โพสต์เมื่อ 7 มิ.ย. 2558 | 08:04 น.

The Rock (Dwayne Johnson)
ของ เดอะร็อค (ดเวย์น จอห์นสัน)

Wheels up. #BostonToLA #BigDayOfBusiness #MissMyPickUpTruckAlready #StillHaveMyJukeboxInTheSky; -
The kind of crazy day that raises the eyebrow.. #AMCardioOutside #HandledAndDone #TakeJetNow #FromBoston #ToLA #ShootESPNCommercialForBALLERS #HitGuysChoiceAwards #ReceiveGreatestHonorFromMilitary #HeroAward #DeliverASpecialSurppriseToOurMilitary #CelebrationDinnerForSanAndreas (will make my boys @bubbakrush @bslater9 pay the bill) #JetBackToBoston #LandAt8AMSunday #HitTheGym #GoHome #TakeNap #HaveEpicCheatDay #Helluva36Hrs #EyebrowRaised; -
Got you. #SanAndreas #3D #GlobalEvent NOW PLAYING.; -
Gettin' wet.. #OnSet #BigActionSequence #GunsWaterAndAHappyTattooedBaldMan #CentralIntelligence; -
For the character I was fortunate enough to play in #SanAndreas the training was extensive: helicopter piloting, small plane piloting, parachute jumping, military boat operating and underwater rescue training for our massive tsunami scene. And the only thing I want to do underwater is flex... #BoysWillBeBoys #OceanOG #LargestWaterTankInTheWorld #SanAndreas #3D NOW PLAYING (sans flexing).;
The movie "experience" of the summer... #HoldOn #WhatWouldYouDo #SanAndreas #3D #1MovieInTheWorld NOW PLAYING.; -
Very proud of my baby girl and her 8th grade graduation today. Greatest bond is that between a father and his daughter. Love you so much, keep up the excellent work and congratulations! #GotYourBack #DadForLife #RegardlessOfHowOldYouGet #IWillAlwaysGrabAndKissYouInPublic; -
#TBT Becoming a National Champion at #TheU #GratefulTheDailyGrind #AndMyDLineBellyFat; -
And when I say everything else in between.. I mean everything. #BossWaxing #BALLERS #HBO Series premieres JUNE 21st.; -
Every once in a while you have to remind rude co-workers at the office that you are not the one to be f*cked with. #HelloMyNameIsBob #IWorkForTheCIA #AndIDoNotLikeBullies #FlossEmAndTossEm #NoSpecialEffectsNeeded #OnSet #CentralIntelligence SUMMER 2016.;
We got a huge night planned at this years #GuysChoiceAwards. Hosts @Tarajiphenson and Terrence Howard and EP @caseypattersontv are gonna kill it! Honored to be a part of this special night. Let's have some fun.. #TarajiYouAintReadyForMeWoman; -
One of the best things about #SanAndreas is that it's sparked earthquake preparedness conversations all around the world. Thanks to our great partners @FEMA and @AdCouncil for this Ready.gov reminder to drop, cover and hold on. #BePrepared; -
On JUNE 21st we begin building our dynasty... (and have a lot of fun in the process) #LegendsDontRetire #TheyReinvent #BALLERS #HBO Season premieres JUNE 21st.; -
"I will run in this house and pee on all your shoes if you don't stop teasing me with my snack.." #2Dudes; -
We made a good one. THANK YOU! #SanAndreas #1MovieInTheWorld Enjoy the ride...;
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