โพสต์เมื่อ 5 เม.ย 2558 | 21:29 น.

The Rock (Dwayne Johnson)
ของ เดอะร็อค (ดเวย์น จอห์นสัน)

A blast Indianapolis & thank you FINAL FOUR. Florida swamplands get ready.. #DaddysCominHome #Deuces #WhipAppeal; -
They call me "Killer". Or not.; -
40,000 ft. Closing big business deals via this thing called "electronic mail" on my phone, my lovely flight attendant preparing my dead chicken and white rice, while my barber @misssolow shaves my head (which is a task in of itself considering the girth of this damn thing). This pic represents the fact that regardless of who you are, where you're from or what you do.. there just ain't enough hours in the day to get sh*t done. #LifeIsCrazyAndMovesFast #BalanceIsKey #IGotNowhereToRun #JustAnotherSinkingSun #IfICouldOnlyFly; -
Life is crazy and I'm pulled in a 1000 different directions every min of the day. Awesome little faces like this will stop me in my tracks every single time... #BestPartOfMyJob #HappyLittleOnes #GoodThingIHaveLongArmsForSelfies #PapaBearContentInTheHysteria; -
"And ever since Waylon, I can't find no one to buy into sad country songs.. tell me who's gonna ride us away when the last cowboy's gone" #TheLastCowboy #OlJameysJukeboxInTheSky #WheelsUp #LetsGetToWork;
Hangin' w/ the greatest fans in the world. #RedCarpet #BucketListsAndTequila #DontThreatenMeWithAGoodTimeWoman; -
Big opening day for #Furious7. Stop on by and let's chat and chop it up.. 1PM PST/4PM EST. #AskFurious7 #BringSomeBabyOil #NeverMind #ThatSoundedWeird; -
And NEW first time ever... #LipSyncBattleCHAMPION #RockVsFallon #ShakeItOff #StayinAlive #SpikeTV #TequilaTime Had a blast! Thanks for making it so much fun!!; -
Like mama says... #ImGonnaKnockYouOut #RockVsFallon #LipSyncBattle #ImCominToTakeTheTitle TONIGHT on #SPIKE 10pm/9c.; -
My hands say "I love you".. but my face says "I'm comin' to whup that ass". Lip sync battle of ALL LIP SYNC BATTLES. #RockVsFallon #ImCominToTakeTheTitle #SpikeTV #Boots2Asses #PeoplesChamp;
Loose translation of this cacophony of words is, "Let's enjoy the night - bring it" #1AgentSlater @bslater9 #ProducingPartnerGarcia #HardestWorkersOnThePlanet #TheBoys; -
Puttin' these long arms to work.. #Furious7 #WorldPremiere #RedCarpet #FanLove #LongArmSelfieKING #TechnicallyThisIsCalledAGroupie; -
Just had this convo w/ Eva Marie a few days ago about puttin' in the hard work to achieve the goals, then havin' the smarts to being open to how we get there. #HumbleAndHungry #StepByStep #Repost @natalieevamarie ・・・ #WisdomWednesday @therock ; -
At THE ELLEN SHOW today where she's showing the audience our pic of when we were a hot couple back in the 90's. #TheseDaysWeHaveSimilarTastes #BackThenItWasAllAboutThreeThings #FannyPacksHandCuffsAndKittens; -
At DISNEY STUDIOS signing contracts to play the male lead in their next big classic animated musical, #MOANA. Just had an amazing 2hr presentation and it's easy to see why they're the greatest story tellers in the world. Im excited. And in the background my homies Fred & Wasabi from #BigHERO6 are jumpin' for joy joy cause they heard I'm gonna sing in the movie. #WeTrulyKnowWhereWereGoing #WhenWeUnderstandWhereWereFrom #NeverForgetHome #MOANA;
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