โพสต์เมื่อ 25 พ.ค. 2558 | 09:05 น.

The Rock (Dwayne Johnson)
ของ เดอะร็อค (ดเวย์น จอห์นสัน)

Crazy fun setting a Guinness World Record in LONDON w/ all the fans at the #SanAndreas World Premiere. Thank you to all who took part in this very cool, big and successful event. As a now TWO TIME Guinness World Record holder (first record set in 2002) my only appropriate response would be... #WhereInTheFackIsTheTequila #SanAndreasWorldTour #AndNEW #SelfieKing SAN ANDREAS MAY 29th.; -
Entertaining red carpet moment.. This nice dude gives me this Mexican flag and says, "This flag's a gift for you Rock and so is my girlfriend (pretty blonde) who really wants to marry you". I looked at her and she smiled and said "Yes it's true". I mean I am technically an ordained minister now so.. but wait.. #DoesHeComeWithTheMarriageToo #ImNotASharingKindOfMan #GoodTimesAndLaughs #ThanksForTheFlag #AndTheMarriageProposal #SanAndreasWorldTour SAN ANDREAS MAY 29th.; -
This'll always be the greatest (and f' coolest) part of my job. #FromMyHeart #AndBustedEardrums #ThankYou #SanAndreasWorldTour #NY #LA #ENGLAND #MEXICO #CHINA #SanAndreas MAY 29th; -
Buzz on this show is extremely strong. Feel confident we delivered a great one for y'all. "Legends don't retire. They reinvent." #BALLERS #HBO JUNE 21st.; -
Long arm selfie king.. #MadnessAndLoveInMexico #SanAndreasWorldTour #TerreMoto #LaFalla #DeSanAndres;
Hard to put into words what this kind of powerful love from fans means to me. As a man, it's an incredibly humbling & inspiring experience. MEXICO CITY and the entire country of MEXICO thank you from the bottom of my heart for making this one of the greatest events I've ever experienced. #TeQuieroMexico #SanAndreasWorldTour. (and thank you for all the tequila, kisses and gifts;).; -
#4xHost is back! What's being called one of the best SNL's of the season.. replays TONIGHT at 1130pm on NBC. #DrBones #ImBambiBitch #KokoWatchout #MrFranchiseViagra Y'all enjoy the show!; -
The best thing I loved and respected about playing this character is that he's no superhero who wears a cape and saves the world... but like me and any father, he's a man who will stop at nothing to save his daughter's life. Nothing. Prepare yourselves for the event ride of the summer. #SanAndreas MAY 29th.; -
I set the bar in Hollywood very high around the world when it comes to promoting and work like a machine, buuuut like all entertainers & artists I require a few absurd needs.. cardio machine for the blood, lots of towels for the sweat and real music for the soul. #ICantStopLovingYou #Memphis #VivaMexico #TeamRock #GlobalForce #SanAndreasWorldTour; -
Size 15 blues. Thank you to my exquisite shoemaker @Magnannishoes for my custom made and personalized blue's to be used for our historic "Hand and Foot" ceremony at Hollywood's famed Chinese Theater. #HandMade #Craftsmanship #MadeInSpain #BigPawsAndClaws;
Just touched down - MEXICO CITY. Great to be back! 330am and soakin' up the culture.. #MrRomantico #TeQuieroMexico #SanAndreasWorldTour; -
My stunning co-stars.. @carlagugino @alexannadaddario @kylieminogue #SanAndreas #WorldPremiere #LONDON #LuckyMan; -
Thank you LONDON. Incredible #SanAndreas World Premiere! #LooksLikeImBeingInappropriate #JustPointingAtHerCoolShirt #YouAreMyRock #SanAndreasWorldTour; -
LONDON.. Incredible world premiere launch for #SanAndreas. As always, thank you for the epic love and "record breaking" good times. Get our fine tequila ready MEXICO CITY.. I'm on my way. #WheelsUp #FlyinSilverEagle #SanAndreasWorldTour; -
This rides relentless, heart pounding and epic. Prepare yourselves for the event of the summer... #SanAndreas MAY 29th.;
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