They gave me a SnapBack too!!!!! :D thank you #pazzad ! #pazzad 에서 나 스냅백도 선물해줬다!! 스냅백 이쁘다~ 감사합니다! Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 38,313

S/o to #Pazzad for this sweet beanie! www.pazzad.com <-- they got some sweet hats!! 이쁜 비니줘서 고마워요 #pazzad ! www.pazzad.com <--- 이쁜모자 많다!! Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 29,456

Just finished the movie premier for #고양이장례식 ! Once it comes out make sure you guys go and check it out! 방금 #고양이장례식 시사회 보고왔다! 영화나오면 많이 보러가주세요! #강인형화이팅 Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 4,893

It's a Shreck face pack.. Can't see it that well, but it is! I swear ! Lol good night everyone! 잘 안보이는데... 슈렉 팩이예요! 거짓말아니예요!! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 잘자요!!! Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 32,125

Who/Why are people trying to reset my Instagram password? What're you gonna do with my Instagram account? Delete my pics? Upload your selfies? Lol 누가 내 인스타 계정 비밀번호바꾸려고하는거지? 왜? 바꿔서뭐하게요?? 사진들지우게요? 본인셀카올리게요? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 27,040

Who's your daddy? #imyourdaddy #내가네아빠다 Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 34,611

Eyes Nose Lips 눈 코 입 Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 9,763

#fanartfriday reminds me of Charlie Brown :P s/o to @maa_dder_n #팬아트프라이데이 찰리브라운 만화 생각난다 고마워요 @maa_dder_n Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 28,479

What's 9+10? Lol 프: 9+10 뭐야? 은: 21?! 프: 아 바보! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 35,485

Good night everyone! See you guys tmrrw!!! 여러분 잘자요!! 내일봐요!!! Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 24,383

Since Christmas passed I changed the Santa earring for the mitten earring ! From inkigayo yesterday! #BTOB #울면안돼 크리스마스지나서 산타귀거리 빼고 장갑귀거리로 체인지! 어제 인가에서 찍은사진 #비투비 #울면안돼 Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 35,263

Shot this really quickly after music core ended! Didn't have a lot of time so the quality of the video sucks but... Hope you guys enjoy it ! Good night and see ya'll tmrrw!!! #mario part 2 #BTOB #울면안돼 음중 끝나고 급하게 찍너라 퀄리티가 좀 떨어지지만 그래도 귀엽게 봐주세요! 잘자고 내일 인가에서봐요!! #마리오 파트 2 #비투비 #울면안돼 Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 30,852

Shot this really quickly after music core ended! Didn't have a lot of time so the quality of the video sucks but... Hope you guys enjoy it ! Good night and see ya'll tmrrw!!! #mario part 1 #BTOB #울면안돼 음중 끝나고 급하게 찍너라 퀄리티가 좀 떨어지지만 그래도 귀엽게 봐주세요! 잘자고 내일 인가에서봐요!! #마리오 파트 1 #비투비 #울면안돼 Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 25,402

S/o to whoever made this!!! Cute as hell~ Daejun/Seoul yesterday! Busan/Daegu today! #letsgo #fanartfriday 이거 만든사람 고마워요! 귀엽다~ 어젠 대전/서울! 오늘은 부산/대구! #레츠고 #fanartfriday Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 11,600

#agree what do you really want for Christmas this year? "나이가 들수록 크리스마스 선물 목록은 작아지고, 진짜로 원하는것들은 구입을못하는것같습니다" #동감 올해 크리스마스는 뭘 원해요? Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 1,998

Rudolph earrings to match our Rudolph outfits yesterday! Thank you @blackstar_cat #nanapiercing 어제 루돌프 옷에 맞춘 루돌프 피어싱! 고마워요 @blackstar_cat #나나피어싱 Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 20,716

You too man! @mark_tuan lets go get something to eat soon and hangout!! Missed you man! Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 16,966

http://youtu.be/CWAhNgjB5jM MV for #울면안돼 is out!!! Link in the description box! #울면안돼 뮤비나왔다!!! 링크는 info박스에!!! Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 13,058

Whoa all our songs are on the chart! Thanks!!!! #울면안돼 와 모든 노래 다 차트안에있다! 고마워요!! #울면안돼 Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 11,795

Our song is out!! Check it out! #울면안돼 노래나왔다! 한번 들어봐주세요!!! #울면안돼 Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 16,767