The best thing I loved and respected about playing this character is that he's no superhero who wears a cape and saves the world... but like me and any father, he's a man who will stop at nothing to save his daughter's life. Nothing. Prepare yourselves for the event ride of the summer. #SanAndreas MAY 29th. Instagram ดารา @therock 39,979

I set the bar in Hollywood very high around the world when it comes to promoting and work like a machine, buuuut like all entertainers & artists I require a few absurd needs.. cardio machine for the blood, lots of towels for the sweat and real music for the soul. #ICantStopLovingYou #Memphis #VivaMexico #TeamRock #GlobalForce #SanAndreasWorldTour Instagram ดารา @therock 117,130

Size 15 blues. Thank you to my exquisite shoemaker @Magnannishoes for my custom made and personalized blue's to be used for our historic "Hand and Foot" ceremony at Hollywood's famed Chinese Theater. #HandMade #Craftsmanship #MadeInSpain #BigPawsAndClaws Instagram ดารา @therock 110,057

Just touched down - MEXICO CITY. Great to be back! 330am and soakin' up the culture.. #MrRomantico #TeQuieroMexico #SanAndreasWorldTour Instagram ดารา @therock 63,859

My stunning co-stars.. @carlagugino @alexannadaddario @kylieminogue #SanAndreas #WorldPremiere #LONDON #LuckyMan Instagram ดารา @therock 55,165

Thank you LONDON. Incredible #SanAndreas World Premiere! #LooksLikeImBeingInappropriate #JustPointingAtHerCoolShirt #YouAreMyRock #SanAndreasWorldTour Instagram ดารา @therock 84,802

LONDON.. Incredible world premiere launch for #SanAndreas. As always, thank you for the epic love and "record breaking" good times. Get our fine tequila ready MEXICO CITY.. I'm on my way. #WheelsUp #FlyinSilverEagle #SanAndreasWorldTour Instagram ดารา @therock 98,640

This rides relentless, heart pounding and epic. Prepare yourselves for the event of the summer... #SanAndreas MAY 29th. Instagram ดารา @therock 30,615

It's always easier to push yourself when people are watching. It's pushing yourself past your limits when you're all alone and no one else is watching that sets you apart. Or makes you f'n crazy... #EitherWay #CheaperThanAShrink #BecomeMasterful Instagram ดารา @therock 28,375

To put this epic milestone into cool perspective.. Over 2,550 stars given on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. But since 1927 there's been less than 300 "Hand and Foot Ceremonies" at the famed Chinese Theater. #AmongstGreatness #Humbled #Immortalized #BigPawsAndClaws #HollywoodsChineseTheater Instagram ดารา @therock 74,886

Two stunning leading ladies @carlagugino @alexannadaddario And one lucky guy.. #IncredibleNight #LeicesterSquare #London #WorldPremiere #SANANDREAS Instagram ดารา @therock 33,596

I came to London and wanted to do something cool and epic with the fans...We just set a NEW GUINNESS WORLD RECORD for most self portraits (selfies) taken in record time (yup, the selfie record exists and it's harder than you think;). WORLD PREMIERE of SAN ANDREAS and rewriting the GUINNESS BOOK OF WORLD RECORDS all in one night. #MicDropBoom #NewSelfieKing #LONDON #SanAndreasWorldTour MAY 29th. Instagram ดารา @therock 69,768

Enjoy the show tonight.. #WeKilledIt #ThenAMomentOfSilence #TonightShow #Fallon #SanAndreasWorldTour Instagram ดารา @therock 101,649

Our London press friends waiting at the hotel to start our #SanAndreasPressJunket. Zero sleep so I had to workout to get my energy up for you. I'm energized and on my way. #LikeMikeSays #About10MinBehind #SanAndreasWorldTour #LONDON Instagram ดารา @therock 78,262

Just touched down and good morning from London. Massive day of work ahead.. #SANANDREAS press junket, red carpet World Premiere tonight at famed Leicester Square, then have some fun on The Graham Norton show - who already has our tequila on ice. But first we do what any civilized person would do before kicking this crazy day off... crank the Jamey Johnson tunes and train like an animal. #LONDON #GlobalExpress6000 #SomewhereBetweenJenningsAndJones #SanAndreasWorldTour Instagram ดารา @therock 66,404

Eagle has landed. And he's kinda fired up.. #LONDON #GreatToBeBack #SanAndreasWorldTour Instagram ดารา @therock 3,284

Going over rest of the #SanAndreasWorldTour notes before going live on the TODAY SHOW w/ @savannahguthrie. Truthfully, I'm just seeing what time my next meal is scheduled. #DaddyGottaEat #NYC #SANANDREAS MAY 29th. Instagram ดารา @therock 92,491

Maybe one fine day this little boy will look back on this moment and think it's kinda cool. Until then he'll continue to think "Mommy why is this bald brown large headed Gaston giving my Mickey ears?" #DisneyLove #SanAndreasWorldTour Instagram ดารา @therock 22,614

Me and my lady Big Bertha.. earning sweat equity at 5am on 2hrs sleep. #SheWasAFastMachine #SheKeepsHerMotorClean #SheWasTheBestDamnWomanThatIEverSeen #NYC #SanAndreasWorldTour Instagram ดารา @therock 150,027

We go big, epic and global.. kickin' off our #SanAndreasWorldTour with the funk.. LA, NY, LONDON, MEXICO CITY, BEIJING. Balancing non stop press, hard core training and zero sleep. But the benefit is connecting with millions of fans worldwide. #SoFawkItIWillSleepNextMonth #BestPartOfMyJob #HardestWorkersOnThePlanet #WheelsUp #ShellToesDown #SANANDREAS MAY 29th. Instagram ดารา @therock 62,749