โพสต์เมื่อ 5 ส.ค 2558 | 04:22 น.

The Rock (Dwayne Johnson)
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On the verge of losing it all. #IHighlyAdvisedHimToNotMotorboatHer #AtLeastNotInPublic #BALLERS Next SUNDAY at a special time of 1030pm on HBO.; -
After 4 months of hard dieting and eating clean due to filming (Central Intelligence). This is goin' down right now in the Johnson household... #HomemadeEpicCheatMeal #FudgePeanutButterBrownies #CinnamonBuns #BackOnTheDietTomorrow #ButTonightDaddysGottaGoToWork; -
Want to thank my boy NBA's Chris Andersen @birdzilla.ro for his work tonight on #BALLERS. During our downtime on set, it was good to kick it w/ him and chop up redemption, hard ass work and never being satisfied with any success we're lucky enough to have come our way. Ever. #KeepItHardcore #HardestWorkersInTheRoom #BALLERS TONIGHT at 10pm on HBO.; -
Building the new and improved #IronParadise. Where we will push ourselves thru hell.. to get to our heaven. #Open247 #ButChitChatIsNotAllowed #CallousesRequired #AndMusicIsPlayedLoud #CanIGetAnAmen; -
Bringin' an old friend home.. #GreatnessCutShort #LearnFromOthersMistakes #ButAlwaysBallOut TONIGHT at 10pm on HBO. #BALLERS;
Runnin' silly before walkin' thru hell... #JoysOfBeingHome #FloridaBoys #EmptyGym #TheyCantHang #IronParadise #LetsRoll; -
Stayin' hungry w/ my boys. Beast of the South and one of the baddest dudes in the hip hop game @acehood and the best NFL receiver on the planet @antoniobrown84. #HardestWorkersInTheRoom #GratefulForTheGrind #DirtySouthBoys; -
I first met this wrestling icon when I was 12yrs old when he was wrestling my pops the WWE. For weeks and weeks after that meeting I would have my mom set up a video camera in the kitchen as I would "become" Hot Rod and mimmic and emulate his every word, style, swag, heat, cool cockiness and all delivered with his classic smile (and my awful 12yr old afro).He was a huge influence on me as a kid and an even bigger one when I became The Rock in the WWE. Thank you Roddy for all the talks, all the stories (especially the crazy ones about my grandfather and grandmother) all the advice and most importantly.. all the memories of you entertaining us fans. You're missed my friend. Heaven just got a lil' rowdier... Rest in love ~ DJ #JustWhenTheyThinkTheyHaveAllTheAnswers #HotRodChangesTheQuestions; -
On fire and averaging over 9 million viewers per week and growing... our final four weeks of #BALLERS are easily our strongest episodes. Thank y'all again for diggin' our show... #ThatThatDoesntKillUs #BALLERS SUNDAY NIGHT at 10pm on HBO.; -
Ol' Bertha gets dominated once again.. #SheLovesMySweat #AndJustLikeAMicDrop #IDoASweatyShirtDrop #Boom #AMCardio #HandledAndDone #StopTryinToBeCoolDJAndCleanThisShitUp;
My boys. @omarbensonmiller aka Charles Green, Chris Andersen aka Birdzilla, John David Washington aka Ricky Jarrett and some tatted up bald dude named Rock. #WeAintInTheBuilding #WeOwnTheBuilding This SUNDAY NIGHT trouble on the rise... #BALLERS at 10pm on HBO.; -
Alright at 8pm tonight I'll be LIVE speaking to some old friends (and many new ones) of the TELEVISION CRITICS ASSOCIATION. Our goal was to make #BALLERS an authentic show, but the fact y'all made it HBO's hit show of the summer makes everything that much better. I took a second out of my workout to line up this shot for the cameraman, but I promise I'll be appropriately dressed when we go live. (Though I can't promise I would've showered;). #BallOut #BALLERS #HBO #TelevisionCriticsAssociation #TheyCantSmellMeAnyway; -
As player's financial advisor and mentor I'm tryin' to impart a little wisdom on these young bucks in the league. As fast as the money comes, is as fast as it can go away. And the biggest lesson I've learned (in real life too) is if someone's willing to cheat others to get your business, then they'll be wiling to cheat you once they have it. #BeSmart #KeepYourHeadOnASwivel #TheseAreSharkInfestedWaters #TrustMe #BALLERS SUNDAY'S at 10pm on HBO.; -
It's not about where you start, it's where you finish... @letoyaluckett layin' down some gospel to me. I see you mama. Things heat up THIS SUNDAY at 10pm on HBO. #BALLERS #TakinCareOfBusiness; -
Always asked from my buddies, "Why do you continue to push yourself so hard when you don't have to these days? You're not broke.." My answer's always the same.. "Exactly. That's why.". It's funny cause only my buds who came up thru hard times and broke as f*ck understand that answer. The other ones just look at me like I have three heads. Many of y'all out there know what I'm talkin' bout. It ain't ever about money.. it's about never forgetting what it's like to have none. #StayHungry #HardestWorkersInTheRoom #TeamThreeHeadedBeasts;
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