and off screen. Instagram ดารา @therock 89,825

She thinks my boy and #CentralIntelligence director @rawsonthurber is barely 21 and literally cards him when he orders some beers.. little does she know the sumbitch is 67. #HeExfoliates #OnSomeBenjaminButtonShit #CelticsVsCavs #LastTimeIWasCardedIWas10 Instagram ดารา @therock 44,643

Thank you, sir. #MyHonor #BostonStrong Instagram ดารา @therock 91,088

Happy Birthday ohana! We understand the power of sugar.. #DominateTheCookies #SoundsLikeMyChatRoomName #HappyBirthdayAndEnjoy #Repost @daverienzi ・・・ Awesome cookie basket from @therock & @laurenhashienofficial for my bday!!! Thank you guys for the 50,0000 calorie love!!!🏼 #PostWorkoutCarbs #OffSeasonDietPerks #RienziStrength Instagram ดารา @therock 49,740

Just take good care of my pick up truck.. #Cardio #KeepinItDirty #Boston #SweetBabyJesus #LetsRoll Instagram ดารา @therock 2,947

Solid week of $7bucks Prods TV business. Very happy with the slow and steady growth of our young production company. Thanks to NBC, ABC and our partners at SPIKE & USA Network. Lets entertain the globe.. #WheelsUp #JukeboxInTheSky #BostonHereWeCome Instagram ดารา @therock 109,702

In #CentralIntelligence my character was unmercifully bullied by the punks in high school because he was "different". Today he's a CIA contract killer who's still very much "different". And no one bullies him anymore... no one. Been waitin' for years to play this crazy character. Shootin' starts in a few weeks. This'll be fun.. #IKeepLoveInMyHeart #AndABootInTheirAss #AlwaysBeYourself #CentralIntelligence #BOSTON Instagram ดารา @therock 109,105

Our goal is to make DISNEY'S next classic animated musical #MOANA something cool & special. We may be on our way... #StudioSessionDay1 #BringinThisFunCharacterToLife #HisNameIsMaui #HeKindaThinksHeCanSing Instagram ดารา @therock 96,270

Just watched #SanAndreas in 3D... INCREDIBLE. This cool #CineTransformer will travel the globe giving movie goers a taste of the "San Andreas experience." Prepare yourself... #SanAndreas MAY 29th. Instagram ดารา @therock 82,134

Coolness is timeless... #SDjr Instagram ดารา @therock 40,075

Just touched down in Vegas to launch the new #SanAndreas trailer to the world. But first.. #CancelTheStrippers #ButKeepTheClown #CinemaCon Let's roll.. Instagram ดารา @therock 93,052

Brilliant minds and a big bald head.. Inside look at our #SanAndreas global marketing and distribution meeting. Presidents, VP's and teams from all departments bringin' their A+ game to strategize on how to best deliver our movie to y'all. I'm always inspired by this final aspect of the movie making process. I may be the one who's front and center sellin' our movie to the world, but these brilliant, tenacious boys and girls of Warner Bros are right there with me. #AmazingPartners #LikeTheGreatSamCookeSings #TimeToBringItOnHome #SanAndreas MAY 29th. Instagram ดารา @therock 87,955

2 weeks away from shooting CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE - big action comedy with Kevin Hart and director Rawson Thurber (We Are The Millers). My character was relentlessly bullied in high school just because he was "different" than the rest of the students and never ran with the "cool crowd". He was chubby, eccentric and enjoyed singing chick songs. He quit high school, changed his name and years later became the CIA's most dangerous contract killer... and also the weirdest. I'm pushing all chips in - 100% committed to this character & story to bring y'all something good. He's dangerous, loyal, lovable, kinda f*cked up in the head and wears a beautiful fanny pack. #HelloMyNameIsBob #AndNoOneBulliesMeAnymore #CentralIntelligence #Boston Instagram ดารา @therock 158,941

Gettin' it in where I can... tunin' up my pipes and practicin' my bar chords for our first studio session for Disney's next big animated classic musical #MOANA. I play the male lead, #MAUI... He has very long hair, symbolic tattoos, kinda rotund, slightly neurotic and he may or may not talk to himself. #BasicallyImPlayingMyself #40000ftFlipFlopsAndGuitar #HeTakesRequests #ButFirstShowTheTipJarSomeLove This'll be fun.. #MOANA Instagram ดารา @therock 126,437

It's official: We made history... #Furious7 crosses the $1BILLION mark in record time. 17 days. Im very grateful and proud. We set out to make a good movie that the world could enjoy and most importantly, make a film that honors our brother Paul in the most elegant and respectful way possible and hopefully, make the Walker family very proud. I'll end this with what I feel is the most important thing I can say: THANK YOU FANS aka our #FastFamily for your incredible global love and support. We couldn't be us, without you. With love and gratitude ~ DJ Instagram ดารา @therock 45,385