โพสต์เมื่อ 15 มิ.ย. 2558 | 09:28 น.

The Rock (Dwayne Johnson)
ของ เดอะร็อค (ดเวย์น จอห์นสัน)

Cool.. Thanks @RollingStone for the #9 spot on TOP 100 INSTAGRAM accounts on the planet. I will only concede to being beaten by #6 NASA and #2 NatGeo. #9OnTheGlobalList #1InYourPrettyLittleHeart; -
Yeah I'm good with my hands... #StraightG #RockSolidFingerControl #AndACheesyWink #PhotoShoot #BALLERS #HBO Premieres JUNE 21st. (clearly I never grew out of high school).; -
Really appreciate y'all sharing this awesome young lady's story with me. Stay strong honey and I appreciate and love the sense of humor you're approaching this with. And for the record, eyebrow is WAY BETTER than mine anyway... #StayStrong #EyebrowGameOnLock; -
The Hollywood SPECIAL FX teams responsible for explosions in movies are always a very unique, talented and bat shit crazy bunch... It's why I love em. In 2 minutes big explosions will happen, glass will shatter and I'll be the only one standing right in front of it. #ThereWillBeBlood #GoOnAndPressThoseDetonatorsBoys #DaddysGottaGoToWork #YouMFs #CentralIntelligence SUMMER 2016; -
The first half of this plan is for me to crash thru the window from the very top floor of this building and fall into that inflatable gorilla that's currently being filled with air.. The second half of this plan involves a fifth of Jack Daniels and pain pills later tonight. Welcome to set.. #CentralIntelligence #JustCallMeTheFallGuy #ActuallyCallMeRockDaniels #JacksBrother;
"Runnin' the rack".. Starting with 100's.. #HeavyHardcoreAndDirty #SoundsLikeAPornTitle #SlabTraining #BringIt; -
I first met Dusty Rhodes at 5yrs old when me and my family were spending time with him and his family on their ranch. This man would become not only a great inspiration and mentor to me, but more importantly inspire and entertain wrestling fans around the world by becoming one of the greatest of all time. Dusty's epically entertaining "Bionic elbow" was my inspiration to create "The most electrifying move in sports entertainment - The People's Elbow". This Heavyweight World Champion personified the blue collar fighting spirit and his influence on the wrestling business is invaluable. I'll be forever grateful for the tremendous influence he's had on me and my career in our beloved squared circle. Miss and love you Dusty.. RIP brother. #HardTimesDaddy #SonOfAPlumber #BadDudeInTheGame #TheAmericanDream; -
Fantastic review for #BALLERS from The Hollywood Reporter. Excited for y'all to see our show... #DopeStyle #CoolSmile #HidesHisPain #BALLERS JUNE 21st.; -
Thank you MEXICO! In just under two weeks you've already made #SanAndreas the biggest disaster movie OF ALL TIME. As always, the love you show me is incredible and can't wait to come back. #WorkoutsAndTacos #AndAFewTequilaBesos #MuchasGraciasMexico #SanAndreas #BiggestOfAllTime; -
When beautiful little Kai visits our set and she wants to "pull the airplane" all by herself. Well, she gets to pull the airplane... all by herself. #GreatJobHoney #AmazingStrengthYouHave #UncleRockPullsAHamstring #OnSet #UnforgettableMemories #CentralIntelligence;
Incredible news from CHINA. #SanAndreas has officially become the biggest opening of any Warner Bros movie of all time! Our movie's become a global event and we appreciate y'all around the world enjoyin' the ride. XIEXIE CHINA and I'll be back soon! #SanAndreas #BiggestOpeningOfAllTime; -
Been an intense hard core kinda morning.. Reminded myself at 4am that regardless of what ya have or are working hard towards achieving, ya can't ever take the present for granted. Try and remember to give it all ya got today, cause ya never know what tomorrow may bring. Yeah, just one of those days... #100Percent #All #IN; -
Had to halt our movie's production for a min to come outside and open my very special delivery. I'm the boss so I can do fun shit like this... #GonnaHaveABlastThrowingBigfootAround #100lbKettleBells #DaddysHappy; -
A lot of fun.. The inspiration for this character "Bob" is Tom Hanks in "BIG" with an added twist. He's a grown man who's extremely childlike and views the world thru exuberant and enthusiastic teenage eyes... Loves to wear his favorite Public Enemy shirt, cargo pants and sneakers to work.. and proudly rocks a fanny pack which holds his Bruce Lee quotes and his Pop Tarts for a snack. The "added twist" is Bob has an extremely high IQ and is one of the most lethal men on the planet as a C.I.A. contract killer. Having a f'n blast crafting and playing this character. Oh the most important character trait.. He hates bullies. Can't wait for y'all to meet "Bob". #FightThePower #BeWaterMyFriend #FannyPackYetDeadly #CentralIntelligence SUMMER 2016.; -
Just wrapped AM cardio to great news out of CHINA. Making #SanAndreas the #1 movie in the world - Again. What makes this so cool is that #SanAndreas is a stand alone movie - not a big franchise, comic book or a superhero movie. Just a big bald tattooed man runnin' around tryin' to save his family and handlin' his business. THANK YOU CHINA. And thank you to the rest of globe for making #SanAndreas the #1 movie worldwide. Again. Enjoy the ride...#XieXie ##DaddyGottaShowerNow;
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