Put in months of character prep and hard work with these boys for our movie. Matt Gerald, Todd Williams & Colton Hayes. Honored to rep. Let's roll.. #LAFD #SearchAndRescue SAN ANDREAS coming MAY 29th. Instagram ดารา @therock 109,033

These are actually 100lb dumbells... #WeWereAnimalsToday #HittingItHardAndHEAVY #ClanginAndBangin #IronParadise #DontPayAttentionToThe5lbPart Instagram ดารา @therock 47,731

"I'll stay as long as I want woman.." Muckin' around w/ my homegirl @elsapatakiconfidential... a beautiful and talented chick who enjoys long walks on the beach, puttin' up with my ego and being Thor's wife. #OnSet #Furious7 Instagram ดารา @therock 9,415

"If you're lookin' for that extra special somethin', you wanna make sure your box office is thumpin', want the baddest mofo since Charles Bronson, add a dash of Dwayne and a pinch of Johnson. Cause I'm... #FranchiseViagra". I had the BEST time singing this classic and my lovely co-stars were straight fire. @aidybryant @cecilystrong @thesheertruth & Kate McKinnon. #SNL #OpeningMonologue #4xHost #DaddyExfoliated Instagram ดารา @therock 109,410

There's a man goin' round takin' names And he decides who to free and who to blame Everybody won't be treated all the same There'll be a golden ladder reaching down... #WhenTheManComesAround #Hobbs #InspiredByMrCash #Furious7 Instagram ดารา @therock 94,816

Fresh off the press... Our #7BucksProductions continues its growth as we're excited to partner up with USA NETWORK. Our goal is to produce and create content that's cool, fun and entertaining. Big production call set for tomorrow. Should be cool. Keep ya posted.. Instagram ดารา @therock 74,335

Shake it off... #RockVsFallon delivered RECORD BREAKING RATINGS for our premiere episode and the 1st ever #LipSyncBattleCHAMPION Congrats to #SPIKE and the phenomenal team behind this ridiculously fun show. #WhoWantsAShotAtTheTitle #YouWantSome #ComeGetSome #PeoplesChamp #LipSyncBattle Instagram ดารา @therock 67,721

The aftermath of #DaddysGottaGoToWork #HobbsTheCavalry #TheWorldIsSaved #HobbsNeedsHisTequila #AndBehaviorTherapy #Furious7 Instagram ดารา @therock 109,212

Happy Birthday Grandpa. My grandfather, the late great High Chief Peter Maivia was somewhat of a walking contradiction. A proud High Chief of Samoa, WWE Hall of Famer, movie star rugged good looks (he once played a Bond villain opposite Sean Connery in YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE). The kind of man when he said "I love you", he meant it. When he hugged you tight, you felt it. The sweetest singing voice and the most kind, caring, gentle soul you'll ever know. And on one fateful night in Japan, a notoriously tough wrestler was being very rude to my grandpa and continued to disrespect him and his Samoan culture. My grandpa stood up, they fought... and my grandfather bit the man's eye out. End of fight. Grandpa passed away in Hawaii when I was 10yrs old. Still to this day, he's the most beloved and respected man I've ever known. People always tell me, "Your grandfather would be so proud of you". I hope so. Fa'amanatua lou aso fanau, ma lo'u alofa mo 'oe forever. Love you and grandma. #HappyBirthdayGrandpa Instagram ดารา @therock 35,474

PW. #Furious7 Instagram ดารา @therock 116,402

I couldn't resist this little lady's smile. Plus it's always good to throw a curve ball to our police escort;). Y'all have a Happy Easter! #Repost @calebh1122 ・・・ This ladies and gents is a class act!! Dwayne Johnson stopped his car in a police escort to sign and take pictures with us. So great to his fans!! @Therock you have no idea how much this meant to my daughter my friends & I. Thank you so much!! #therock #dwaynejohnson #smellwhattherockiscooking Instagram ดารา @therock 3,451

Cool story to share on Easter.. After my workout I'm drivin' in my pick up and notice these kids in the rearview mirror screamin' & runnin' after my truck. Thought to myself, "Should I stop or keep drivin'?" I stopped. I hop out of my truck and this kid runs up to me, hugs the hell outta me and says it's been his life's dream to meet me and tell me how much I've inspired him to fight cancer (Hodgkin's lymphoma) and hard core chemo and stem cell transplant treatments. He was a little teary eyed and said for months and months all he's wanted to do was find me and say this face to face. I told him what it meant to me to hear this story. I thanked him, hugged him (and his friends), got back in my truck and drove away. As I'm drivin' I start shaking my head (and tearing up) at how fragile life is and how amazing and cool the universe was to make this meeting happen between myself and this special kid Nick Miller. Let's always take a moment to count our blessings.. cause there's always something to be grateful for. Happy Easter y'all - DJ Instagram ดารา @therock 149,226

After the longest day ever, I feel like Charlie walkin' into the Wonka's Chocolate Factory... #IronParadise #WhereTheMagicHappens #AndKettleBellsServeAsOompaLoompas #IMayBeCrazy #ButItKeepsMeFromGoingInsane Instagram ดารา @therock 80,023

A blast Indianapolis & thank you FINAL FOUR. Florida swamplands get ready.. #DaddysCominHome #Deuces #WhipAppeal Instagram ดารา @therock 59,975

They call me "Killer". Or not. Instagram ดารา @therock 35,045

40,000 ft. Closing big business deals via this thing called "electronic mail" on my phone, my lovely flight attendant preparing my dead chicken and white rice, while my barber @misssolow shaves my head (which is a task in of itself considering the girth of this damn thing). This pic represents the fact that regardless of who you are, where you're from or what you do.. there just ain't enough hours in the day to get sh*t done. #LifeIsCrazyAndMovesFast #BalanceIsKey #IGotNowhereToRun #JustAnotherSinkingSun #IfICouldOnlyFly Instagram ดารา @therock 91,172

Life is crazy and I'm pulled in a 1000 different directions every min of the day. Awesome little faces like this will stop me in my tracks every single time... #BestPartOfMyJob #HappyLittleOnes #GoodThingIHaveLongArmsForSelfies #PapaBearContentInTheHysteria Instagram ดารา @therock 82,403

"And ever since Waylon, I can't find no one to buy into sad country songs.. tell me who's gonna ride us away when the last cowboy's gone" #TheLastCowboy #OlJameysJukeboxInTheSky #WheelsUp #LetsGetToWork Instagram ดารา @therock 49,332

Hangin' w/ the greatest fans in the world. #RedCarpet #BucketListsAndTequila #DontThreatenMeWithAGoodTimeWoman Instagram ดารา @therock 24,575

Big opening day for #Furious7. Stop on by and let's chat and chop it up.. 1PM PST/4PM EST. #AskFurious7 #BringSomeBabyOil #NeverMind #ThatSoundedWeird Instagram ดารา @therock 58,308