Bought some Christmas earrings from #nanapiercing for our Christmas song #Youcancry ! #snowman #Santa thank you @blackstar_cat ! Also!!! Thank you guys for coming out today!!! Make sure you guys check out our performance live!! Lol #나나피어싱에서 우리 크리스마스곡 #울어도돼 를위해서 크리스마스 피어싱을샀어요!!! 고마워요 @blackstar_cat ! #눈사람 #산타 그리고!!! 오늘 와주신분들 고마워요!!! 우리 무대 생방으로 봐주세요!! ㅋㅋㅋ Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 31,004

Check out Melody Day and Mad Clown's "겁나" it's pretty good~~ I like the song @hichaheebye !! #Melodyday #MadClown 멜로디데이랑 매드클라운의 노래 "겁나" 겁나 좋다... ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 한번 들어주세요~~ @hichaheebye 노래 좋다! #멜로디데이 #매드클라운 #겁나 Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 3,129

ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 악 그래도 한장이라도 잘나온거 올려주지! 너무하네 @jin__hw @junghwa_0508 ! 내가 올려야지! #둘은사진만찍으면표정들이장난아니야 #셀카얼굴 #실제로이렇게안생겼어 ! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ #장난s LOL couldn't you guys upload at least one picture where I came out decent? Imma post it! Lol #faceexpressionschangeinablinkofaneyewhentheytakepictures #selfieface #theydontlooklikethisinreallife ! Hahaha :P #justkidding Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 32,375

#BTOB #Comeback #6thminialbum #winterspecial #thewinterstale 12/22 00:00 make sure you mark it on your calendar and your reminder and check it out as soon as it comes out! #비투비 #컴백 #6집미니앨범 #윈터스페셜 #thewinterstale 12/22 00:00 달력에 써놓고 리마인더에 써놓고 나오자마자 들어주세요! Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 27,928

Go check out @realericnam 's new song!!! It's good~~~ #ericnam #녹여줘 @realericnam 새로 나온 노래 한번 들어봐요! 진짜 좋아요!!! #에릭남 #녹여줘 Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 15,743

MV video for the awesome song #Youcancry that @heejunworld gave us is finally out! http://youtu.be/ICVx-mi3eYI link in the bio box @heejunworld 가 우리한테 준 노래 #울어도돼 뮤비나왔다!!! http://youtu.be/ICVx-mi3eYI 링크 바이오에도놀게요!! Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 19,243

Congrats to my sister @jennnnnnx3 and my brother in law @therealkairos !!! Officially parents!!! #Jaden #ilikethename #imofficiallyanuncle ! #imgoingtospoilhim #youareluckyiminkoreasoicantspoilhimasmuch #congrats #sohappy can't wait to see him in person!!! 저 친누나 @jennnnnnx3 하고 매형 @therealkairos 이제 부모됐다!!! 너무 축하해!!! #Jaden #이름좋다 #난이제외삼촌이다 ! #조카바보될거야 #한국에있는거운좋다고생각해 #축하축하 #너무기쁘다 #콧대짱이다 빨리 직접보고싶다!! Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 19,222

It's out!! #youcancry check it out!! 나왔다! #울어도돼 많이 들어주세요~~ Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 4,810

은광이형도 쌍둥이 찾아달라고해서.... ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ #NO Eunkwang asked me to find his twin so... Here it is lol #NO Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 34,677

뭐야?! 이거 민혁이형아니야?! 영화배우로 언제 데뷔한거예요 @btob_2mh ?! #쌍둥이? #비밀데뷔 ? #뭐지 ? 눈 형눈물아니예요 ? What the... Isn't this Minhyuk ?! When did you debut as an actor @btob_2mh ?! #twin ?#secretlydebuted ? #whichone ? Is snow Minhyuk's tears?! Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 37,096

Winter single?! What?! 12/3/14 00:00 ?' That's in 12 hours!!! :O #omg #thatscrazy #youcancry #dontactuallycrythatsthenameofthesong I mean... #youcanifyouwant #wintersingle #BTOB 뭐라고?! 겨울 싱글?! 14/12/03 00:00 ?! 뭐야 12시간 뒤잖아!!! #헐 #미쳤다 #울어도돼 #진짜론울지말그냥노래이름이야 아니.. 뭐.... #진짜로울고싶으면울어도돼 #겨울싱글 #비투비 Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 14,071

Sorry for uploading it late! You guys asked me to cover your face so I did :P #Hyunsikcameo #team4 #heartcookie #logocookie we couldn't bake the logo cookie though TT 늦게 올려서죄송해요~ 얼굴 가려달라고해서... 너무 가렸나..? ㅋㅋㅋ #현식이형까메오 #4조 #하트쿠키 #로고쿠키 만들었지만.. 못 구었어요 ㅠ Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 23,098

Wow!!! 11th on the charts right now!! You guys are on fire!! Hope you guys get in the top 10!! I'll go listen to it right now too! :P @junghwa_0508 @hyeliniseo @ahnhani_92 @ahn_ellybaby #Solji #congrats 올~~~~ 지금 11위!!! 짱이다!! 10위안에들길 기도할게~~ 나도지금 들을게!! @junghwa_0508 @hyeliniseo @ahnhani_92 @ahn_ellybaby #솔지님 #축하축하 Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 15,557

Met @jamesjhl at 의정부 today for the 푸른별 축제 #whyreyousotall ?#iknowimshortbutyouretootall #freakingbeast #royalpirates 오늘 의정부에서 푸른별축제에서 @jamesjhl 만났다! #키왜이렇게커 ? #내가작은것도있지만제임스너무커 #괴물 #로열파이럿츠 Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 30,189

Just finished packing! Heading back to Korea tmrrw! Thank you Japan! We had an awesome time! #lastdaylastpack #pandapeniel 이제 짐다쌌다!! 내일 다시한국으로! 일본너무 좋았어요! 고마워요! #마지막날마지막팩 #팬다프니엘 Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 4,284

#vampirepeniel today! Only one pack left.. Oh man TT lol :P thanks for coming out to welcome us even though it was cold Osaka! See you guys tmrrw! Good night everyone! 오늘은 #뱀파이어프니엘 ! 이제 팩 한개밖에안남았다 ㅠ ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 오늘 추웠지만 환영해주러 나와서 고마워요 오사카! 내일 봐요! 잘자요! Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 18,036

Just finished packing up! Thank you Tokyo! We had an awesome time! See you tmrrw Osaka!! #skelotonpeniel today #skincare good night!!! 짐 이제 다 쌌다~ 도쿄!! 너무 고마웠어요! 오사카! 내일 봐요! 오늘은 #해골프니엘 #피부관리 잘자요!! Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 29,590

Just finished packing up! Thank you Tokyo! We had an awesome time! See you tmrrw Osaka!! #skelotonpeniel today #skincare good night!!! 짐 이제 다 쌌다~ 도쿄!! 너무 고마웠어요! 오사카! 내일 봐요! 오늘은 #해골프니엘 #피부관리 잘자요!! Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 29,590

Man... Eunkwang's got a #selfiedisease or something lol #eatingdinner #yummy #nomnomnom #MEAT #hyunsikcameo 아 은광이형진짜... #셀카병 #회식중 #맛있다 #냠냠냠 #고기 !!!! #현식이형까메오 Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 18,475

Lols... Good night everyone! #gottatakecareofmyskin #tigerpeniel #howdoilook ? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 잘자요!!! #피부관리해야지 #호랑이프니엘 #어때요 ? Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 18,647