BIG news.. THANK YOU to all ya ballers out there... Just got word you've officially made #BALLERS not only HBO's most watched show (30min) since 2009, but now officially beating ENTOURAGE's highest rated season ever. My goal was to make a show that was dope, authentic and fun. We appreciate y'all diggin' it! Two more episodes left. Enjoy... #KeysToTheKingdom #ImGoinForTheWin #HardestWorkersInTheRoom #BALLERS THIS SUNDAY at 10pm on HBO. Instagram ดารา @therock 42,237

Cool to see the INSANE global reaction to our announcement yesterday for Zac Effron to co-star with me in BAYWATCH. Clearly he's one unattractive sumbitch but he's a great dude who's ready to make something epic. BAYWATCH is the most successful TV property of all time, so I'm fired up to produce it along with my long time producing partner Beau Flynn and legendary Ivan Reitman. Director Seth Gordon (Horrible Bosses, Identity Thief) has a dope vision and is ready to roll. Over the past few years I've taken careful steps with this franchise cause we want to do it right - big, fun, global, sexy and bad ass mixed in with "This is my beach bitch" kind of RATED R comedy. We'll start shooting at the top of 2016 and one more thing.. just wait 'til you see who we cast for our girls.... #WhoWantsToBeSaved? #MouthToMouthForEverybody #WellNotEverybody #AssemblingOurEpicTeamOfLifeguards #BAYWATCH 🏾 Instagram ดารา @therock 158,345

Just touched down - City of Angels. Home away from home. Big week of handlin' big business. Out here posing like I'm droppin' a mix tape on their asses. #Grind #Shine #LetsGetToWork Instagram ดารา @therock 12,959

40,000ft in the air and on my way to take care of some cool Disney business.. come to bathroom and I'm surprised with my favorite toiletries waiting for me and Mickey himself chillin' like an OG on a blue towel. What!? C'mon dude.. I slept on used urine stained mattresses we pulled out of a motel dumpster when I was 23yrs old struggling up in Calgary.. this kinda stuff NEVER gets old. #Grateful #ThanksDisney #DJsDeodorantAndMouthwash #AndMickeyTheOriginalGangsta Instagram ดารา @therock 88,170

What every man works hard to hear.. (well, we want to hear a few other things too but that's inappropriate for Instagram). #YouveMadeMeABeliever #YouHaveActuallyChanged #QuenchingThirst Don't miss #BALLERS TONIGHT at 1030pm on HBO. (big s/o to our @ariellekebbel bringin' that balance of beauty and brains.. and patience). Instagram ดารา @therock 59,263

Konnichiwa JAPAN! Here's the trailer for my latest film California Down, about a family that is separated by a devastating earthquake but comes together to help each other survive. I play a search and rescue helicopter pilot who will do whatever it takes to save his wife and daughter from danger. Be strong, stay safe, and I'll see you in theaters! #カリフォルニアダウン Instagram ดารา @therock 26,966

Unpacking boxes in the new crib and came across this handsome devil from 2008. Appreciate EW being able to see the future and I also appreciate me being 36yrs old and still unable to grow a full beard. #ComeALongWay #YearsOfHardWork #JustGettingStarted #NowGottaGetMyAssBackToUnpacking Instagram ดารา @therock 55,319

Explaining to my doctor why I need a penile reduction. And by that I mean, getting my MRI neurological results... #ScaryTimes #AndDirtyJokes #BALLERS SUNDAY NIGHT at 1030pm on HBO. Instagram ดารา @therock 99,348

Damn you Bieber! #SheClearlyDidntGetTheMemo #PricelessMoment 🏾 Instagram ดารา @therock 140,860

I said "Hey Lexi" from across the gym and she came running over and said "you came back for me!!!" Her mom just shared a story that touched my heart.. she said every time Lexi has to go to the hospital for a treatment she always says "I gotta be strong cause the Rock told me to be strong!" Then she brings my picture with her to the hospital as a strength reminder. Hearing that story gave me instant perspective (and gratitude). Hey, look I got some pretty cool things going on in my life.. I believe in hard work and little luck to get ya by.. but moments like this with Lexi will always be the best part of my fame. We all play a part in it ya know? And I appreciate I can share it with y'all. #Perspective #SheToldMeSheLovesMe #AndJustinBieber #HelluvaComboIGuess #BestPartOfFame Instagram ดารา @therock 97,468

Very cool to partner w/ Facebook to be the first Hollywood actor to launch their new live global streaming feature from the app. Had a lot fun! The response from fans has been dope since streaming from our Florida gym #TheIronParadise and it's embedded in my Facebook page if ya wanna check it out. At 23million+ fans on Instagram (my fav platform) and an additional 50million+ on Facebook, Mark and I spoke about the importance of continuing to evolve and grow and create even greater ways to connect with my fans worldwide - and Facebook Live is one of those powerful ways. I've said it before many times and it's true, connecting with fans will always be the best part of my job. And eating sushi with Zuckerberg in Japan ain't too bad either🏾. #BreakingNewGround #FacebookLIVE #RockAndZuck #TwinningInJapan Instagram ดารา @therock 158,756

