Our Japanese debut single #Wow is out!! Woo~~ #officiallydebutedinjapan 우리 일본 데뷔 싱글 #와우 나왔다! 오예~~ #일본에서공식적으로데뷔했다 ! Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 34,774

The #wowstewedporkset at the #btobcafe in #shibuyatowerrecords it's freaking delicious!! #foodporn #debutinjapan #시부야타워래코드 에있는 #비투비카페 의 #와우돼지고기조림세트 (와우 니코미세트) 완전 맛있어! #음식야동 #일본데뷔 Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 18,819

Off to Japan! See you soon!! 일본으로 출발! 곧봐요!! Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 542

@hichaheebye OST 나왔네~~ 축하축하! 친한동생이있는 그룹이 #내일도칸타빌레 OST 불렀는데 많이 들어주세요~~ #목소리짱 #노래짱 #그룹이름도짱 #멜로디데이 #비투비팬들의날 #우리팬인가봐 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 죄송합니다...#listentomyheart Close friend of mine @hichaheebye 's group released an OST! Check it out! #MelodyDay #thedayforbtobfans #theymustbeourfans lol sorry... #listentomyheart Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 13,836

New shoes! Haven't gone shopping in the longest time lol #feelgood #shoes #presenttomyself 새로산 신발! 오랜만에 쇼핑~ #기분좋다 #신발 #프니엘이동근이한테주는선물 ㅋㅋㅋ Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 26,943

Thanks for coming out to watch our concert today! @junghwa_0508 @hyeliniseo #Legend #EXID and of course.. All the Melodies that came out today! Thank you guys so much! See ya'll again tmrrw!!! 오늘 공연 보러 와줘서 고마워 @junghwa_0508 @hyeliniseo #전설 #이엑스아이디 그리고 와주신 모든 멜로디분들!! 너무너무너무너무 고마워요! 내일 또 봐요! Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 3,506

His bed's right next to mine yet we're texting... Lol TT good night everyone~ 침대 바로옆에있는데... 문자로... ㅋㅋㅋㅋ ㅠ 다들 잘자요!!! Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 6,083

Good night ! :) 질자요 ! ^^ Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 33,175

Beast is back!! Check it out everyone! #beast #comeback 비스트형들 나왔다!!! 한번 들어봐주세요!! #비스트 #컴백 Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 25,980

http://me2.do/xykZR2uk have you guys seen Ep. 2 of"The Beat" yet? I beat changsub haha :P 더비트 2화 봤나요?? 창섭이형 이겼지롱~~ ㅎㅎ Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 35,970

Got together with the 93ers before the broadcast starts! Everyone tune in!! #넌감동이야 #쉽지않아 #witch #연애하나봐 방송 시작전 93라인 모임 :) ㅋㅋ 다들 본방사수해주세요~~ #넌감동이야 #쉽지않아 #witch #연애하나봐 Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 37,338

Put the link to the music video in my bio! Check that out as well please!!!! :) #BTOB #move #youresofly http://youtu.be/RQoOEEnKlVY 뮤비 링크도 바이오박에눴으니깐 그것도한번봐쥬세요! #비투비 #넌김동이야 #무브 http://youtu.be/RQoOEEnKlVY Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 31,911

Yay it's finally out!!!! #BTOB #move #youresofly check it out !!!! 와 드디어 나왔다!!! #비투비 #무브 #넌감동이야 한번 들어봐주세요! Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 24,235

I was bored so I decided to make this...lol edited it to upload onto Instagram! Original version on my pheed! D-1! #BTOB #Move #youresofly #comeback #teaser3 #notreallyateaser #imsorry #choreoteaser?! #butthatwasinthesecondteaseraswell #sorryagain 심심해서... 한번만들어봤어요..ㅋㅋㅋ 인스타에올릴려고 편집했어요~ 원래 버전은 피드계정으로 고! D-1 #비투비 #무브 #넌감동이야 #컴백 #3번째티저 #티저는아니지 ? #죄송합니다 #포인트안무티저 ?! #근데이미2번째티저에나왔네 #다시죄송 Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 19,715

Eunkwang's dance skills.. Dayummmm~ lol (sorry for the video size..recorded it wrong TT) #thatshowyoureallypop #lookatthatpower #hecanpopbetterthanpopcorn 은광이형의 춤실력~ 대박! (영상작아서죄송해요..제가잘못찍었어요 ㅠ) #이게진짜팝핑이지 #춤출때힘봐 #팝콘보다팝핑더잘한다 Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 9,464

D-7 #BTOB #Move #Comeback only a week left!!!! D-7 #비투비 #넌감동이야 #컴백 일주일남있다!!! Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 20,646

D-9 #BTOB #Move #Comeback D-9 #비투비 #넌감동이야 #컴백 Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 38,496

List of a few songs that I listen to a lot these days~ #sorryforthesmallpic #therewasnootherway #ithink ? @chrisbrownofficial @bigsean @jparkitrighthere #maroon5 #kidink #kendricklamar 요새 자주듣는노래들 #사진작아서미안 #다른방벙없었어 #아닌가 ? Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 22,875

What ?! #BTOB #firstconcert #hellomelody whoa!~~ 뭐라고?! #비투비 #첫콘서트 #헬로멜로디 와!!~~ Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 26,765

How do you guys like my concept for this mini album? Grew out my hair and gained some weight #movedbythebeauty #wearshadesifyouwannastare #tbt LOL when is this pic from..? I think it's my freshman year..? 저 이번 앨범 컨셉인데 어때요? 머리 길렀고 살좀찌었어요 ㅋㅋㅋ #너무사랑스러워서김동이다 #볼거면썬글라스껴요 ㅋㅋㅋ 아 이거 언제사진이지? 중3인가..? Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 26,664