이석증이라니.. 이게왠말이냐.. 술취한것처럼 천장이 빙글빙글...구토증상에.. 아오.... sick with otolithiasis...... Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 815

둘이 어쩜 표정도 똑같니..? 사랑해 내친구 Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 1,900

👭👭👭👭👭👭 고맙습니다♡ Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 1,763

its just me being me. 🍼 Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 1,018

아..............창피해 힝........ 그래도 멋진 쿨가이 선발대회에서 핏걸 명예상주셨다!! 오예 i almost fell today lol #맨즈헬스 #쿨가이선발대회 Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 1,623

I lava u goofball 노란구슬만 가득하기😶 Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 1,765

앤씨아-바닐라쉐이크 까메오 출연 NC.A-vanilla shake came YoonG 다들 빨리 들어봐요!! oh vanilla shake shake Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 642

간만에 엄마랑 지수랑 한잔 복숭아맛 넌 뭐이리 맛있니 #다케야 (신사동 541-9)수민오빠 대박나!! Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 1,054

비가오는군 몸은 찌뿌듕..️ Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 5,854

나는 마녀다😈 금발이 그립군... missing my blonde hair today Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 729

오늘 하루도 무사히 끝..♡ 다들 좋은하루보냈나요? long day today! hope everyone had a nice day Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 1,841

The Show Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 3

얼굴 전체에있던 오이 다 뺏어먹고 남은 한개도 먹겟다며 내옆을 지키는 코코.. 으이그! 너땜에 오이팩도 못하것다.... coco ate all the cucumber pieces off ma face.. she wants that last one too.. no more cucumber skin care for me.. Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 4,179

오늘두 화이팅 Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 1,416