my top FW'15 picks: @zegnaofficial vest, @hermes cabacity bag, @louisvuitton berms and umbrella. see more @mensfolio. #LWMensfolio Instagram ดารา @ohohlawrence 3,140

loneliness is not a chance for others to pity you / it's an opportunity for yourself to discover a stronger you. #findtheotherjacket Instagram ดารา @ohohlawrence 2,127

. the road is a long and narrow one. no one really cares what you are going through. may your loneliness spur you into finding something to live for, great enough to die for. men's uno sept'15 cover story. #LWmagazineshoots | #LWmediacoverage Instagram ดารา @ohohlawrence 2,919

after cereal ebi burger, #mcdsg now offers the new #seaweedebi burger! love the combination of seaweed, whole shrimps and mentaiko flavoured sauce. enjoying my full #ebikase experience... #sp Instagram ดารา @ohohlawrence 3,662

the clean lines and all-white grandeur of the iconic Saint Andrew Cathedral is a testament to the timeless style of colonial architecture that inspires me in my everyday look. #Mdesigninspires | #montblancmy | #LWmensfolio Instagram ดารา @ohohlawrence 2,719

the unique flavours of the new #HeavenandEarth mango tea with a hint of chamomile has inspired me to try this unusual combination of vanilla ice-cream and crushed potato chips! love the contrast in textures and the layering of sweet and salty… an unusual #matchmadeinHeaven! www.facebook.com/HeavenAndEarthTea #sp Instagram ดารา @ohohlawrence 2,797

i finally found the best buying/selling app: #shopeeSG! one of the biggest reason is because they provide Shopee Guarantee! receive your order or get your money back. Shopee Guarantee ensures payment is sent to the seller only after the buyer receives their purchase. no more dishonest sellers and no more buyers backing out. people who likes buying or selling on mobile apps will know how important this is. now with a one time use of promo code LAWRENCE7, you can enjoy $7 off your purchase with a minimum spending of $10. valid till 30/9. http://bit.ly/lawrenceshopee #sp Instagram ดารา @ohohlawrence 2,247

you are a language i am no longer fluent in / but still remember how to read. Men's Uno Sept'15 cover story. #LWmagazineshoots | #LWmediacoverage Instagram ดารา @ohohlawrence 1,171

what? photo? ok, sure. *strike a face* Instagram ดารา @ohohlawrence 446

morning food. Instagram ดารา @ohohlawrence 3,020

harper's bazaar sept'15. #LWmagazineshoots | #LWmediacoverage Instagram ดารา @ohohlawrence 2,562

thank you all who came. Instagram ดารา @ohohlawrence 1,291

to my dearest lil sis, don't worry about the boys or the friends. don't fret if you feel like you can't fit in. study hard, focus on being the best you can be, treat everyone with sincerity, be happy and radiate life. all these will pass and you will be ok. the right people will enter your life. Instagram ดารา @ohohlawrence 2,618

beauty of art is subjective, but inspiration can be found even in the most abstract of pieces. I'm always looking to bright colours and organic forms for my style inspiration, like this art piece, which reduces a broader abstract picture to a simple, clean statement. #Mdesigninspires | #montblancmy | #LWMensfolio Instagram ดารา @ohohlawrence 2,996

rocking my @blackbarrettbyneilbarrett jacket, @zegnaofficial couture eyewear and @lanvinofficial bracelet. view more at @mensfolio. #LWMensfolio Instagram ดารา @ohohlawrence 2,636

慢,是一种艺术,节奏一旦拿捏得不好,就会给人不专注、不集中的散漫感。然而王冠逸偏偏好像有一个隐形的秒表套在手腕上,懂得如何在快和慢之间调谐出最安适合宜的节奏,最后在身上凝聚出一份自得的儒雅。 everyone has a story behind those facades. tell me yours below? @mensunomalaysia | #LWmagazineshoots | #LWmediacoverage Instagram ดารา @ohohlawrence 2,399

congratulations to @mongnica and team for the grand launch of @lofficielmalaysia! special thanks to #diorhomme for dressing and tailoring the outfit for me! makeup/hair: @khirkhalid @garrie.bobs #lofficielmalaysia | #diormalaysia | #styledbymonicamong Instagram ดารา @ohohlawrence 2,917