โพสต์เมื่อ 18 มิ.ย. 2558 | 07:09 น.

ไบรโอนี่ รอดโพธิ์ทอง
️Lovers of life, Lovers in life. Parents,Traveling Yoga Teachers, Handstand&Acro Enthusiasts 10/2 Jeju Island, 10/8-9 Worthersee, 10/10-11 Moscow
ของ เคท

The new Summer Romance Collection I worked on with @KiraGrace launches today! If you're looking for a little elegance this summer check it out at Kiragrace.com!; -
Alright friends! Here's the final day of the #UprootedYogi challenge. We have an amazing #armbalance, #ashtavakrasana. This is a variation of its prep pose, #suryayantrasana (#sundial #compasspose) ----- Big thanx to the amazing hosts @robinmartinyoga @jennifermartinyoga @seanphelpslife and stellar sponsors @iggetaway @rebelaffair @eastonwestapparel for putting this #challenge on! ️ ----- Practice and #Inspireon! #Briohny is wearing @kiragraceyoga 😀 #BryceYoga #inspirationgeneration #yoga #IGyoga; -
Starting the school summer with my mini me @tjc_money using @truselforganics detoxifying mask. I usually don't encourage her to use anything like this but the ingredients are so pure and our skin felt amazing afterward that it was well worth it. Plus, we had such a blast mixing it, applying it, and waiting for it to dry...it was like a mini spa experience in the comfort of our own home. Taylor has grown so much this year and we are so proud of her. After all of her hard work in 4th grade and a straight A report card every trimester, she has never deserved this summer holiday more! Summer holidays have been tough for us because she spends half the time with her dad and away from us, but she is so much stronger this year! We celebrated by detoxifying so we could be present for ourselves and one another for the months to come. #loveyourself; -
A little #behindthescenes look at a photo shoot for @iggetaway with the always amazing and ever-inspiring @dylanwerneryoga More to come in the near future! ----- The IGGetaway is happening August 22-26, here in #LosAngeles and will include teachers like @mackenzieyoga @cuchira @dylanwerneryoga @theyogimatt @yogabeyond @laurasykora @fitqueenirene. Check out the link in our bio and be sure to follow @iggetaway! ----- Big thanx to @fit_influxr and @walkintotheforest for the all of their help, hard work and stellar photo and video skills #BryceYoga #InspirationGeneration #handstand #yoga #IGyoga; -
Sorry yogis! We're a little late to the party, but here's DAY of the #UprootedYogi challenge. We have #handstand #hollowback ----- Kick up to handstand with your hands about a palms distance away from the wall to start. Those of you with deeper backbends can move a little further if needed Be sure to externally rotate the upper arm bones by hugging the upper arms towards one another and continue to find energy moving through your inner hands (index and thumb knuckles) With straight legs or bent knees, place your hips on the wall and work your chest through the gateway of your arms with the neck relaxed and head dropped Smile and breath here, enjoying this beautiful heart/shoulder opener ----- Be sure to check out the other hosts to see what they're cooking up with this pose @seanphelpslife @robinmartinyoga @jennifermartinyoga And sponsors @eastonwestapparel @rebelaffair @iggetaway ----- Bri is wearing @kiragraceyoga Practice and #inspireon ️️ #BryceYoga #InspirationGeneration #yoga #IGyoga;
#SockShop 'ing with #Hanumanasana, #HandstandPress, #OAHS and #Planche! ----- If you want some #SockPractice, come on over to @yogaglo and get your #yoga on with me! Get your #SocksOn and get to it ----- Practice and #inspireon friends ️#BryceYoga #InspirationGeneration #IGyoga #handstand #corework #YogaGlo; -
#JuneGloom made sunny and warm by #Love ️ Love these two #munchkins so much ----- #BryceYoga #InspirationGeneration #VeniceBeach #Venice #Ocean #California #Siblings #DailyDoseOfLove; -
DAY 9 of #UprootedYogi has us working our favorite #handstand with a stag, or bent leg. Please check out @jennifermartinyoga for details on this rockin' pose! ----- We love the #AcroGreen down in #SantaMonica! We also love @backtoawake for all the amazing cinematography and photography that he creates. Thanx dude for all you do ----- If you look carefully, Bri's foot is riding a bicycle, and my knee is now someone's head ----- Be sure to follow the other challenge hosts @jennifermartinyoga @seanphelpslife @robinmartinyoga And sponsors @iggetaway @eastonwestapparel @rebelaffair ----- Shorts by @eastonwestapparel ----- Practice and #inspireon my fellow yogis and movers ️ ----- #BryceYoga #InspirationGeneration #PartnerYoga #YogaCouple #YogiCouple #IGyoga #Yoga; -
