Always good (and vital) to get away from all the madness to our farm and unplug for a few days. Helps me "reset my anchor" before I start production on #BALLERS in one week. *Plus it gives lil' Hobbs an opportunity to go freakin' nuts seeing horses and bass for the first time. #OurFarm #CivilWarLand #MyAnchor #HobbsNightmare Instagram ดารา @therock 175,478

IT'S OFFICIAL. The Rock/Under Armour partnership has been years in the making and we're proud and pumped to have it come to fruition. The goal is to bring you innovative and bad ass products that inspire men, women and kids to stay hungry, humble and always be the hardest workers in the room. #WereJustGettingStarted #UnderArmourFamily #HardestWorkersInTheRoom #ChaseYourGreatness Instagram ดารา @therock 87,633

#TBT With adrenaline coursing thru my veins as you can tell from the sweat beads rolling down my arm.. this was minutes before I was to deliver my big pre-war speech to over 500 of my Thracian soldiers ready take the field to shoot our massive battle sequence in the mountains of Budapest, Hungary. Buuuuut when 3 year old Westie asks Hercules to play Patty Cake well... Hercules does what any proud papa bear would do... he swallows his adrenaline and plays Patty Cake. Westie is the beautiful daughter of my long time producing partner Beau Flynn @flynnpictureco and one of the things you can always count on is our movies will always have a common theme - family and protecting it at all cost. #SonOfZeusWasReadyToGetViolent #TilPattyCakeBecameMy13thLabor Instagram ดารา @therock 179,589

Crazy thing about this artist @maas.art is that we met when I was 24yrs old while playing football in the CFL for the Calgary Stampeders and he describes me back then as "being especially friendly and this smile that beamed all night". The crazy part here, is that was one of the most difficult times in my life 'cause we were broke as hell making $250 bucks per game, living on canned spaghetti and free sandwiches while sleeping on used piss stained mattresses me and my roommates got from the dumpster of a seedy sex motel. True story. If I found a way to smile thru those challenges, that gives you some context as to why it's so easy (and important) for me to smile and be kind to people today. Thank you @maas.art for this dope art and appreciate the memories it brought back. #UsedPissStainedMattresses #GoodTimes #KeepingItHumbleAndHungry Instagram ดารา @therock 130,371

As spokesman and owner of three F-Series trucks (one on our farm and two in Florida) the #1 goal of my partnership with @Ford was to shine the light on hard working specialist who service Ford vehicles and most importantly to me, knowing that we always take care of the people. Always room for improvement, and greatness is the goal. #FORD #SpokesmanOfService #FloridaBoy #FarmBoy #JackEmUp #NoMudFlaps 🏾 Instagram ดารา @therock 201,307

Eagle has landed. Let's take care of business... #Baltimore Instagram ดารา @therock 138,752

Just casually yawning and stretching. #NoBigDeal #WhyWouldAnyoneFlexOnTheJet #BigDayOfBusiness #BaltimoreHereWeCome Instagram ดารา @therock 154,030

When it's time to get after it.. it's time to get after it. Big day of business and travel. AM cardio starts now... #ThatSpecialHour #ReservedForCrazyPeopleAndZombies #HardestWorkersInTheRoom #SweetBabyJesusImTired #LetsRoll Instagram ดารา @therock 63,240

WOW.. Super pumped and grateful to be in the running for 7 PEOPLE'S CHOICE AWARDS!!! That has to be some sort of record, so take that Downey!🏾. Thank you so much for this and I promise to deliver the dopest acceptance speech specifically thanking the ones who make this all possible - all of you. Check out my bio and click the link to vote. #PCAs #LetsMakeHistory #ThenDrinkLotsOfTequila Instagram ดารา @therock 106,130

Thank you big man! Amazing work @chongyi_91! #DopestFansAllOverTheTheWorld #IGotABigAssHead #SoThatsAlotOfPaintAndPencilLead 🏾🏾 Instagram ดารา @therock 124,852

When the world is watchin' on The 'Gram... just do as I say and don't make it weird. #TheresHollywoodTough #ThenTheresRockTough #JustCallMeTheBAMF Instagram ดารา @therock 12,110

Training for our @HBO show #BALLERS with a extreme leg training session and also breakin' in the new #IronParadise. #WalkinTheBlackMile #BloodStarved #FunPain #BallersStartsShootingInTwoWeeks #Miami 🏾 Instagram ดารา @therock 140,540

Dope fan art from @sonia_zarr. Thank you so much for sharing your gift with us! Amazing work. #GreatestFansInTheWorld 🏾 #IKnowThisLookWell #MyIDontHaveTimeForThisBullshitLook Instagram ดารา @therock 161,203

Minutes away from the very first hard core leg training session in my newly built #IronParadise (personal training compound) and needed a very specific playlist of bangers to get us thru it. The walls are made of brick, steel reinforced beams in the vaulted ceiling and (literally) the worlds most powerful subwoofer sits in the corner. This whole thing may turn into a religious experience..🏾 #IronParadise #BloodSweatAndRespect #SendYourSoulToHeavenCauseYourAssIsOurs Tech N9ne kicks us off in 3...2.. Instagram ดารา @therock 59,275

I just appreciate his tenacity going after a size 15 that's bigger than he is. #ThatsMyBoy #AtLeastHeDidntPeeOnIt #HobbsTheBeast Instagram ดารา @therock 45,172

In our big partnership with @Ford we had an internal corporate motto for our #SpokesmanOfService campaign.. "We go big or go home... and we ain't goin' home!" The only missing piece was finding our ace director who was going to help us deliver to the world something big, quality and entertaining with a wink of fun. I suggested @pberg44 and the rest is history. Glad y'all are diggin' the tv spots - we got some cool very content coming for you down the road. #FORD #SpokesmanOfService #DirectorPeteBerg #IMakeHimReadMyLinesToMe #CauseImASpoiledAndDelusionalMovieStar Instagram ดารา @therock 10,830

"Superman don't wear no cape." ~ Muhammad Ali Wow massive fan art! THANK YOU @swiminsl! #NoCapes #InternationalFanLove #Mahalo 🏾🏾 Instagram ดารา @therock 183,459

One of the most entertaining pieces I've ever read from global bad ass VICE'S @jeezandbeans. Writer uses some good quality acerbic humor, but more importantly bases his research in 100% truth. (well maybe the part about me being able to lift barbell with my manhood may be a stretch). 🏾 Instagram ดารา @therock 19,912

It's Friday b*tches.. let's work. ~ Hobbs Instagram ดารา @therock 125,953

Dope artistry by @alexandermason60. Thank you for being a fan bud! #AndThanksForCoveringMyPimples #FanArt 🏾🏾🏾 Instagram ดารา @therock 117,971