Bringin' an old friend home.. #GreatnessCutShort #LearnFromOthersMistakes #ButAlwaysBallOut TONIGHT at 10pm on HBO. #BALLERS Instagram ดารา @therock 15,460

Runnin' silly before walkin' thru hell... #JoysOfBeingHome #FloridaBoys #EmptyGym #TheyCantHang #IronParadise #LetsRoll Instagram ดารา @therock 125,567

Stayin' hungry w/ my boys. Beast of the South and one of the baddest dudes in the hip hop game @acehood and the best NFL receiver on the planet @antoniobrown84. #HardestWorkersInTheRoom #GratefulForTheGrind #DirtySouthBoys Instagram ดารา @therock 7,665

I first met this wrestling icon when I was 12yrs old when he was wrestling my pops the WWE. For weeks and weeks after that meeting I would have my mom set up a video camera in the kitchen as I would "become" Hot Rod and mimmic and emulate his every word, style, swag, heat, cool cockiness and all delivered with his classic smile (and my awful 12yr old afro).He was a huge influence on me as a kid and an even bigger one when I became The Rock in the WWE. Thank you Roddy for all the talks, all the stories (especially the crazy ones about my grandfather and grandmother) all the advice and most importantly.. all the memories of you entertaining us fans. You're missed my friend. Heaven just got a lil' rowdier... Rest in love ~ DJ #JustWhenTheyThinkTheyHaveAllTheAnswers #HotRodChangesTheQuestions Instagram ดารา @therock 136,817

On fire and averaging over 9 million viewers per week and growing... our final four weeks of #BALLERS are easily our strongest episodes. Thank y'all again for diggin' our show... #ThatThatDoesntKillUs #BALLERS SUNDAY NIGHT at 10pm on HBO. Instagram ดารา @therock 32,448

Ol' Bertha gets dominated once again.. #SheLovesMySweat #AndJustLikeAMicDrop #IDoASweatyShirtDrop #Boom #AMCardio #HandledAndDone #StopTryinToBeCoolDJAndCleanThisShitUp Instagram ดารา @therock 80,500

My boys. @omarbensonmiller aka Charles Green, Chris Andersen aka Birdzilla, John David Washington aka Ricky Jarrett and some tatted up bald dude named Rock. #WeAintInTheBuilding #WeOwnTheBuilding This SUNDAY NIGHT trouble on the rise... #BALLERS at 10pm on HBO. Instagram ดารา @therock 66,128

Alright at 8pm tonight I'll be LIVE speaking to some old friends (and many new ones) of the TELEVISION CRITICS ASSOCIATION. Our goal was to make #BALLERS an authentic show, but the fact y'all made it HBO's hit show of the summer makes everything that much better. I took a second out of my workout to line up this shot for the cameraman, but I promise I'll be appropriately dressed when we go live. (Though I can't promise I would've showered;). #BallOut #BALLERS #HBO #TelevisionCriticsAssociation #TheyCantSmellMeAnyway Instagram ดารา @therock 17,971

As player's financial advisor and mentor I'm tryin' to impart a little wisdom on these young bucks in the league. As fast as the money comes, is as fast as it can go away. And the biggest lesson I've learned (in real life too) is if someone's willing to cheat others to get your business, then they'll be wiling to cheat you once they have it. #BeSmart #KeepYourHeadOnASwivel #TheseAreSharkInfestedWaters #TrustMe #BALLERS SUNDAY'S at 10pm on HBO. Instagram ดารา @therock 34,825

It's not about where you start, it's where you finish... @letoyaluckett layin' down some gospel to me. I see you mama. Things heat up THIS SUNDAY at 10pm on HBO. #BALLERS #TakinCareOfBusiness Instagram ดารา @therock 64,123

Always asked from my buddies, "Why do you continue to push yourself so hard when you don't have to these days? You're not broke.." My answer's always the same.. "Exactly. That's why.". It's funny cause only my buds who came up thru hard times and broke as f*ck understand that answer. The other ones just look at me like I have three heads. Many of y'all out there know what I'm talkin' bout. It ain't ever about money.. it's about never forgetting what it's like to have none. #StayHungry #HardestWorkersInTheRoom #TeamThreeHeadedBeasts Instagram ดารา @therock 189,235

