if you love me. Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 466

후두둑 후두둑 소나기 소리️ Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 1,399

this too shall pass. Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 848

내사진이 가득한 이 책도~ 옷들도~ 신발도~ 편지들도~ 코코간식도~ 핸드폰 커버도~ 다 너무 고마워요 '단한사람' '늘사랑해' 이라는 책제목 너무 맘에드네~나도 늘 사랑해요 이쁘니들️ fans sent me so many amazing gifts including this wonderful book with my pictures in it! Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 106

우유주떼염~ 오랜만에마시니까맛나네 Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 1,858

Chancellor X Bumkey (챈슬러 X 범키) 손이 가 (Son E Ga) 꿀보이스 두명의 만남이라니.... 꺄!!!!!! Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 234

또생파ㅋㅋ 생일 축하해주신 모든분들 너무 고맙습니다! my 4th cake today lol so blessed! thanks everyone for all the birthday wishes! Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 1,699

다들 너무 고맙습니다️ thanks for an amazing birthday party♡️had to repost.. sowie Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 3,363

생파 다들 너무 고맙습니다️ thanks for an amazing birthday party️ Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 1,409

great meeting you and shooting with kihong! sucha fan of Maze Runner! 기홍씨와 즐거운 촬영 #befunnystudios #Seoulrunner Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 824

really enjoyed filming with Minho from Maze Runner 기대된다^^ #befunnystudios #Seoulrunner Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 1,413

머리 말리는건 왜이렇게 귀찮은걸까...........? 예의상 틴트는 바름 Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 5,960

집에 들어오자마자 밖이 더 시원하다며 다시또 테라스 뛰쳐나오기️ Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 761

오늘 싸인회 와주신분들 너무 고마워요! thanks for coming today Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 1,491

심양을 사랑하는 나에겐 또다른 행복한 맛집이 생겼다!!!!! 논현동 청양🐏!!! 으엉 너무 맛이쬬!! 다들 컴온 (서울시 강남구 논현동 144-6) Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 550

비온후선선한 오늘같은밤️ 간만에 우리집 테라스 오픈~ 가족들과 한잔근데 이사진엔 울엄마 큰삼춘 숙모도 없네ㅜㅜ having a drink with da fam @my house Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 807