And NEW first time ever... #LipSyncBattleCHAMPION #RockVsFallon #ShakeItOff #StayinAlive #SpikeTV #TequilaTime Had a blast! Thanks for making it so much fun!! Instagram ดารา @therock 22,817

Like mama says... #ImGonnaKnockYouOut #RockVsFallon #LipSyncBattle #ImCominToTakeTheTitle TONIGHT on #SPIKE 10pm/9c. Instagram ดารา @therock 75,528

My hands say "I love you".. but my face says "I'm comin' to whup that ass". Lip sync battle of ALL LIP SYNC BATTLES. #RockVsFallon #ImCominToTakeTheTitle #SpikeTV #Boots2Asses #PeoplesChamp Instagram ดารา @therock 100,615

Loose translation of this cacophony of words is, "Let's enjoy the night - bring it" #1AgentSlater @bslater9 #ProducingPartnerGarcia #HardestWorkersOnThePlanet #TheBoys Instagram ดารา @therock 39,712

Puttin' these long arms to work.. #Furious7 #WorldPremiere #RedCarpet #FanLove #LongArmSelfieKING #TechnicallyThisIsCalledAGroupie Instagram ดารา @therock 54,697

Just had this convo w/ Eva Marie a few days ago about puttin' in the hard work to achieve the goals, then havin' the smarts to being open to how we get there. #HumbleAndHungry #StepByStep #Repost @natalieevamarie ・・・ #WisdomWednesday @therock Instagram ดารา @therock 8,007

At THE ELLEN SHOW today where she's showing the audience our pic of when we were a hot couple back in the 90's. #TheseDaysWeHaveSimilarTastes #BackThenItWasAllAboutThreeThings #FannyPacksHandCuffsAndKittens Instagram ดารา @therock 111,976

At DISNEY STUDIOS signing contracts to play the male lead in their next big classic animated musical, #MOANA. Just had an amazing 2hr presentation and it's easy to see why they're the greatest story tellers in the world. Im excited. And in the background my homies Fred & Wasabi from #BigHERO6 are jumpin' for joy joy cause they heard I'm gonna sing in the movie. #WeTrulyKnowWhereWereGoing #WhenWeUnderstandWhereWereFrom #NeverForgetHome #MOANA Instagram ดารา @therock 86,693

In 3 days. #Furious7 #DaddysGottaGoToWork Instagram ดารา @therock 13,637

Very cool and honored to have created such an electric and historic #WrestleMania moment with my brilliant partner UFC World Champ @rondarousey Incredible to see her connect with and inspire our awesome #WWEUniverse record breaking crowd. #IBuiltTheMoment #SheDeliveredTheMagic #RockAndRousey9000 #WereJustGettingStarted Instagram ดารา @therock 55,572

Just sayin'... #DontMakeBarackObamaAngryTonight #HeHasAVeryDangerousAndBeastlyAlterEgo #TheRockObama #SaturdayNightLive TONIGHT.. Instagram ดารา @therock 43,185

Up very late rehearsing. Turns out 4am is an excellent time to sing and wake up hotel guests. We have a great show lined up for y'all TONIGHT! #SaturdayNightLive #4xHost #DoesThisWigMakeMeLookChunky Instagram ดารา @therock 2,277

Then he said, "Allow me to reintroduce myself"... #HittinTheStage #Rehearsals #TomorrowNightWeDoItForReal #4xHost #SaturdayNightLive #LovelyRacks Instagram ดารา @therock 66,548

"Eager for action, hot for the game. The coming attraction, the drop of a name.." #CharacterOfHOBBS #InspiredByTheEagles #LifeInTheFastLane #FrozenAstonMartinDB9 #Furious7 #DaddysGottaGoToWork APRIL 3rd. Instagram ดารา @therock 117,100

From Belushi to Martin.. from Aykroyd to Pryor.. the respect I have for this studio and stage is boundless. This Saturday will be an electrifying night and I'm truly honored to take this iconic stage one more time. #SaturdayNightLive #4xHost #Studio8H #PointingAtAbsolutelyNothing Instagram ดารา @therock 29,807

Good to spend some time w/ President's Obama's Helicopter Squadron. Good bunch of hard workin' boys. Keep up the great work, thank you for all you do and I'll be seein' ya down the road. #HMX1 #Nighthawks Instagram ดารา @therock 42,425

Watched @Lesdogggg kill it in comedy clubs years ago. Can't wait to kill it w/ her this Saturday when I host SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE. #LeslieJones #CrazyBrashBrilliant #TheRock #NeedsToGetHisAssOuttaTheStreet This Saturday night.. #SNL #ItsOn Instagram ดารา @therock 9,634

"Well you can tell by the way I use my walk, I'm a woman's man.. no time to talk.." #GotTheWingsOfHeavenOnMyShoes #ImADancinMan #AndIJustCantLose #LipSyncBattle #WorldTitle #RockVsFallon APRIL 2nd. Instagram ดารา @therock 43,650

Just ran into an old friend. First met Shawn in high school when I was 14yrs old - same time we were strugglin' as a family to make ends meet and I started gettin' arrested (check fraud, fighting, theft ring, graffiti etc) you name it and I did it. It's been over 20yrs since we saw each other and I asked him how the rest of our boys were doing and he said, "most of em are in jail". Reminded me how we can't take any days for granted. Stay humble, hungry and work as hard as we possibly can.. cause life can change in an instant. If you're out there strugglin', keep your head up cause things will get better - with faith, work and time. Instagram ดารา @therock 98,756

No sleep 'til... Great meeting with the entire SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE crew & staff. Amazing energy. #ElectricityInTheAir #WeGonKnockItOut #4xHost #SNL #March28th #ButFirstDaddysGottaEat #Deuces Instagram ดารา @therock 4,220