Couldn't fall asleep so I ordered this #tranquilturtle cuz supposedly it's supposed to help! #callmelame #stillwantedthatwavespoutingturtle #immasleeplikeababynow #cloud_b 잠이안와서 이 거북이 샀어.. 잠잘오게한데.. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ #바보라고불러 #그래도파도뿜눈거북이사고싶었어 #난이제애기처럼잘거야 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 23,389

Bruno Mars - Lazy Song how I'm feeling today~ weather isn't helping either TT don't forget your umbrella! #lazyday #gloomy #todayidontfeellikedoinganything 오늘 기분 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 날씨때문에 더그런것같아 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 우산까먹지마세요~~ #게으른날 #꿀꿀하다 #오늘아무것도안할래 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 25,028

If your shirt doesn't look like this after you finished working out... You're not doing it right!!! Haha :P #iprobabltstink #becareful #keepyourdistance #sweaty #feelsgood #imhungrynow 운동후에 티가이러지않으면 재대로운동하는거아냐!!!! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ #나냄새날것같아 #조심해 #거리유지해 #땀 #개운해 #이제배고파 Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 26,268

About to head to the airport now~ bye Japan! Had a great time!!see ya! #summervacationwithbtob 이제 공항으로간다~~ 빠이 일본 멜로디~~ 재미있었어요!!! 다음에봐요! Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 24,680

On the plane to Japan! Sitting next to @imhyunsik you soon!! 비행기 탔다~ 곧봐요!! @imhyunsik 옆자리다~ Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 26,541

On the plane to Japan! Sitting next to @imhyunsik you soon!! 비행기 탔다~ 곧봐요!! @imhyunsik 옆자리다~ Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 26,541

Just finished working out~ time to wash up and eat! It's hot today...#hatetheheat I want some more of the #potbingsoo the coach gave me yesterday lol :P 운동 끝나고 이제 씻고 밥먹어야지~~ 오늘 완전더워 ㅠ 어제 관장님이 준 팥빙수 또 먹고싶다 ㅋㅋㅋ Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 40,871

Today's freaking hot!!! This is a new tanktop too! Lol Got cut off but it says #done haha have a good day everyone!오늘 완전 더워!! 이것도 새로산 나씨다~~ ㅎㅎ 좋은 하루보내세요~ ^^ Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 40,406

Cousin's leaving Korea soon :( got to hangout one last time! Isn't my niece cute? #socute got a new smiley tank too! #becauseimhappy #familytime 사촌 동생 곧 미국 다시가서 마지막으로 놀았다~~ 조카 귀엽죠?!?! #너무귀여워 스마일리나씨새로샀다~ #가족시간 Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 33,847

S/o to #nanapiercing ! Thanks for the new earrings @blackstar_cat ! @blackstar_cat ! 새 피어싱 고마워요! 잘 끼고 다닐게요! #nanapiercing Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 34,668

I was #bored lol..time to sleep! #goodnight Thanks Taiwan! Had an awesome time!! 심심했었어... ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 이제 자야지~ 굿나잇! 대만공연와주신분들 땡큐~ Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 45,825

Woot woot~ #Beast is back with #GoodLuck ! show them some support! GOOD LUCK!!!! 와~~ #비스트 형들 #굿럭 으로 돌아왔다!!! 많이 응원해주세요!! 굿럭! 화이팅! Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 34,777

Happy Father's Day to the most loving and caring dad in the world! And now to my brother in law too!!! Happy Father's Day ! Love you guys #immabeanuncle #dadsgonnabeagrandpanow #weird 세상에서 제일 좋은아빠! Father's Day축하해! 그리고 이제 내 메형도 Father's Day축하해!!!! 둘다 너무 사랑해!!! #나이제삼촌되 ! #아빠는이제할아버지되 #이상하다 ㅋㅋㅋ Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 35,841

Got a mangoa? (Mango flavored melona) after working out lol #nomnomnom #needtoshave #andshower #iprobablystink :P time too get ready then head over to namwon~ see you soon! 운동끝나고 망고아? (망고맛 멜로나) 먹었다~ #냠냠냠 #면도해야되 #샤워도해야되 #나냄새나겠지 ? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 준비하고 남원으로 고!! 좀있다봐요! Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 41,016

Couldn't sleep so I came to Han River with @imhyunsik time to sleep now good night everyone! 잠안와서 @imhyunsik 이랑 한강갔다 이제 자야지~ 잘자요 다들!! Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 42,584

Met @realericnam today!!!!!! #Ericnamoohooh #derpface lol :P 오늘 @realericnam 만났다!!!! #Ericnamoohooh #엽기표정 ㅋㅋ >< Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 45,996

Chicago's frozen!! My hometown! Oh no! >< 내 고향이 얼었어!! 어떻게해?! ㅋㅋ >< Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 0

R.I.P to one of the best grandpas in the world ️ Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 0

Merry Christmas~ Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 0

Have you ever seen a giraffe twerking? Now you have :) 기린이가 twerking하는거 본적있어요? 이제 있어요 :) Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 0