#throwbackthursday to that time Cricket threw out his tongue and gave us that amazing smile! Oh wait..... That's everyday!!!! ️ cricket 8 weeks old! Instagram @fozzcook 824

We where nominated by the cuties @comet_and_scooter to post a #blackandwhite photo. I thought I'd post noodle as he's such a big muppet and such a gorgeous boy! Now If @goldengracekelly @goldenjays and @kimmie_wimmie would like to join in (only if you want to) ️ Instagram @fozzcook 170

It's a tongue out Tuesday kind of day!!!! Look! I can do it with my eyes shut!!! Instagram @fozzcook 584

Will you throw this ball for me into the pool? But I won't give it up of course I'll hold it in my vise like jaw but try and get it out and throw it please! do any of your dogs do this! They want you to throw the ball so badly however never give it up and would rather you try and pry it out with all your strength! Instagram @fozzcook 814

So, this is my Brady bunch inspired birthday cake my husband and boys designed and gave me (how cute is it! It even has the guinea pigs on it and Larry the tortoise!) and what you can't see is all our chickens are around the outside! I wanted to say a BIG THANK-YOU to everyone for their amazing birthday wishes for me! Especially @goldengracekelly for her amazing sign she made me! And @goldenjays @karendj87 @mjanephee @medstudentkitchen for their gorgeous pictures they put up on their IG accounts! Thank you thank you! Also to @courtney_frederiksen for actually making this cake you are amazing!!! Thanks so much guys I had a lovely birthday! And made even sweeter by your kind messages and this cake of course!!! ️ Instagram @fozzcook 385

This is the last in the series of #everyyearCricketandjman ( well.... Until next year of course!) Thank you to everyone who has left such lovely kind messages to the last 4 photos following and watching our puppy and our youngest son grow up together. Until next year.... ️ Instagram @fozzcook 581

Hi everyone, so this is the 3rd in the series of 4 of #everyyearCricketandjman (for anyone who isn't following you can look back at the last 2 photos and watch our son and puppy grow!!) hope you enjoy them! Instagram @fozzcook 667

So yesterday I posted a photo of our youngest son and our youngest pup cricket. Every year we do the exact same pose to see how they both have grown. I was going to post year 4 today but so many people requested that I post the series and hashtag them so I can just post a new photo every year #everyyearCricketandjman so, here is the second year (one year on from the very first photo ... see yesterday's pic) hope you enjoy them! ️ Instagram @fozzcook 833

This photo has 2 important messages..... First:- every year since these 2 furry and non furry guys where just babies we have taken a photo yearly in the exact same position hanging over their dads back ( this photo was taken after a Long day at the park and they both had to be carried back to the car with exhaustion!) tomorrow I will post the photo 4 years on... (If you look back in my feed you'll see the yearly photos!!!) and second:- talking about dads.. My children and all 18 animals couldn't have asked for a more patient (did I say 18 animals yes... Patient!) kind and loving human being than this dad!! @lajerry he truly is an amazing one-of-a-kind guy! Happy Father's Day! ️ Instagram @fozzcook 945

Sometimes when I close my eyes I can't see! Wise words from Cricket!!! Instagram @fozzcook 881

Someone had a bath and is looking his utmost best! For all of 10 seconds.... Then it's back in the pool! . Thanks again @kingofhandsome and @charliebrowngoldenretriever for these amazing bow ties! Instagram @fozzcook 517

3 dapper dogs on a very dapper day! 😀 Thank-you very much @kingofhandsome for these very lovely gifts! You are so very talented! Anyone getting married?.... I have 3 very handsome groomsmen for you!!! Instagram @fozzcook 656

I hope your weekend is as much fun as Crickets Instagram @fozzcook 639

Schools out! What do you do when there's no school..... Just hang with the pups! Instagram @fozzcook 814

Is that Bacon I smell???? Instagram @fozzcook 1,034

My son met a deer..... They loved each other! ️ Instagram @fozzcook 423

Awwww look at this little face! 3 day old golden retriever! my brothers golden had 8 puppies ! Looks like it could be related to cricket ... It's eyes aren't open yet but it's tongue is out! beautiful little baby! Instagram @fozzcook 811

What day is it?? That's right it's #tongueouttuesday!!!!! 😛🏻 Instagram @fozzcook 807

Monday blues... Not for this guy!!! Instagram @fozzcook 856

Sleep in Saturday!!! Instagram @fozzcook 1,260