4am - night shoots. No sleep all week, grinding it out and pushing thru. Just when I thought the night was over - I gotta fight martial arts master @action_jason who's perfected the "540 Cork Round Kick"... to my head. #ICantDoACorkRound #ButICanDoABootUp #YourAss #AfterThisFight #IHearJackDaniels #AndPainPills #CallingMyName #LetsShoot #OnSet #CentralIntelligence SUMMER 2016. Instagram ดารา @therock 12,175

Tryin to pop those hips in the final reps - fatigue slows it down like molasses. Pre-training warm up. 100LB kettle bell swings. 3 sets. 15-20 reps. #FunPain #TheMFs (thank you my buds @onnit @rootsoffight and my brotha @joerogan for the iron Sasquatches). Instagram ดารา @therock 81,498

After shooting all night long there's no greater way than to end the night at 430am then punching one of our stunt brothers @action_jason off this bridge into filthy water - while our stunt coordinator @alpop.stunts and my bad ass stunt double @samoanstuntman makes sure there's plenty of mouthwash and "herp treatment" when he gets out of the water. Helluva scene. Love and respect my boys! #Stunts #BackboneOfHollywood #19DifferentTypes #CentralIntelligence Instagram ดารา @therock 88,142

Thank you ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY for this very cool A- review for #BALLERS. We wanted to make a show that's funny, fast moving and quality. And clearly my face is subtly saying, "Yup, I'm fresh outta f*cks to give right now". Y'all enjoy the show! #BALLERS Premieres THIS SUNDAY @10pm on HBO. Instagram ดารา @therock 27,789

When we pull the curtain back.. you'll see the amazing, the not so amazing and all the crazy shit in between. This Sunday will be fun.. #BALLERS 10pm on HBO. Instagram ดารา @therock 206,728

When we pull the curtain back.. you'll see the amazing, the not so amazing and all the crazy shit in between. This Sunday we ball hard.. #BALLERS 10pm on HBO. Instagram ดารา @therock 50,210

Tune in now if ya can.. What a night! Thank you #SPIKE, the awesome fans, my hero Clint Eastwood and most of all... our troops. #HeroAward #MyHonor #GuysChoiceAwards #WeMakinItSnowUpInHeeyah Instagram ดารา @therock 52,329

Here's the Instagram WORLD EXCLUSIVE (and historic) @ESPN commercial for #BALLERS. A lot of fun shooting these spots in character as "Spencer Strasmore". Thanks to my partners in crime the Super Bowl Champ and Green Bay Beast himself @clay_matthews52 and ESPN's resident giant and one of the best anchors ever Scott Van Pelt. Had a blast boys and it's time ball.. #BALLERS Premieres THIS SUNDAY at 10pm on HBO. Join us.. Instagram ดารา @therock 40,801

A lil' late night action .. #OnSet #CentralIntelligence #Boston #MidnightSnack Instagram ดารา @therock 81,759

We don't want to walk in the building. We want to own the building... #SetTheEdge #HardestWorkersInTheRoom #BALLERS Premieres THIS SUNDAY @10pm on @HBO. Join us... Instagram ดารา @therock 128,899

I go tactical w/ throwback yellow suedes and brotha @kevinhart4real goes unkempt business casual. He's a bad muthaf*cka and I simply don't like bullies... #OnSet #430am #AndStillGoingStrong #NightShoots #WeAreBothWiredOnCaffeine #TheLastThingKevinHartNeeds #IsCaffeine #EnergizerBunny #AintGotShitOnHim Get ready world, I think we're making something dope... #CentralIntelligence SUMMER 2016. Instagram ดารา @therock 104,092

Lots of fun playing this guy.. #SpencerStrasmore #BigBrotherPresence #DailyAchesAndPains #VicodinAndSmiles #BALLERS THIS SUNDAY at 10PM on HBO. Instagram ดารา @therock 87,366

