โพสต์เมื่อ 7 มิ.ย. 2558 | 02:44 น.

The Rock (Dwayne Johnson)
ของ เดอะร็อค (ดเวย์น จอห์นสัน)

The kind of crazy day that raises the eyebrow.. #AMCardioOutside #HandledAndDone #TakeJetNow #FromBoston #ToLA #ShootESPNCommercialForBALLERS #HitGuysChoiceAwards #ReceiveGreatestHonorFromMilitary #HeroAward #DeliverASpecialSurppriseToOurMilitary #CelebrationDinnerForSanAndreas (will make my boys @bubbakrush @bslater9 pay the bill) #JetBackToBoston #LandAt8AMSunday #HitTheGym #GoHome #TakeNap #HaveEpicCheatDay #Helluva36Hrs #EyebrowRaised; -
Got you. #SanAndreas #3D #GlobalEvent NOW PLAYING.; -
Gettin' wet.. #OnSet #BigActionSequence #GunsWaterAndAHappyTattooedBaldMan #CentralIntelligence; -
For the character I was fortunate enough to play in #SanAndreas the training was extensive: helicopter piloting, small plane piloting, parachute jumping, military boat operating and underwater rescue training for our massive tsunami scene. And the only thing I want to do underwater is flex... #BoysWillBeBoys #OceanOG #LargestWaterTankInTheWorld #SanAndreas #3D NOW PLAYING (sans flexing).; -
The movie "experience" of the summer... #HoldOn #WhatWouldYouDo #SanAndreas #3D #1MovieInTheWorld NOW PLAYING.;
Very proud of my baby girl and her 8th grade graduation today. Greatest bond is that between a father and his daughter. Love you so much, keep up the excellent work and congratulations! #GotYourBack #DadForLife #RegardlessOfHowOldYouGet #IWillAlwaysGrabAndKissYouInPublic; -
#TBT Becoming a National Champion at #TheU #GratefulTheDailyGrind #AndMyDLineBellyFat; -
And when I say everything else in between.. I mean everything. #BossWaxing #BALLERS #HBO Series premieres JUNE 21st.; -
Every once in a while you have to remind rude co-workers at the office that you are not the one to be f*cked with. #HelloMyNameIsBob #IWorkForTheCIA #AndIDoNotLikeBullies #FlossEmAndTossEm #NoSpecialEffectsNeeded #OnSet #CentralIntelligence SUMMER 2016.; -
We got a huge night planned at this years #GuysChoiceAwards. Hosts @Tarajiphenson and Terrence Howard and EP @caseypattersontv are gonna kill it! Honored to be a part of this special night. Let's have some fun.. #TarajiYouAintReadyForMeWoman;
One of the best things about #SanAndreas is that it's sparked earthquake preparedness conversations all around the world. Thanks to our great partners @FEMA and @AdCouncil for this Ready.gov reminder to drop, cover and hold on. #BePrepared; -
On JUNE 21st we begin building our dynasty... (and have a lot of fun in the process) #LegendsDontRetire #TheyReinvent #BALLERS #HBO Season premieres JUNE 21st.; -
"I will run in this house and pee on all your shoes if you don't stop teasing me with my snack.." #2Dudes; -
We made a good one. THANK YOU! #SanAndreas #1MovieInTheWorld Enjoy the ride...; -
Cool to meet @humzaproduction. Dude's a huge YouTube star who's very entertaining, humble and hungry. One of the goals for our production company 7BUCKS PRODS is to create platforms in the digital space for up and coming talent to get recognized and reach a greater audience. We got some cool things cookin' up for undiscovered talent and look forward to possibly working w/ him and many others in the future. #7BucksProds #DigitalPlatforms #Repost ・・・ Ok so today in LA I had a few meetings at WME & then my lovely agent decides to organise a meeting with me and @therock Let me start by saying that this guy has always been my NUMBER 1 INSPIRATION! Since I was a kid I have watched ALL of his wrestling fights, I have seen ALL of his films.. If I had a choice to meet only 1 person on this planet it would easily be The Rock! Let me just say that chilling with this guy today was the best experience of MY LIFE & it makes you realise that anything in life is possible, you just have to work hard & believe in yourself! I never thought that making youtube videos would get me 63 MILLION VIEWS, or even meet my role model! Dreams do come true and I must also say that this guy is the NICEST, GENUINE MOST HUMBLE GUY I HAVE EVER MET! He may be the BIGGEST STAR in the world but he took time out of his busy schedule to chat with me & I will never forget this! He even took his own phone out and recorded his own video! He probably won't put it up but just the thought that he would be this humble and do something like that is inspiring! I may die of gas today so forgive my long essay but just wanted to share this moment with you! I will always be a fan till the day I die & everyone make sure you check out his new movie #SanAndreas 😎😀 #BESTDAYOFMYLIFE;
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