all the good stuff, for breakfast. #diorsauvage | #diormy | #montblanc | #montblancmy | #fendi Instagram ดารา @ohohlawrence 1,841

🏻 something is brewing, for me and BAZAAR. look out for the sept'15 issue. @harpersbazaarmy | #LWmagazineshoots | #LWmediacoverage Photography by Chin Too || Styling by Jeffrey Yan || Apparel by Coach || Hair by David Shaw || Hair Assistant: Bibian Leong || Make-up by KF Bong || Video by Sonar Films Instagram ดารา @ohohlawrence 2,622

the sun won't stay up forever and the rain won't pour everyday. enjoy the warmth of the sun when it's out and groove to the rhythm of the raindrops when it rains. 没有永远的晴天,也没有永远的雨季。晴天晒晒太阳,雨天听听雨声。这就是生活的智慧。 Instagram ดารา @ohohlawrence 1,790

live by your own rules. don't be like the rest.🏻️ NewMan magazine august'15 cover story. : @alexioyeoh #LWmagazineshoots | #LWmediacoverage Instagram ดารา @ohohlawrence 3,445

happy chinese valentine's day, 七夕快乐! Instagram ดารา @ohohlawrence 3,236

you must believe that one day you'll find someone who is willing to dwell the nights with you. 你要相信,总有一天你会找到一位愿意和你一起迷失在夜晚的人。 Instagram ดารา @ohohlawrence 4,042

light as air, the best state to be. NewMan August'15 cover story. : @alexioyeoh Instagram ดารา @ohohlawrence 3,006

NewMan August'15 cover story. : @alexioyeoh Instagram ดารา @ohohlawrence 3,749

it's a lobster kinda night. Instagram ดารา @ohohlawrence 3,278

coffee. black. like my soul. Instagram ดารา @ohohlawrence 3,339

Here’s my #nakedface after my first #hydrafacial. This medical grade laser facial detox, protect and hydrate the ski and helps get rid of all the gunk in my pores! Thanks to @drjyong, I can look forward to #betterskin. Instagram ดารา @ohohlawrence 768

it's a wrap for my first Hong Kong movie! can't wait for it to be out. thank you to everyone involved for the great shoot! 🏻 Instagram ดารา @ohohlawrence 3,562

fuel before ️. Instagram ดารา @ohohlawrence 2,551

catch the first episode of my latest drama "Echoes of Time" later at 10pm on StarHub's E-City channel (Ch111/Ch825)! #echoesoftime Instagram ดารา @ohohlawrence 2,721

I like drinking coffee alone and reading alone. I like riding the bus alone and walking home alone. It gives me time to think and set my mind free. I like eating alone and listening to music alone. But when I see a mother with her child, a girl with her lover, or a friend laughing with their best friend, I realize that even though I like being alone, I don’t fancy being lonely. Instagram ดารา @ohohlawrence 1,995

@ohohcoconut | #ohohcoconut Instagram ดารา @ohohlawrence 2,419

behind the scenes // NewMan aug'15 cover shoot. @newmanmagazine | #NewManMY | #LWmagazineshoots | #LWmediacoverage Instagram ดารา @ohohlawrence 598

🏻 life is a journey with many stops. it's unavoidable for some people to get down and exit your life. when they do, be grateful, smile and wave a graceful goodbye. #SalvatoreFerragamo | #FerragamoEscape | #ManStory | #FerragamoMy Instagram ดารา @ohohlawrence 2,994

so cute! thank you @fendi. Instagram ดารา @ohohlawrence 1,856