absolutely LOVE this moment ️ #sunset #sundown #home #magical #집 #하늘 #석양 #해질녘 Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 629

mwah! obssessed with my new jewelry from @jewelstojet #jewelstojet #jewelry #earrings #tibi #nightout Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 1,643

rainy day in LA~ love it! @ #urthcaffe 비오는날 너무예쁜 urth caffe Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 875

oh my gosh.. waited for an hour! it was definatelyworth it! 한시간 줄섰다..... 여기 너무맛있다........... #mariosperuvian #melrose #hollywood Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 138

throw back from like a month ago! Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 1,377

pesto mozzarella roll i should put some marinara sauce next time! 페스토 모짜렐라롤 완성🤗 나혼자 다먹고 엄마꼬 다시 하는중 🙄 #baking #cooking #cheese #bread #홈베이킹 #베이킹 #빵 #치즈 #맛스타그램 Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 1,034

stretching before going for a run with coco and it started raining as soon as we got home! 뛰기전 스트레칭! 코코는 빨리 뛰고싶어 나만 쳐다보네 뛰어서 집에 오자마자 비옴......🙄 #하이킹 #러닝 #나이키 #running #nike #workoutclothes Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 1,542

its already been 8years. words just aren't enough to express how much i love , thank , and miss you. U are forever my sky☄ Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 661

because i believe in fairytales #fairytales #dreams #frankeileen Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 794

us three sisters reunited i missed my babes♡ 내 고등학교 베프들 Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 165

LA에 다시 여름이 오려나? wonderful weather in LA these days.. #hiking #justdoit #nike #하이킹 #나이키 Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 813

단발머리 어디감..? 엄청자랐네ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ my hair is growing so fast Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 1,388

sushi night with the fam + a park Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 619

정확히 2초후...엄마한테 한소리들음 exactly 2 seconds later... got yelled at by mama LOL🙄 Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 1,553

Legends are Forever! nba will never be the same!Thank u for giving me so many amazing memories of being ur fan growing up! #kobebryant #legend #수고하셨습니다 Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 157

Happy Thanksgiving everyone Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 978

샌프란시스코까지 온 보람이있다 ♡ 코비가 내눈앞에.... 그리구 역사적인 게임을보다니!! 16게임 연속으로 이긴 워리어스 대박...BUT 난 평생 레이커스팬! Congrats to the Warriors! I got to witness their historic moment! and yes currys crazy..... im just glad that i got to see Kobe play! lakers all the way ️ Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 5,009

congrats to the Warriors for their historic victory! just glad that i got to see my favorite Kobe♡ and currys amazing! but still lakers all the way ️ 16게임 연속 우승이라니.. 워리어스 대박..ㅋ 그래도 난 평생 레이커스팬! Kobeㅜㅜ 사랑해요ㅜㅜ Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 143

Die hard laker fan! C'mon kobe! Lets go lakers lets go!! 샌프란시스코까지왔다.. 레이커스 화이팅 제발!!!! Instagram ดารา @ns_yoong96 723