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To follow by faith alone is to follow blindly. 신념만 가지고 따르는 것은 맹목적으로 따르는 것과 같다. - 벤자민 프랭클린, Benjamin Franklin Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 2,017
Stop overeating on the weekends! Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 5,186
Eating well, sleeping well, and exercising well are very importing things to do to maintain a healthy life.#HwangssabuRules Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 1,973
He that is busy is tempted by but one devil; he that is idle, by a legion. 바쁜 자는 단지 마귀 하나로부터 유혹 받지만, 한가로운 자는 수많은 마귀들로부터 유혹 당한다. - 토마스 풀러, Thomas Fuller Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 2,350
Yo~! Now is "Hwangssabu Rules time"! Do not worry about the time and place! As the next person! #HwangssabuRules Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 1,716
With regard to excellence, it is not enough to know, but we must try to have and use it. 탁월하다는 것은 아는 것만으로는 충분치 않으며, 탁월해지기 위해, 이를 발휘하기 위해 노력해야 한다. - 아리스토텔레스, Aristotle Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 2,070
No matter "WHAT WHEN WHERE"Always remember Hwangssabu Rules! ^^< Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 2,558
Things do not change. We change. 상황은 바뀌지 않는다. 다만 우리가 변하는 것뿐이다. - 헨리 데이비드 소로, Henry David Thoreau Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 1,285
Got it~! Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 3,610
단백질은 체중에 맞게 드셔요~!^^ 뭐든지 과하면 안좋습니다~!^^* Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 3,402
Everybody upload special "Hwangssabu-Rules" about your Country! gogogo~#HwangssabuRules Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 1,350
What is written without effort is in general read without pleasure. 노력 없이 쓰인 글은 대개 감흥 없이 읽힌다. - 사무엘 존슨, Dr. Samuel Johnson Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 1,179
U Got it~! Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 2,517
No matter "WHAT WHEN WHERE"Always remember Hwangssabu Rules! ^^< Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 2,843
MUSCLEMAG NOV.2014. 스스로 할 수 있어야 진정한 "자기관리"다~!^^*#MUSCLEMAG Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 2,084
Under all speech that is good for anything there lies a silence that is better. Silence is deep as Eternity; speech is shallow as Time. 어떤 것에든 이로운 말 밑에는 그보다 나은 침묵이 존재한다. 침묵은 영원처럼 깊고 말은 시간만큼 얕다. - 토머스 칼라일, Thomas Carlyle Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 1,000
GRAZIA KOREA NOVEMBER FIRST ISSUE 2014. "황싸부"의 JUST TRY~! 군살 더블 이팩트~! 공식 홈페이지www.grazia.co.kr와 페이스북 www.facebook.com/graziakorea 그리고 인스타그램 @graziakorea 에서 확인 할 수 있습니다~^^* Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 1,763
"황싸부 룰(Hwangssabu Rules)"이란? 건강과 다이어트를 위한 기본 수칙으로 일정한 간격으로 하시면 더욱 좋습니다. 먼저 제자리에서 스트레칭하고 물한잔 천천히 드시고 박수 10번 신나게 치고 마지막으로 크게 웃는 겁니다!!^^ 쉽죠! 자주 하셔요^^ Hwangssabu Rules? Basic Tips for Health and Diet at regular intervals even better! 1. Stretching right now 2. Drink a cup of water slowly 3. Clap beats 30 times 4. Last laugh out loud ^__^ That was easy! Often these can maintain the health!^^ Do it~ Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 2,823
We make progress if, and only if, we are prepared to learn from our mistakes. 실수에서 무언가를 배울 준비가 되어 있을 때, 아니 그럴 때에만 우리는 진보한다. - 칼 포퍼, Karl R. Popper Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 1,394
Got it~! Instagram ดารา @hwangssabu 3,254