#fbf LA Glam Squad #Oscars2015. A reunion coming up... #staytuned @dilokritbarose @larryjarahsims @deborahlippmann @micaelaerlanger Instagram ดารา @lupitanyongo 2,302

Love is... time well spent with friends, in hats. #tbt @deborahlippmann Instagram ดารา @lupitanyongo 8,191

#WorldElephantDay. Remembering the baby elephant I met at @dswt a few weeks ago, who was found alone with his leg trapped and maimed in a poachers' snare, his trunk stabbed and severely injured by one of their spears. When I met him, he had to breathe through that stab wound. #notcool. 33,000 elephants are killed every year so that a few people can wear and display a few trinkets. We can do better. Be #IvoryFree @wildaid @dswt #iworry Instagram ดารา @lupitanyongo 11,809

Me and my friends in Brooklyn. #Ilovebk #runningshoesnosummertimeblues #heelsareforhurtin #houseparty Instagram ดารา @lupitanyongo 5,337

Honored to be a part of artist Ruramai Musekiwa's poster series, #Sibahle. In anticipation of South Africa's Women's Day (Aug 9), a salute to the more than 20,000 women who marched to the Union Buildings in 1956 to protest the extension of apartheid Pass Laws to women. #wearebeautiful #weareable @SibahleAfrica @okayafrica Instagram ดารา @lupitanyongo 4,958

Rested. Revitalized. Ready. Thank you @miraval_resort. Instagram ดารา @lupitanyongo 11,434

Exciting news: I am getting back to the STAGE! This Fall, catch me at The Public Theater for my New York debut in Danai Gurira's play, ECLIPSED, directed by Liesl Tommy. SEPT 29TH to NOV 8TH. More info: http://goo.gl/FQ5N3L #nobusinesslikeshowbusiness #theheartofthematter @liesltommy @danaijekesaigurira @publictheaterny Instagram ดารา @lupitanyongo 4,187

No, this is not a photograph. It's a digital painting by @ManziJackson. I know, I couldn't believe it either until i watched the timelapse of his 76 hour process here: https://youtu.be/dzZQ14w6Ay4. #weekendworkofart. Thank you for your time, Manzi, the only gift we really have to give. And what talent! #marvelled Instagram ดารา @lupitanyongo 13,524

I love this simple/poetic/cryptic, illustrated note I received from Tirath at KICC in Nairobi. Someone tell Tirath that I say THANK YOU! #fanmailfriday #fbf. #drawingsworthathousandwords #HandWrittenNotesAreWayCoolerThanEmails. Instagram ดารา @lupitanyongo 5,391

#Repost @thandieandkay ・・・ "You can be an actress or a Vogue model in Paris,'' says the former actress and Vogue model Princess Elizabeth Bagaaya of Toro, ''but not an African princess. Being a princess can only be meaningful when you're amongst your people. That's why I live in Toro.'' Princess Elizabeth of Toro photographed by Irving Penn #Ugandaflashback #lovewhoyouare Instagram ดารา @lupitanyongo 7,516

What happens when you invite your extremely talented stylist to join you in your home country for her first safari experience? #Vogue comes along too! Check out @houseoferlanger's #virginsafari album on vogue.com. #ivoryfree #Lupitawashome @voguemagazine photo: @dilokritbarose Instagram ดารา @lupitanyongo 11,519

Summertime #manigram. A subtle color to bring out the florals. #alittleglitterfortheglam Instagram ดารา @lupitanyongo 6,354

Serena! Amen!! #cantstopwontstop Instagram ดารา @lupitanyongo 16,974

#ParisVibes Instagram ดารา @lupitanyongo 14,289

#Repost @dilokritbarose ・・・ Friday night in Paris 🏽️ @lupitanyongo @rscapellan @vernonfrancois @maurydimauro #Paris #TGIF #SummerInParis Instagram ดารา @lupitanyongo 9,328

My #tbt is a Hair tip from the infinitely talented @vernonfrancois: when you go #glamping and you forgot your spray bottle, an iron can come in very handy... #multipurposehouseholdappliances #Kenya #Amboseli #Safariglam #thisiscalledcreativity #dontturniton Instagram ดารา @lupitanyongo 9,116

It's a pack of cards, a pride of lions, an exaltation of larks, a giggle of girls... What do you call a group of Lancôme Ambassadresses? @lancomeusa @lancomeofficial @lancomeuk @lancomemakeup #lancome80 #IsabellaRosellini #JuliaRoberts #PenelopeCruz #KateWinslet #LillyCollins #DariaWerbowy, #AlmaJodorowsky #latergram Instagram ดารา @lupitanyongo 7,168

Margiela morning. Couture show gave me goosebumps. @maisonmargiela. Photo by @dilokritbarose Instagram ดารา @lupitanyongo 2,359

A #Froses coiffure to celebrate Lancôme's 80th anniversary. Happy birthday @lancomeofficial @lancomeusa @lancomeuk! #lancome80 #aboutlastnight @vernonfrancois Instagram ดารา @lupitanyongo 3,885

Dance lessons from Aoko in preparation for the #Lancome party tonight. Happy 80th Anniversary! #expectsomeseriousmoves #cantwait @lancomeusa @lancomeofficial @lancomeuk #latergram #Kisumu #nevertoooldtodance Instagram ดารา @lupitanyongo 6,487