โพสต์เมื่อ 25 เม.ย 2558 | 05:40 น.

The Rock (Dwayne Johnson)
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In #CentralIntelligence my character was unmercifully bullied by the punks in high school because he was "different". Today he's a CIA contract killer who's still very much "different". And no one bullies him anymore... no one. Been waitin' for years to play this crazy character. Shootin' starts in a few weeks. This'll be fun.. #IKeepLoveInMyHeart #AndABootInTheirAss #AlwaysBeYourself #CentralIntelligence #BOSTON; -
Our goal is to make DISNEY'S next classic animated musical #MOANA something cool & special. We may be on our way... #StudioSessionDay1 #BringinThisFunCharacterToLife #HisNameIsMaui #HeKindaThinksHeCanSing; -
Just watched #SanAndreas in 3D... INCREDIBLE. This cool #CineTransformer will travel the globe giving movie goers a taste of the "San Andreas experience." Prepare yourself... #SanAndreas MAY 29th.; -
Coolness is timeless... #SDjr; -
Just touched down in Vegas to launch the new #SanAndreas trailer to the world. But first.. #CancelTheStrippers #ButKeepTheClown #CinemaCon Let's roll..;
Brilliant minds and a big bald head.. Inside look at our #SanAndreas global marketing and distribution meeting. Presidents, VP's and teams from all departments bringin' their A+ game to strategize on how to best deliver our movie to y'all. I'm always inspired by this final aspect of the movie making process. I may be the one who's front and center sellin' our movie to the world, but these brilliant, tenacious boys and girls of Warner Bros are right there with me. #AmazingPartners #LikeTheGreatSamCookeSings #TimeToBringItOnHome #SanAndreas MAY 29th.; -
2 weeks away from shooting CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE - big action comedy with Kevin Hart and director Rawson Thurber (We Are The Millers). My character was relentlessly bullied in high school just because he was "different" than the rest of the students and never ran with the "cool crowd". He was chubby, eccentric and enjoyed singing chick songs. He quit high school, changed his name and years later became the CIA's most dangerous contract killer... and also the weirdest. I'm pushing all chips in - 100% committed to this character & story to bring y'all something good. He's dangerous, loyal, lovable, kinda f*cked up in the head and wears a beautiful fanny pack. #HelloMyNameIsBob #AndNoOneBulliesMeAnymore #CentralIntelligence #Boston; -
Gettin' it in where I can... tunin' up my pipes and practicin' my bar chords for our first studio session for Disney's next big animated classic musical #MOANA. I play the male lead, #MAUI... He has very long hair, symbolic tattoos, kinda rotund, slightly neurotic and he may or may not talk to himself. #BasicallyImPlayingMyself #40000ftFlipFlopsAndGuitar #HeTakesRequests #ButFirstShowTheTipJarSomeLove This'll be fun.. #MOANA; -
It's official: We made history... #Furious7 crosses the $1BILLION mark in record time. 17 days. Im very grateful and proud. We set out to make a good movie that the world could enjoy and most importantly, make a film that honors our brother Paul in the most elegant and respectful way possible and hopefully, make the Walker family very proud. I'll end this with what I feel is the most important thing I can say: THANK YOU FANS aka our #FastFamily for your incredible global love and support. We couldn't be us, without you. With love and gratitude ~ DJ; -
Moment of gratitude I wanted to share w/ y'all isn't the fact that this shit is actually on a silver platter, but how grateful I am at the fact that by the time I was 15yrs old I was hangin' in honky tonk dive bars in downtown Nashville w/ the drunks and bums and buyin' cars from crackheads for $40 bucks - doin' everything I could to hustle, scratch and claw to get by. Realized in this silly moment - on the Warner Bros jet - in the bathroom - that I'll always be that 15yr old kid who's scratchin' and clawin'... despite the absurdity that this shit is actually on a silver platter... #ThankMamaForCookin #ThankDaddyForTheWhuppin #AndThankGodForHonkyTonkDiveBars (and my runnin' buddy Downtown Bruno - it's still your fault we stole BO's car;).;
C'mon down to the #IronParadise where the hard work is relentless, heavy and dirty. And the jokes are always sweaty and cheesy... #ComeAndGetTrapped #ButLikeJazzMusic #JustGottaGoWithIt Y'all keep workin' hard...; -
#Tbt In Samoan culture there's a very special dance called the "Taualuga" where we, as men honor the women by dancing around them out of love and great respect. On my grandmother's 80th birthday she danced her Taualuga while I proudly danced around her while she laughed and beamed with pride. She had the greatest birthday and her smile was from ear to ear. My grandmother, Lia Maivia was a strong willed, highly respected and tough pioneer in the world of pro wrestling, becoming wrestling's first successful female promoter. But when we hit hard times and my family was evicted, shortly after that my grandmother became homeless. When I finally could afford it I bought her a place of her very own that she LOVED! I always asked after that, "Grandma are you happy?" To which she'd call me by my Samoan name and say, "Tuifeai I'm so happy.. thank you.. oh and can you please sing that song I like.." Ha! I'd start singin' away (off key of course) and she'd laugh and smile from ear to ear. A few months after this picture was taken my grandma passed away peacefully in her sleep. I know we all experience loss and it's so tough to deal with... but I'm forever grateful for the one of kind life lessons only grandma's can teach us. Miss you grandma and I hope you hear me cause I'm still quietly singin' away to you.. Misiga tele 'oe Grandma, alofa tele atu mo 'oe.; -
Steppin' into a huge Warner Bros marketing, publicity & distribution meeting to discuss overall global strategy for the big one... #SanAndreas. Presidents, VP's and teams of every department all rising to the occasion as a team to achieve greatness. Love this part of my job cause it truly brings out the the best in hungry executives and it means we're one step closer to delivering a great movie to the world. Keep y'all posted. Let's roll.. #SanAndreas #Worldwide MAY 29th.; -
Remember to keep the laughs hard... #AndTheJokesDirty; -
Great week of film and TV business.. (Furious 8 talks, Ballers, San Andreas and just closed a big cool movie that we'll announce in the upcoming weeks). Good thing I wore my lucky cleanest dirty shirt;) Y'all keep workin' hard out there.. #WheelsUp #ChasinThatNeonRainbow #LivinThatHonkyTonkDream;
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