โพสต์เมื่อ 12 ก.ย. 2558 | 08:49 น.

Lawrence Wong
a cat's life. men's folio ambassador. twitter/snapchat: ohohlawrence facebook: lawrencewongofficialpage
ของ รอเลนซ์ วอง

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rocking my @blackbarrettbyneilbarrett jacket, @zegnaofficial couture eyewear and @lanvinofficial bracelet. view more at @mensfolio. #LWMensfolio; -
慢,是一种艺术,节奏一旦拿捏得不好,就会给人不专注、不集中的散漫感。然而王冠逸偏偏好像有一个隐形的秒表套在手腕上,懂得如何在快和慢之间调谐出最安适合宜的节奏,最后在身上凝聚出一份自得的儒雅。 everyone has a story behind those facades. tell me yours below? @mensunomalaysia | #LWmagazineshoots | #LWmediacoverage; -
congratulations to @mongnica and team for the grand launch of @lofficielmalaysia! special thanks to #diorhomme for dressing and tailoring the outfit for me! makeup/hair: @khirkhalid @garrie.bobs #lofficielmalaysia | #diormalaysia | #styledbymonicamong; -
the new #CerealEbi burger from #mcdsg is love... especially the whole shrimps patty and the shrimp paste-flavored sauce! enjoy it with sweet potato fries and honeydew mcflurry too! #ebikase | #sp;
who says i am not a dog lover? ; -
feast like a beast. ; -
thank you @mensunomalaysia and the whole team behind the Sept'15 double cover. : @hanzlee #LWmagazineshoots | #LWmediacoverage; -
i love cars that sport a sleek, futuristic design with advance technology that inspires and revolutionize the market. there’s a new generation of writing instrument that will come together to deliver a multi-sensory writing experience, stay tune to find out how one of the most revered company is shaking things up. @montblanc | #Mdesigninspires | #montblancmy | #bmw | #bmwi8 | #LWMensfolio; -
@furla wearing #emporioarmani. thanks for having me. #feelingfurla | #furlasg;
@furla | #feelingfurla | #furlasg; -
oyster kinda night.; -
it's a wrap for 118! just wanna express my gratitude to the whole cast, crew and team for showing me such grace and kindness. to the audiences and everyone of you who supported and responded so positively to the character Xiao Bao and for truly feeling him and even perhaps, identifying his perseverance and giving nature for love in yourselves. i'm gonna miss him so immensely. lastly, to my amazingly dedicated partner-in-crime @yahuiyh, thank you for the great chemistry. we didn't even have to try, we just got it. #118sg | #小宝 | #张家宝 | #洪金枝; -
organic lines, fluidity in form and fine craftsmanship are the tenants of cutting-edge design that I look out for in furniture. these modern pieces exudes a timeless appeal that greatly inspires me when developing my personal look. stay tune and discover how a new generation of writing instrument will come together to deliver a multi-sensory writing experience. @montblanc | #mdesigninspires | #montblancmy | @mensfoliomy | #LWmensfolio; -
"stay gold, ponyboy." Men's Uno Sept'15 double cover. : @hanzlee #LWmagazineshoots | #LWmediacoverage;
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