Very cool to spend some time with the boys at the firehouse before our big #SanAndreas premiere. An honor for me to represent these colors in our film. #LAFD #SearchAndRescue #FireHouse27 #Courage #Integrity #Pride Instagram ดารา @therock 109,467

In 3 days.. #PrepareYourself #TheEvent #SanAndreas THIS FRIDAY. Instagram ดารา @therock 54,574

One of the greatest and most epic red carpet premiere arrivals in the history of Hollywood.. Thank you LAFD, thank you Warner Bros and all our press friends. But most of all.. THANK YOU FANS. #LAFD #TaskForce27 #ArrivingInStyle #AndOnFire #SanAndreas #HollywoodPremiere #Monumental Instagram ดารา @therock 39,853

Photo shoot got a little out of hand today.. Instagram ดารา @therock 129,399

Don't tri and get bi, or you'll get delt with and trapped.. #RubberBandBurn #In3Days #TheEventRideOfTheSummer #SanAndreas THIS FRIDAY. Instagram ดารา @therock 104,110

Good mornin' from the mountains. #AMCardio #JukeboxOnMyMind #WillieWaylonAndMe #LetsRoll Instagram ดารา @therock 130,798

Truly heart pounding, intense and relentless. Prepare yourselves for the event of the summer. #SanAndreas THIS FRIDAY. Instagram ดารา @therock 56,569

When the largest earthquake ever recorded hits (9.6).. the massive tsunami hits too. #PrepareYourself #TheEvent #SanAndreas THIS FRIDAY. Instagram ดารา @therock 71,719

Finally... #MexicoCity #SanAndreas This FRIDAY.. Instagram ดารา @therock 11,651

Presidential Helicopter Squadron. #Nighthawks #HMX1 #TYTAWPTUS #MemorialDay Instagram ดารา @therock 95,699

This Friday, nothing will ever be the same again.. #SanAndreas MAY 29th. Instagram ดารา @therock 13,819

Gettin' a lil' work done and sending out these "electronic mails" and just read today's NEW YORK TIMES. Very well written and insightful. Great perspective on a few critical challenging and defining times in my life that eventually lead to success. It may help y'all too. Be relentless in your work ethic, be grateful for your struggles and listen to inappropriate Richard Pryor albums when you're 8yrs old. #NewYorkTimes #MelenaRyzik #SOLID Instagram ดารา @therock 29,059

Crazy fun setting a Guinness World Record in LONDON w/ all the fans at the #SanAndreas World Premiere. Thank you to all who took part in this very cool, big and successful event. As a now TWO TIME Guinness World Record holder (first record set in 2002) my only appropriate response would be... #WhereInTheFackIsTheTequila #SanAndreasWorldTour #AndNEW #SelfieKing SAN ANDREAS MAY 29th. Instagram ดารา @therock 73,093

Entertaining red carpet moment.. This nice dude gives me this Mexican flag and says, "This flag's a gift for you Rock and so is my girlfriend (pretty blonde) who really wants to marry you". I looked at her and she smiled and said "Yes it's true". I mean I am technically an ordained minister now so.. but wait.. #DoesHeComeWithTheMarriageToo #ImNotASharingKindOfMan #GoodTimesAndLaughs #ThanksForTheFlag #AndTheMarriageProposal #SanAndreasWorldTour SAN ANDREAS MAY 29th. Instagram ดารา @therock 95,604

This'll always be the greatest (and f' coolest) part of my job. #FromMyHeart #AndBustedEardrums #ThankYou #SanAndreasWorldTour #NY #LA #ENGLAND #MEXICO #CHINA #SanAndreas MAY 29th Instagram ดารา @therock 64,831

Buzz on this show is extremely strong. Feel confident we delivered a great one for y'all. "Legends don't retire. They reinvent." #BALLERS #HBO JUNE 21st. Instagram ดารา @therock 50,400

Long arm selfie king.. #MadnessAndLoveInMexico #SanAndreasWorldTour #TerreMoto #LaFalla #DeSanAndres Instagram ดารา @therock 61,172

Hard to put into words what this kind of powerful love from fans means to me. As a man, it's an incredibly humbling & inspiring experience. MEXICO CITY and the entire country of MEXICO thank you from the bottom of my heart for making this one of the greatest events I've ever experienced. #TeQuieroMexico #SanAndreasWorldTour. (and thank you for all the tequila, kisses and gifts;). Instagram ดารา @therock 57,120

#4xHost is back! What's being called one of the best SNL's of the season.. replays TONIGHT at 1130pm on NBC. #DrBones #ImBambiBitch #KokoWatchout #MrFranchiseViagra Y'all enjoy the show! Instagram ดารา @therock 44,753