#HappyFathersDay ! I love you!!!!!! #BestDadInTheWholeWorld #해피아버지날 ! 사랑해 아빠!! #세상에서제일짱인아빠 Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 25,750

Went and received a lot of luck for this comeback lol #BTOB #Comeback #Complete #괜찮아요 이번 컴백을 위해 복 많이 받고왔어요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ #비투비 #컴백 #Complete #괜찮아요 Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 31,608

Double tap the pic 사진 두번 눌러요 Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 26,207

Go follow @kairosmg everyone! #KairosMusicGroup #Kairos 다들 @kairosmg 팔로해주세요! Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 13,734

9th right now! Everyone's listening right?!?! #BTOB #YookSungjae #WhoAreYou #OST 9위! 다들 듣고있죠??? #비투비 #육성재 #후아유 Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 28,238

#BTOB #Comeback #1stAlbum #Complete #괜찮아요 We're back!! #비투비 #컴백 #첫정규 #Complete #괜찮아요 비투비 다!!!! Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 22,019

New shoes #Disney #Vans #DidntEvenTakeTheTagOffYet #KeepOrReturn??? #HelpMeDecide lol 새 신발! #디즈니 #반스 #아직택도안땠어 #환불할까말까 ? #도와주세요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 18,236

@btob_silver_light is on Instagram! Go follow him @btob_silver_light 드디어 인스타 시작했다! Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 20,698

How #Eunkwang parties at a club #TurnUp #은광 이형 클럽에서 노는 모습 #털ㄴ업 Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 26,444

Last one! Put my Korean name in 1. He doesn't look like he needs any cuteness 2. One spoon of loneliness 3. Lastly, 74 cups of stamina #ImDone lol 마지막으로 한글 이름 입력....ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ..... #할말없음 Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 24,031

Didn't like my first result so I typed in my name in English... I don't like these results either 1. 7 spoons of Clarity 2. Oops my snot fell in 3. I ran out of stamina so I'll put Viagra in instead ...... #wtf ?! 첫 결과 맘에 안들어서 영어로아름 입력했는데.... 이것도.... #뭐야 #나한테왜래 ?? Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 22,010

When God made me... 1. Make him look a little old 2. 3 spoons of concentration 3. Idk when I put it in but he already has a lot of sexual desire #WhatsWrongWithMyResults #IDontLikeThis LOL 신이 날 만들때... 성욕이.... 그렇구나.... ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ #뭐지 #내결과왜이래 #맘에안들어 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 21,684

Dance w/ @prepix_ill ! My dancing is so messy... Lol #DirtyDancer #RelieveStressThroughDance #WannaBeAGoodDancer lol @prepix_ill 이랑 춤수업!!! 나 춤 되게 지저분하게 춘다... 😕ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ #스트레스댄스로푼다 #춤잘추고싶다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 31,027

Can't wait for #Terminator #Genisys ! #ByungHunLee #Represent #ImAFan #Hyped #IllBeBack # #터미네이터 #제네시스 빨리 보고싶다... #기대돼 #이병헌 씨 #팬입니다 #IllBeBack # Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 21,474

Practice! #Fighting! #Who got fooled by ️ and thought it was a comeback hint? Lol I was just messing around with you guys.. it wasn't a hint #OrWasIt ? :P lol #sorry 연습! #파이팅! # ㅋㅋㅋ ️ 컴백 스포인줄안사람 있어요? 걍 장난 친건데....스포아니예요 #아닌가스포맞나 ? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ #미안 Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 25,834

What BTOB does in the car part 2 #BangBangBang ! #EunkwangsFootGun #MostDangerousGunInTheWorld 비투비 차안에있는 모습 Part 2 #BangBangBang #세상에서제일위험한총 #은광이형발총 #빵야빵야빵야 Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 29,854

This is what BTOB does inside the car... Lol #BigBang's #WeLikeToParty is a good song to listen to while driving ! #MinhyuksVoiceDidntCrack #HeDidThatOnPurpose #PleaseBelieveMe lol 비투비 차안에있는 모습 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ #빅뱅 선배님들 #WeLikeToParty 드라이빙하면서 듣기 좋다 #민혁이형삑살이난거아니야 #일부러저렇게한거야 #오해하지마라 #제발믿어주세요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 38,042

another day of recording!! #Eunkwang #Chicago #BTOB #Comeback #Recording # 오늘도 녹음! #은광 이형 #시카고 #비투비 #컴백 #녹음 # Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 9,806

No recording today! #RestDay came to #Yongsan for my cousins birthday! Have a good day everyone # 오늘은 녹음 없더 #쉬는날 사촌 생일이라서 #용산 으로 왔다~~ 좋은 하루 보내세요! #️ Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 33,179

new tank top #NoWorriez # time to record again! #BTOB #Comeback #Recording 나씨 새로샀다~ #노우걱정 # 오늘도 녹음! #비투비 #컴백 #녹음 Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 16,113