Dope oil work by Andrew Dickens. Thank you very much! #BloodSweatAndRespect #FirstTwoYouGive #LastOneYouEarn #8xWWEHeavyweightChampion #PeoplesChamp4Life Instagram ดารา @therock 46,669

How I feel on Mondays... #BringItOnJack #MakinThisWeekMyBitch #DontKnowWhoJackIsThough #GoodMorning Instagram ดารา @therock 6,106

Power and pulse. Mood and tone. And one of the greatest photographers on the planet to capture it.. @brianbowensmith #InternationalPhotoShoot #CentralIntelligence COMING SUMMER 2016. Instagram ดารา @therock 84,451

You @jayglazer ain't ready to go "One on one with the Great One". You lookin' at 6'5 260lbs of tougher than a $2 steak jack. You get me in that cage and I'm gonna knock your lung loose.. #BALLERS TONIGHT at 10pm on @HBO. #BrotherlyLove #DontSleepOnTheGlaze #DudesABeast Instagram ดารา @therock 52,080

I told @JayGlazer he ain't ready for the Samoan Silverback... We put in work and had some fun. For the record: this likable sumbitch did a great job acting on our show. Despite that feel free to give him shit tonight. Love ya homeboy and keep kickin ass. #BALLERS TONIGHT at 10pm on HBO. #DroppinSoupBones Instagram ดารา @therock 89,714

Grindin' away this Sunday with my partner in crime @kevinhart4real -- big #CentralIntelligence photo shoot for our movie posters and billboards that'll go all around the world. Yes we're crazy and have fun, yes we act like immature 12yr old boys at times, but more importantly, the respect I have for Kev is boundless and we earned a brotherhood that's forged thru one thing - the willingness to put in the hard work. #HardestWorkingMenInHollywood #WeClearlyLackChemistry #FuckOffHart CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE - SUMMER 2016. Instagram ดารา @therock 117,289

That post workout bliss where you've pushed yourself past limits so hard the only thing you can muster are silly ass faces. #WeDontKnockOnDoors #WeKickEmIn #BruisedFootSyndrome #SundayMorningComingDown Instagram ดารา @therock 492,091

Having a 15yr career as an NFL Pro Bowl linebacker can take its toll. #PriceIsPaid #FearsAreFaced #BALLERS SUNDAY NIGHT at 10pm on @HBO. Instagram ดารา @therock 31,046

Here's a lil' fact that explains my fun DNA.. When I was 10yrs old, my dad would take me to the gym with him on the weekends. Kick my ass and "stretch" the hell outta me on the wrestling mats. Then he'd kick my ass some more on the weights. He'd always say, "If you throw up, go outside. And if you cry, then go home to your mother." Yup, that's my upbringing which taught me there will never be another substitute for hard work. And crying in the gym ain't allowed. Even if you're 10.. with a big ass afro. #WelcomeToLifeBoy #LetsGetToWork #IronParadise Instagram ดารา @therock 118,263

At one time or another, we'll all play the transition game. Laser focus is the key... #BALLERS #FromFearedDefender #ToTrustedAdvisor #AndDominantNerfThrower SUNDAY'S at 10pm on @HBO. Instagram ดารา @therock 109,182

We dig the 'corns.. Me and my director @rawsonthurber honoring one of my character's favorite shirts. I'm the dude on the left. #WelcomeToOurWorld #Unicorns #AndDickJokes #CentralIntelligence MAY 2016. Instagram ดารา @therock 1,847

When you ask angelic Kai where she's beautiful, she'll tell you "on the inside, where it counts". But egotistical Uncle Rock likes to be told he's beautiful on the outside.. #OfCourseKaiCorrectsMe #WelcomeToMyWorld Instagram ดารา @therock 46,651

In life perception always becomes reality. And sometimes we have to step in and "adjust" the perception to make sure it's 100% truth. This SUNDAY at 10pm on @HBO. #BALLERS #MoreThanBusiness #ThisIsFamily Instagram ดารา @therock 3,831

He's the Golden Jet... and I'm Bob. #CentralIntelligence #TheCIAWillNeverBeTheSameAgain MAY 2016. Instagram ดารา @therock 87,502

Just finished watchin' #SOUTHPAW. Loved it and definite recommend y'all go seeing it this weekend. My boy Jake delivers like a beast and I appreciate his months of hard work and discipline he put into the role. Fuqua's one of the greats, Whitaker delivers as always and I see you 50!! Great performances from my boys all around! Y'all check it out this weekend - you'll dig it. #SOUTHPAW #Classic Instagram ดารา @therock 87,115

Last question for every press interview is the most important.. You better make it good. Thanks my bud @djperrault from Fandango for havin' fun. #OnSet #CentralIntelligence #Its2am #ClearlyImInAShittyMood Instagram ดารา @therock 28,358

RAMPAGE is our childhood arcade classic where the storyline revolves around a gigantic King Kong, gigantic Godzilla and a gigantic Werewolf wreaking havoc and destruction across North America. We had to find the one director who I knew would bring that epic vision to life. Our #SanAndreas director and handsome son of a bitch Brad Peyton @peytonology. We're fired up for this big one.. #RAMPAGE #ArcadeClassic #StillBigKids Instagram ดารา @therock 67,214

It's hard to even describe to you just how awesome and strong this boy is. Quinn and I have become buddies over the past month and we were all blessed to have his presence on our #CentralIntelligence set to watch filming. In between takes of shooting my scene, it was very cool to look over and see Quinn and his family watching from the monitors. But what's crazy was even from across the set, I could still see that boy's inspiring glow and aura.. and it's that glow that makes us realize how blessed we all are and makes us appreciate the things that truly matter in life.. #Family #Love #Gratitude #AndSmilesAlongTheWay #TheCoolestKidAround #TheOneTheOnly #TheMightyQuinn Instagram ดารา @therock 193,039

IT'S OFFICIAL. Our SAN ANDREAS director Brad Peyton @peytonology has signed on to direct our big screen adaptation of the arcade classic RAMPAGE. Between Peyton, myself and producer Beau Flynn @flynnpictureco we've created some strong successful entertainment globally with JOURNEY 2: MYSTERIOUS ISLAND, SAN ANDREAS and now RAMPAGE. Promise y'all our goal is to raise the bar and make a movie that's epic, cool, entertaining and most importantly... has heart. And a cool movie star. Who's bad ass. And bald. And tattooed. And smells good. Most of the time. Can't wait. Here we go.. #RAMPAGE Instagram ดารา @therock 117,912

Shooting a BIG scene today for #CentralIntelligence and our extras were told to be very quiet. But I'm like... #Nah #OnSet #CentralIntelligence #ALittleMorningFun Instagram ดารา @therock 39,360