날씨좋구~ 선물받은 썬구리 이쁘구~ 이제 일하러 가볼까나 #트락션 #날씨짱 Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 894

my favorite churros #streetchurros Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 766

Happy Mother's Day 세상에서 가장 예쁘고 멋진 내 베프 울엄마~ 엄마딸로 태어나서 난 너무나도 행복해! 항상 고맙고 사랑해요! Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 663

생일주 생일축하해 노글이♡ㅋㅋㅋㅋ birthday shot for ma Noel with a bunch of everything hehe Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 929

아침에 일어나보니... 술이깨보니... 이런영상만 여러개......ㅋㅋㅋㅋ재경아 우리 우째? many drunk videos on my phone this morning LoL Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 977

간만의 토요일을 즐기는 신난 두여자 its been awhile with this cutie Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 338

쾡..하다 ㅋㅋ excuse my bareface 쌩얼 Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 795

꺄르르 웃음소리가 끊이지 않는 우리들♡ 오래오래 함께하자♡ u guys make me the happiest girl in the world! Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 723

너무나도 특별한 날들이 다 모인 5월5일..♡ 그대들과 함께여서 너무 행복했어 사랑해! 생일축하하고! 1년축하하고! 3년 축하하고! Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 721

ill miss you bro&coco&hanul! 보구싶을꺼야 내 동생들 힝 ㅜㅜ Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 1,042

내가 제일 좋아하는 KATSU-YA my FAV #3 #katsuya #bombrolls Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 981

하루에 몇끼를 먹을수있을까..? 먹고싶은거 다먹고 가고싶다...another FAV of mine♡ #californiachickencafe #CCC #foodheaven Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 698

이게뭐라고 이렇게 행복할까나... 너무 먹고싶었던 hot turkey bagel sandwich my FAV #westernbagel #hotturkey Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 61

now THIS is my kind of a best morning in LA 내사랑 코코찡이랑 일어나자마자 뛰어놀기 Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 1,256

재밌으셨죵?오늘의 승자는 #맥콜 이라는 Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 934

Pacquiao vs Mayweather 으아 떨려... 과연 누가이길까!? 얼굴이 타서 오이팩중인 내얼굴은 무시하삼 ready for the game with fam & friends~ excuse my sunburnt cucumbered face Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 1,379

숨통이 트이는 느낌..️ reunited with my family.. nothing beats this! Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 369

졸업축하해 내동생♡ congratulations bro! u made it!! Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 24

Seoul to LA ️ for my babybro Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 699