I'm not a player I just crush a lot.. #BallersMentality #HustlersGrind #MogulAmbitions #BALLERS SUNDAY at 1030pm on HBO. #WatchuKnowBoutThatPun Ball out.. Instagram ดารา @therock 126,761

#TBT By the time I was 16 yrs old, I had already enrolled in four high schools across the country due to being evicted and lil' trouble with the law.. McKinley HS (Honolulu, HI), Glenn Cliff HS (Nashville, TN), McGavock HS (Nashville, TN), Freedom HS (Bethlehem, PA). I was also 6'4 225lbs, rockin' a dead caterpillar on my lip (aka the porn 'stache) and all the kids in every high school thought I was an undercover cop cause I looked like a mutated, yet handsome SOB of a man child. Plus in Nashville I was already hangin' out in honey tonk dive bars on Music Row and hustlin' cars from crackheads. Yup, one of the many reasons why I'm a grateful man for the life I have today and also grateful I straight up kicked puberty's ass early in life. #GodBlessSamoanAndBlackGenetics #AndGodBlessOurTeenageYears #AndWTFWasIThinkingWithThisMustache Instagram ดารา @therock 219,215

Great update to a cool story... I just ran into @giraffe_boy again. The first time we met months ago he was running after my pick up truck (literally running behind my truck thru the parking lot) and I thought it was an excited fan.. I stopped the truck and had an inspiring once in a lifetime moment. He told me he'd been battling Hodgkins Lymphoma and though we had never met, he said that he'd been trying to shake my hand and tell me I was his inspiration to beat it. Well I happened to run into Nick again and he told me since I posted our pic on Instagram along with our story that made national headlines - his life had completely changed. He's become a source for inspiration and hope for people around the world going thru their tough times. He's been asked to speak to kids at schools and the best part he told me.... he's been cancer free for two years now. Hell yeah bud! I always say it, but moments like this with fans will always be the best part of my job. And what a helluva reminder for us all to count our blessings.. cause there's always something to be grateful for. Stay strong Nick and if any of y'all are out there going thru your own challenges then you stay strong too and I hope this post helps in some small way. ~ DJ Instagram ดารา @therock 86,170

*** I posted this story on Easter about this inspiring kid and fateful meeting. Story made national headlines and I just saw him again and have a new update on him that I'll share w y'all later today. But first here's the original story as a refresher. Enjoy.. ** Cool story to share on Easter.. After my workout I'm drivin' in my pick up and notice these kids in the rearview mirror screamin' & runnin' after my truck. Thought to myself, "Should I stop or keep drivin'?" I stopped. I hop out of my truck and this kid runs up to me, hugs the hell outta me and says it's been his life's dream to meet me and tell me how much I've inspired him to fight cancer (Hodgkin's lymphoma) and hard core chemo and stem cell transplant treatments. He was a little teary eyed and said for months and months all he's wanted to do was find me and say this face to face. I told him what it meant to me to hear this story. I thanked him, hugged him (and his friends), got back in my truck and drove away. As I'm drivin' I start shaking my head (and tearing up) at how fragile life is and how amazing and cool the universe was to make this meeting happen between myself and this special kid Nick Miller. Let's always take a moment to count our blessings.. cause there's always something to be grateful for. Happy Easter y'all - DJ Instagram ดารา @therock 149,491

Moments before our big final "DJ's gettin' nekkid" scene in #CentralIntelligence. Me on stage, a mic in hand, 500 extras staring back at me and my director @rawsonthurber secretly staring at my pec meat. #WhileHeLickedHisLips #HesGonnaBePissedWhenHeSeesThisPost #AhFackIt #InTheNameOfComedy #WhenICommit #ICommit #HappyNowThurber? #Sumbitch #CentralIntelligence SUMMER 2016. Instagram ดารา @therock 147,317

On the verge of losing it all. #IHighlyAdvisedHimToNotMotorboatHer #AtLeastNotInPublic #BALLERS Next SUNDAY at a special time of 1030pm on HBO. Instagram ดารา @therock 19,046

After 4 months of hard dieting and eating clean due to filming (Central Intelligence). This is goin' down right now in the Johnson household... #HomemadeEpicCheatMeal #FudgePeanutButterBrownies #CinnamonBuns #BackOnTheDietTomorrow #ButTonightDaddysGottaGoToWork Instagram ดารา @therock 106,848

Want to thank my boy NBA's Chris Andersen @birdzilla.ro for his work tonight on #BALLERS. During our downtime on set, it was good to kick it w/ him and chop up redemption, hard ass work and never being satisfied with any success we're lucky enough to have come our way. Ever. #KeepItHardcore #HardestWorkersInTheRoom #BALLERS TONIGHT at 10pm on HBO. Instagram ดารา @therock 118,245

Building the new and improved #IronParadise. Where we will push ourselves thru hell.. to get to our heaven. #Open247 #ButChitChatIsNotAllowed #CallousesRequired #AndMusicIsPlayedLoud #CanIGetAnAmen Instagram ดารา @therock 26,974