Today I'm partnering with MICROSOFT to raise money and awareness for CureBatten.org. (link is in my profile). What's happening right now to my close friend Gordon Gray and his beautiful family is heartbreaking, but like with all challenging times we face, we gotta do our best to keep the faith and hold onto hope. Y'all have been AMAZING over these past few months in raising awareness for these little girls and I'm grateful. #CureBatten #UpgradeYourWorld Instagram ดารา @therock 80,173

Word. Just found out our ratings grew again this past week for #BALLERS - Thank you! You've made it HBO's hit show of of the summer and most watched 30min series since 2009. Our goal was to produce a show that felt real and authentic and y'all would dig. Check out back to back episodes 1-6 this THURS at 8pm on @HBO 2. #BallOut #24Seven365 #BALLERS Instagram ดารา @therock 86,710

Tryin' these Fresh Foams out for cardio right now.. I'll let y'all know if they get the job done. (Thank you NEW BALANCE for the 15's. Nice gifts to come home to🏾). Alright.. gorilla cardio in 3..2... Instagram ดารา @therock 74,895

After months of hard work.. Ladies and gentlemen that's a DJ wrap on #CentralIntelligence. THANK YOU to our entire brilliant and bad ass production crew - from transpo to catering to every department in between - it was a big production and we couldn't have done it without you. I'm grateful for all your hard work and commitment to our success - THANK YOU. We made a movie you can all be proud of. And finally to the great city of BOSTON.. to every smiling face that greeted me, every handshake, every hug, every pound, every person who got the death stare when they interrupted my workout to every sweaty selfie I took of us.. THANK YOU BOSTON for opening your arms and making me and my family - feel like your family. Grateful to have met all of y'all. I've said it before and will say it again.. it'll always be the best part of my job. #ThatsAWrap #CentralIntelligence #Boston #YouDontWantTheDeathStare Instagram ดารา @therock 116,487

As y'all know in our big action comedy #CentralIntelligence my character, "Bob" was very shy in high school and bullied so bad he quit and never went back. Well tonight he finally returned to his 20yr high school reunion to face his biggest fears... his bullies. He told the crowd that he realized that the most important thing we can be... is ourselves. Class of 1996, here's Bob. All of Bob. #FirstHeRipsHisShirtOff #ThenHisPants #OhGodBobWentCommando #CentralIntelligence #LettingItAllHangOut SUMMER 2016. Instagram ดารา @therock 123,453

Finally got this artist's Insta handle right.. Dope oil work done by @LargeDrew. Artist is very talented and also struggling so I'm happy to shine some light on his work. Thank you man for your amazing work and keep on keepin' on. #8xWWEHeavyweightChamp #PeoplesChamp4Life Instagram ดารา @therock 94,504

Want to thank my dude and one of the dopest photographers on the planet @brianbowensmith for all his talent and energy. With his direction he's been able to capture me in some strong and artistic iconic images over the years and despite the fact he looks like a "tic tic boom" f'n maniac in this picture, he's one of greatest dudes around. The art always reflects the artist - and the artist will always pay the price.. #AndWeTryNotToLookLikeManiacs #InternationalPhotoShoot #CentralIntelligence SUMMER 2016. Instagram ดารา @therock 100,601

Big shout out and thank you to this amazing artist Danielle Weber @dwebsy for traveling all the way from AUSTRALIA to personally deliver this phenomenal painting to me on set here in BOSTON. She's a dope artist, but more importantly an even a cooler girl. **Plus she made a special stop in CUBA and brought me fine Cuban cigars and rum - so she's got some good taste 🏾. Thank you again, keep up the great work and safe travels back home. #FanLove #AUSTRALIA #LightUpTheCubano Instagram ดารา @therock 138,510

Midway thru our first season and y'all have already made #BALLERS the highest rated 30min show on HBO since 2009. We thank you - our dope fans - enjoy the rest of the season. A lil' drama on the horizon.. #BallOut #BALLERS SUNDAY'S at 10pm on @HBO. Instagram ดารา @therock 131,966