#UprootedYogi DAY 8 is all about the amazing #ArmBalance that is #EkaPadaKoundinyasanaTwo (#EPK2) ----- From downward facing dog, lift one leg up upon your inhale, and exhale step the foot forward between your hands into a lunge position (other option is to take the lifted leg and place the inner thigh high on your same side tricep as you bend your elbows into the shape of the arm balance) With both hands to the inside of your front leg, lift your heel and press your shin forward to create the space needed to get the shoulder behind the knee With the shoulder in place, hug the inner thigh firmly against your shoulder/ribs and take your hands to shoulders distance underneath your torso Begin to bend your elbows while hugging them in towards one another, all the while keeping your gaze and chest moving forward and up, NOT DOWN. Claw the floor with your fingertips to gain traction, rooting specifically through the index and thumb knuckle of each hand. There is an option to have your free elbow underneath your extended leg hip. Try both options! Straightening the front leg is icing on the cake. It requires hamstring, low back and hip flexibility, so no worries if it doesn't happen now! As for the back leg, press firmly through the ball of the foot and attempt to lift the inner thigh towards the sky until you have lift off. Energize your feet and see the magic that it will bring to your balance capabilities ----- Be sure to follow the other hosts @seanphelpslife @robinmartinyoga @jennifermartinyoga and the sponsors @rebelaffair @eastonwestapparel @iggetaway for some amazing prizes ----- Practice and #inspireon my fellow yogis ----- #BryceYoga #InspirationGeneration #Yoga #IGyoga #PartnerYoga #YogaCouple #YogiCouple; -
DAY of #UprootedYogi is #PinchaMayurasana (#ForearmBalance) w/ Scorpion. I went with an old video doing #ForearmHollowback. Excuse the #laundry and the mess behind me...it was a nighttime #homepractice and I had to get it in while keeping the house in order ----- Head on over to @robinmartinyoga for details on this pose. Also be sure to follow the other stellar hosts @seanphelpslife and @jennifermartinyoga and sponsors @iggetaway @rebelaffair @eastonwestapparel ----- Practice and #inspireon my fellow yogis ️ ----- #BryceYoga #InspirationGeneration #ArmBalance #yoga #IGyoga;
#WeekendVibes ----- Both #kiddos are getting so big. Loving every moment with them ----- Hope ur having a great weekend so far everyone ️️ ----- #BryceYoga #InspirationGeneration; -
It's all about #EkaPadaGalavasana (#FlyingPigeon) for DAY of the #UprootedYogi challenge ----- BIG THANX to all of you who came out to @YogaGlo for the past two days. I had a blast sharing some #yoga with you Now come and join me tomorrow, Saturday (June 6) at @blackdogyoga in Sherman Oaks from 10:30-12:30pm for some more! ----- Be sure to follow the other hosts @robinmartinyoga @jennifermartinyoga @seanphelpslife and the sponsors @rebelaffair @eastonwestapparel @iggetaway ----- Practice and #inspireon my fellow peeps! #BryceYoga #InspirationGeneration #ArmBalance #IGyoga; -
Alright yogis and movers! Here's DAY of #UprootedYogi. Today we have #SirsasanaA or #HeadstandA with the option for #garudasana (#eaglepose) legs ------------------------------------------------- APPROACH THIS ASANA WITH GREAT ATTENTION TO DETAIL. Start from hands and knees and place your forearms on the floor. A solid foundation is key when playing with Headstand, so make sure your elbows are shoulders width With fingers interlaced, place the back of your head in the palms. This means that the crown of your head is on the floor, not your forehead PRESS DOWN firmly from the base of your pinkies all the way through the forearms into the elbows. Hug your elbows in towards one another as well. This will keep the bulk of the weight in your shoulders and arms...NOT YOUR NECK! Walk your feet in closer to your arms and attempt to lift one leg at a time...with the possibility of being your knees towards your chest. Feel free to extend your legs, or stay here. Adding in the eagle legs is icing on the cake ------------------------------------------------- Have fun, practice safe. Be sure to follow the other hosts @seanphelpslife @robinmartinyoga @jennifermartinyoga and the sponsors @iggetaway @rebelaffair @eastonwestapparel ------------------------------------------------- Practice and #inspireon ️ #BryceYoga #InspirationGeneration #yoga #IGyoga; -
Day 2 : #UprootedYogi Challenge Pose : #ekapadakoundinyasana1 I use to love twisting until, one day, I realized my deep twists were doing more harm than good to my low back. Although challenging, Ekapadakoundinyasana 1 is the perfect twist (aside from the slight jamming of my elbow into my thigh) because, in order to hold it correctly, you must engage your core! Check out @seanphelpslife for step by step instructions and don't forget to follow all of our lovely co-hosts: @robinmartinyoga @jennifermartinyoga @seanphelpslife And sponsors: @iggetaway @rebelaffair @eastonwestapparel; -
100,000 followers and counting!!! Thank you all so much for allowing us to be a part of your #IGcommunity #BabySyd knows exactly how we feel THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU ------------------------------------------------- #BryceYoga #InspirationGeneration;
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