Ohhhhhh yeaaaaahhh~~~ comeback soon!!! Ya'll ready?!?! #comeback #soon #BTOB #Thriller 오!!!!!! 비투비 컴백?!?! 오!!!!! ㅋㅋ #비투비 #컴백 #스릴러 Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 0

Chillin with my home dawgs!!!! (From yesterday) Lol :P can't wait for this to come out! 내 제일 친한친구들이랑 칠링하는중 (어제) ㅋㅋㅋ 영화 빨리나왔으면 좋겠다 >< Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 0

Heejun (former American idol contestant) said I'm lovely in an interview with Soompi! Woo! Haha make sure you guys support him when he debuts!! :D #Heejun #americanidol #soompi #interview Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 0

On the way to radio to sing "When I Was Your Man live!~~~~ everyone's gonna listen right?! 내니남 라이브로 부르려고 라디오가는중! 다들 들을거죠?! ^^ ㅎㅎ Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 0

Too hot today!!!!! So I got 팥빙수 w/ a few of the members!!! 오늘 너무 더워!!! 그래서 멤버몇명이랑 팥빙수!! Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 0

Present from Pops in Seoul! Matching hat and shirt! Thank you!!! It was an amazing experience :) continue to show your support for Pops in Seoul everyone! #popsinseoul 팝스인서울이 나 한테 준 선물! 모자란 티 세트!!! 그동안 고마웠어요!! 좋은 경엄이었어요! 모두다 팝스계속 시창해주세요 ^^ #팝스인서울 Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 0

Our pictures are out for "When I Was Your Man" :D "내가 니 남자였을 때" 사진 나왔어요!! ^^ Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 0

This is my newest Chicago hat that I bought a few days ago~ :) #chitown #chicago #windycity #snapbacks 몇일전에 새로산 시카고모자! :) #시카고 #샤이타운 #스냅백 Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 0

Whoa! Forgot to upload this pic! This is from when we did the Lotte Department store fan meetings! Took this after or last one :P 나 이거 올리는거 까먹었었다! 우리 롯데백화점 팬미팅했었을데 ㅋㅋ 마지막공연후 찍은사진! Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 0

I was organizing hats that fit me and don't this morning and... All the Chicago hats that fit me!!! Chitown!!!!~~~ :P #chitownreppin #snapbacks #chicago #windycity 오늘 아침에 나한테 맞는모자랑 안맞는모자 정리하다가.. 나한테 맞는 시카고 모자!! ㅎㅎ :) #시카고 #샤이타운 #스냅백 Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 0

I'm bored... What's everyone up to?!?! :P #bored #funnyfaces 나 심심해.... 다들 뭐해??? ㅋㅋ #웃긴표정 #심심해 Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 0

:O had this yesterday.... Want some more! It's addicting!!! Since it's hot look at this pic and cool down :) 빙수! ㅠ 어제 먹었는데.. 또먹고싶다!! 더우니깐 이 사진 보고 cool down해요! ㅋㅋ Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 0

This was on the way to Busan! Sky is so pretty :) lol s/o to everyone who came to Busan! 부산가는길에 찍은 사진~~ 하늘 이쁘다~~~ ^^ 오늘 응원해주러와주신분들 고마워요!! ^^ Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 0

Which one is me?! :O #clones #bored 어떤게 나지?!?! :O Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 0

The members' parents came and make us dinner! It was delicious~~~ :D #foodgasm #foodporn #stomachisgonnablow #delicious Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 0

Thanks to 심심타파 I got I eat 삼계탕 for lunch? Dinner? Today :) hehe 심심타파 덕분에 오늘의 점심? 저녁?은 삼계탕!! ㅎㅎㅎ :) Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 0

Took this a few days ago but uploading it now! ! W/ @tokimonsta ! Best female DJ right hurrr~~ haha but seriously! Check out her stuff! It's pretty crazy!!! @tokimonsta 와 함께찍은사진! 찍은지 좀 됐지만 지금 올리네 ㅎㅎ 미국에서 대단한 작곡가/DJ이니깐 한번 찾아보세요! 굿! Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 0

3번째 vlog 한국 자막 올렸습니다! 오래 걸려서 죄송해요 ㅠ Korean subtitles are up for the 3rd vlog!!! Sorry it took so long! :P Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 0

And this was even before my vlog but... Sungjae and My cover of Verbal Jint's Pretty enough! (You need the link to watch this one.. Can't look for it on YouTube.. It's unlisted cuz it's only for Melodies ;) enjoy!) http://youtu.be/vAZhzE0Gi0U Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 0

Sorta late but..for those of you that don't know... My third vlog is out!!! Check it out! :) http://youtu.be/RXnAATUt9xY Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 0