When you find that sumbitch.. #Brother2Brother #WeDontMiss #Furious7 Instagram ดารา @therock 39,085

Appreciate the fan love. #DopeInk #elektricink Instagram ดารา @therock 22,749

We got a lil' DVD droppin' tomorrow.. Want to thank y'all again for making our movie the 5th highest grossing movie of ALL TIME. MAHALO 🏾🏾 #DanceWithTheDevil #RockBottomHeardAroundTheWorld #Furious7 Instagram ดารา @therock 91,887

My bud @greggavedon asked me to shoot him training for his Instagram.. #SureBrothaIGotYou #JustGiveMeYourPhone #IWontVidBombYou #TwoDayOldStaleHorseShit Instagram ดารา @therock 5,572

"Woman I am the cavalry.." #Hobbs #Furious7 #BluRay #Tues Instagram ดารา @therock 81,154

I'm one of the busiest men in the world. I ain't got time for this... #BrutusAndHobbs #TheyWannaPlayGrabAssAllDay #IGottaWatchMyNFLGames Instagram ดารา @therock 80,169

Had to repost this beautiful post from Meadow Walker's tribute to her father Paul. Yesterday Paul Walker would've turned 42. Also a short note from me to Meadow... We've never spent a lot of time together honey, but I want you to know that every time me and your dad were together over the years, we'd ALWAYS talk about you and my daughter Simone. We'd have a laugh at the fact we were both divorced, hard working boys and still trying to "figure it all out"... but we'd also laugh and smile bigger at the fact that us being "fathers" is by far the greatest blessing in the world. You're father's beyond proud of you. So am I. Great job and congrats on your launch! ~ DJ #PaulWalkerFoundation #DoGood #Repost @meadowwalker ・・・ Reflecting on my father, I found myself reflecting on his passions. His passion for the ocean, his passion for rescuing animals, his passion for helping people and his passion for spontaneous goodwill. I wanted to start this foundation because I want to share that piece of him with the world. I want to share that part of him with others. I am tremendously proud to be launching The #PaulWalkerFoundation (@paulwalkerfdn) on his birthday. I can't think of a better way to celebrate my father. #DoGood Instagram ดารา @therock 240,470

Bringin' the character in lean, mean and like an animal. Prep starts today. #BALLERS #Season2 #ButFirstINeedACheatMeal #AndSomeBingingOnNetflix Instagram ดารา @therock 108,539

Appreciate the love Champ! No substitute for hard work - keep grindin'. #HardestWorkersInTheRoom #1stEverMrOlympiaPhysique #Repost @markanthonyflex ・・・ #FlexFriday goes out to my Hero @therock. #InspirationEveryday #TheRock #FirstEver #MrOPhysique Instagram ดารา @therock 111,645

Happy Birthday brother. Grateful you were born... #Ohana #PaulWalkerFoundation #DoGood Instagram ดารา @therock 352,904

Gave this a shot this am... #BarefootCardio #MenOfTheStoneAgeConqueredInBarefeet #SoWillDJ #ThoughDecisionWasNotGood #MyPreFrontalCortextIsStillHighlyDeveloped #HelloBlisters #SneakersAreMyJam Instagram ดารา @therock 164,260

Big day! I've worked with Brian Gewirtz in entertainment for over 15yrs - from the Oscars to SNL to MTV and every WWE iconic Rock moment - we've created some pretty cool quality in TV together. We're thrilled to have him as our new SVP of Development for #SevenBucksProductions. Our company's young, but growing rapidly in TV, film and digital. From HBO's BALLERS to Paramount's BAYWATCH to Spike TV's global military spectacular ROCK THE TROOPS, we're working hard to produce some dope entertainment coming your way. #Growth #Vision #Gratitude #HardestWorkersInTheRoom #SevenBucksProductions Instagram ดารา @therock 44,665

Stay strong. #911 #Love #Resiliency #Family Instagram ดารา @therock 32,139

Baddest SOB in the gym. Instagram ดารา @therock 59,837

My next workout shirt. Whoever makes these make sure you send me one in XXXL. #WithExtraRoomForMyPecMeat #AndMy3AndAHalfAbs Instagram ดารา @therock 119,816

First I save this lil' zombie Brutus' life from drowning in the pool, now he decides to get all sick on me and having that awesome "north/south" action coming out of both ends of his body. Fun night. Thank you to the animal Dr's and nurses at St. Francis Emergency Animal Hospital for taking care of our gremlin. He'll be back in no time wrestling and biting the shit outta my hands and happily peeing on my Jordan's. #LetsGetYouHomeBigBoy #ThisPupsHadACrazy72Hrs #HesAlreadyTougherThanA2DollarSteak Instagram ดารา @therock 116,370

Here's a fun Labor Day weekend story... We just decided to add to new members to our Johnson family. Baby French Bulldogs. In my right hand is BRUTUS and in my left hand is HOBBS. Bring them home and immediately take them outside so they can start learning how to "handle their business and potty like big boys". I set them both down and they both take off in a full sprint and fall right into the deep end of our pool. HOBBS immediately starts doggy paddling while BRUTUS (like a brick) sink heads first to the bottom of the pool. I take off into a full sprint, fully clothed, dive in the pool, swim to the bottom, rescue my brick, I mean BRUTUS and bring him back to the edge of the pool. He was a little delirious.. took a moment, threw up all the water he swallowed and looked up at me as if to say, "Thank God you didn't have to give me mouth to mouth!" and then ran off to play with his brother. A few lessons I've learned today.. A) Not all puppies have the instinct to doggie paddle. B) Some puppies (like BRUTUS) will be so in shock by experiencing water they will sink extremely fast so react quick. C) While spiriting to save your puppies life, before you dive in, try and throw your cel phone to safety. Don't keep it in your pocket... like I did. #BRUTUSLives #HOBBSCanSwim #MyCelPhonesDead #AndNoMouthToMouthNeeded #HappyLaborDay Instagram ดารา @therock 5,537

From directing me in THE RUNDOWN, our crazy GOT MILK Super Bowl commercial to BALLERS.. love my dude Pete Berg @pberg44. One day when I run for president you'll be my top advisor for foreign policy. Until then, we have a few more dope projects to do together. #BrilliantDirectorAndAdvisor #POTUSJohnson #ToLeadMenOneMustCuss #Repost @pberg44 ・・・ This big guy. He'd be a good president. Got my vote. @therock #betterthandonald #betterthanhillary Instagram ดารา @therock 43,283

"And I heard, as it were, the noise of thunder One of the four beasts saying, 'Come and see' and I saw, and behold a black horse." #MyBeast #JRCashInspired #LaborDayRollin #WhenTheManComesAround Instagram ดารา @therock 85,382

Every time we hang out at my mom's crib, fans always come by and ring the doorbell cause they see my pick up in the driveway. I prefer keeping my family time private but I couldn't resist coming to the door when I heard this this lil' dude knock and say "Sorry to disturb you but is The Rock here?". Not only is Chase a polite young boy, but he's CLEARLY ridiculously smart. #GoodMeetinYaChase #StudyHard #HappyLaborDay #RocksTougherThanIronMan #TakeThatDowney Instagram ดารา @therock 15,556