Sometimes these devastating things happen to children and we just can't figure out "why?". This past March my dear friends Gordon and Kristen Gray learned that not one, but both of their beautiful daughters suffer from an extremely rare degenerative brain disorder where there is no cure and its fatal - it's called Batten disease. Because it's so rare, funding and research is very limited. There is hope... a clinical trial medicine that could possibly become a cure for these beautiful little girls. Over 17,000 of you have already donated in the amount of over $1 million. The first $2 million will start the trial medicine.. we're almost there. We gotta keep fighting, praying and having faith. Gordon produced a movie that he and I made together that we're very proud of - THE GAME PLAN. Ironically enough, a story about a father who in the end would do anything have his little daughter in his life. I want to thank you guys so much for giving. And thank you so much for helping raise awareness for these two little girls and those children around the world who suffer from Batten disease. When you have a minute check out curebatten.org to help raise awareness. Thank you guys again. #Faith #Strength #CureBatten Instagram ดารา @therock 113,778

Meet Spencer Strasmore... NFL legend and future Hall of Famer. Now making his bones as a financial manager for NFL players. He has no idea what the fuck he's doing, but he does have two things better than anybody else in the business - instinct and his ability to connect with his players. This Sunday, the journey begins.. #BALLERS #HBO #10PM Instagram ดารา @therock 30,906

Here's a fun story to start your week off... I'm driving to set in my pick up truck - music blasting - I'm singing away like I'm having a one man party in my truck - then I hear a loud BANG. What the hell..? Look in my rear view and see I sideswiped another pick up that was parked in the street and destroyed the side mirror. First thing I thought was, "Aw shit.. someone's not gonna be happy..". I flipped a U-turn and drove back to scene. Just as I got out of my truck a guy was walking across the street to his truck. I said "Sir, is this your truck?". He stopped and stared at me for a good 5 seconds, looked around his neighborhood, looked back at me and "Yes it is. Why?". I said "Well, sorry to tell ya I sideswiped it and knocked the hell outta your mirror and may have done even more damage. You give me your info and I'll leave you mine and I'll take care of everything". He stared at me again, cocked his head sideways and said.."Uhhh.. Are you The Rock?". I said "Yup". He broke out into a huge smile and said "Wow, this is gonna be an awesome story!". I started belly laughing at that, then he started laughing and before you know it we're both standing in the middle of the street pointing to his mirror and laughing like two ol' crazy buddies. I checked back in with him a few days later and he refused to accept any money and said he fixed the damage himself. Want to thank Mr. Audie Bridges of Wakefield, Mass. for being so cool about the whole thing. Life is funny cause you never know who you're gonna run into... and sure as hell never know who's truck you're gonna sideswipe while driving to work. Instagram ดารา @therock 161,619

Boss playa.. "I don't hold player's hands, I hold their money." #LegendsDontRetire #TheyReinvent #BALLERS #HBO Series premieres FATHERS DAY JUNE 21st. Instagram ดารา @therock 82,240

Cool.. Thanks @RollingStone for the #9 spot on TOP 100 INSTAGRAM accounts on the planet. I will only concede to being beaten by #6 NASA and #2 NatGeo. #9OnTheGlobalList #1InYourPrettyLittleHeart Instagram ดารา @therock 163,161

Yeah I'm good with my hands... #StraightG #RockSolidFingerControl #AndACheesyWink #PhotoShoot #BALLERS #HBO Premieres JUNE 21st. (clearly I never grew out of high school). Instagram ดารา @therock 81,837

Really appreciate y'all sharing this awesome young lady's story with me. Stay strong honey and I appreciate and love the sense of humor you're approaching this with. And for the record, eyebrow is WAY BETTER than mine anyway... #StayStrong #EyebrowGameOnLock Instagram ดารา @therock 33,045

The Hollywood SPECIAL FX teams responsible for explosions in movies are always a very unique, talented and bat shit crazy bunch... It's why I love em. In 2 minutes big explosions will happen, glass will shatter and I'll be the only one standing right in front of it. #ThereWillBeBlood #GoOnAndPressThoseDetonatorsBoys #DaddysGottaGoToWork #YouMFs #CentralIntelligence SUMMER 2016 Instagram ดารา @therock 75,198