โพสต์เมื่อ 8 มิ.ย. 2558 | 07:54 น.

The Rock (Dwayne Johnson)
ของ เดอะร็อค (ดเวย์น จอห์นสัน)

One of the greatest nights of my life... As part of my acceptance speech for the HERO AWARD, I surprised our U.S. Military by announcing that our production company (7Bucks Prods) will team with SPIKE to produce and deliver on next VETERAN'S DAY 2016 a grand scale, star studded (Hollywood, music and sports) epic variety show called #RockTheTroops to entertain U.S. troops who are stationed overseas. Upon hearing this news during my speech, the troops were ecstatic. So was I. Now what made this moment even more epic, was as a 100% total surprise to me.. this award was handed to me personally by a man I've never met, yet who I've always considered to be one of greatest inspirations and heroes... Mr. Clint Eastwood. #ANightOfSurprises #ANightOfGratitude #ANightFun #GuysChoiceAwards #HeroAward #RockTheTroops #VeteransDay2016; -
Very special moment.. Last night at the Guy's Choice Awards I was honored to receive the HERO AWARD given by our U.S. Military to someone who they feel best represents and exemplifies the qualities of our U.S. military and troops. I've had the great pleasure to shake hands and spend time with thousands of U.S. Troops over the years and as a few folk already know, I have military that runs in my family (two Navy SEALS), so my respect for our troops is boundless and I'm extremely grateful to have received such an honor - and thank you troops for joining me on stage in this awesome moment. #GuysChoiceAwards #HeroAward #USMilitary #MyHonor #AndNowIHaveASupriseForYou; -
Just touched down - Boston (from LA). Truly an epic 24hrs. Zero sleep, shooting commercials, award shows, delivering a big surprise to our military and unbeknownst to me... I got the biggest/greatest surprise of my life. More images to follow.. #HappySunday #EnjoyYourFamilyTime #ImHittinTheGym; -
Just wrapped our ESPN/BALLERS commercial with my boys, ESPN's Scott Van Pelt and NFL All Pro, Super Bowl Champ and defensive beast @Clay_Matthews52. We had a blast. Commercial's gonna be dope! #DamnVanPeltIs6Foot6 #ESPN #BALLERS #HBO Series premieres JUNE 21st.; -
"Just doin' my job." #SanAndreas #3D #TheGlobalEvent NOW PLAYING.;
Wheels up. #BostonToLA #BigDayOfBusiness #MissMyPickUpTruckAlready #StillHaveMyJukeboxInTheSky; -
The kind of crazy day that raises the eyebrow.. #AMCardioOutside #HandledAndDone #TakeJetNow #FromBoston #ToLA #ShootESPNCommercialForBALLERS #HitGuysChoiceAwards #ReceiveGreatestHonorFromMilitary #HeroAward #DeliverASpecialSurppriseToOurMilitary #CelebrationDinnerForSanAndreas (will make my boys @bubbakrush @bslater9 pay the bill) #JetBackToBoston #LandAt8AMSunday #HitTheGym #GoHome #TakeNap #HaveEpicCheatDay #Helluva36Hrs #EyebrowRaised; -
Got you. #SanAndreas #3D #GlobalEvent NOW PLAYING.; -
Gettin' wet.. #OnSet #BigActionSequence #GunsWaterAndAHappyTattooedBaldMan #CentralIntelligence; -
For the character I was fortunate enough to play in #SanAndreas the training was extensive: helicopter piloting, small plane piloting, parachute jumping, military boat operating and underwater rescue training for our massive tsunami scene. And the only thing I want to do underwater is flex... #BoysWillBeBoys #OceanOG #LargestWaterTankInTheWorld #SanAndreas #3D NOW PLAYING (sans flexing).;
The movie "experience" of the summer... #HoldOn #WhatWouldYouDo #SanAndreas #3D #1MovieInTheWorld NOW PLAYING.; -
Very proud of my baby girl and her 8th grade graduation today. Greatest bond is that between a father and his daughter. Love you so much, keep up the excellent work and congratulations! #GotYourBack #DadForLife #RegardlessOfHowOldYouGet #IWillAlwaysGrabAndKissYouInPublic; -
#TBT Becoming a National Champion at #TheU #GratefulTheDailyGrind #AndMyDLineBellyFat; -
And when I say everything else in between.. I mean everything. #BossWaxing #BALLERS #HBO Series premieres JUNE 21st.; -
Every once in a while you have to remind rude co-workers at the office that you are not the one to be f*cked with. #HelloMyNameIsBob #IWorkForTheCIA #AndIDoNotLikeBullies #FlossEmAndTossEm #NoSpecialEffectsNeeded #OnSet #CentralIntelligence SUMMER 2016.;
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